Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1976, T. 23, z. 4

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  • Miniatura
    „Ojcowie” u św. Atanazego Aleksandryjskiego
    Longosz, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1976)
  • Miniatura
    Lata święte w XV i XVI wieku
    Wojtyska, Henryk Damian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1976)
    The paper in a synthetic way describes the events of the Holy Years both in Rome and in Poland, from the last Jubilee of the 33-year cycle till that of 1600. The jubilee indulgence of 1450 was of special importance. It was celebrated in a messianic atmosphere of expected renewal of the Church after the period of dissention and decay. This jubilee attracted many Poles to the Holy City; moreover, since Pope Nicholas V extended it over to Poland in the next year, the jubilee became the first Remittance Year in the Church history by which the whole Polish nation could benefit without visiting Rome. The next jubilees, in particular the first of the 25-year cycles (1475), did not arouse such enthusiasm; it was only in the Holy Years of 1575 and 1600 that a large number of pilgrims gathered in Rome — the centre of the post-Trent Catholicism regenerating triumphally. And again, after a hundred years’ period, the grace of the last Holy Year in the 16th century became extended to Poland. In 1603 in Kraków all Poles could obtain the jubilee indulgence. According to the chroniclers of that time, spiritual fruits of that jubilee were extraordinarily great. In conclusion, the Holy Years history of the 15th and 16th centuries reveals the source and the principal, perennial sense of the jubilee indulgences, including that of Anno Sancto 1975.
  • Miniatura
    Religijna i narodowa rola lat świętych w XIX wieku
    Zieliński, Zygmunt (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1976)
    In tehe nineteenth century, Europe and papacy went through the period of significant changes started by the French Revolution. Not only political treties (in which Vatican did not play the role of an equal partner any longer, but was rather a petitioner of powerful, absolutist world—powers) were, of importance for the lot the Church, but also furter—going idelogical changes. These circumstances caused that the celebrations of Holy Years in the nineteenth century were not similiar to the preceding years. On the Polish territories, this difference was stressed by the conditions of national slavery. Thus, only about the years 1825-1827 one can speak, and only in the relation to the Polish Kingdom, about full, resembling old, national and religious traditions, jubilee celebration. It was priesthy event on a great scale. Nest jubilees fell in the years that were difficult for Apostolic See; in the middle of the century, after the springtide of nations, in 1875 after the annexation of the Church State; and for the Polish nation, which after uprisings was subjected; especially under the tsar’s rule, to strong restraint. Only in Galicia Prussia was going though Kulturkampf—and there, the jubilee of 1876 resounded. There too, the times of half-century were too—dose to the recent riot. It is worth to add, that jubilees of the second half of the nineteenth century did not carry the marks of the past triumphalism any longer, but were rather the appeal of the pope to cammon prayer for the successful fulfilment of the world mission of the Church.
  • Miniatura
    Polityka rządu Królestwa Polskiego i administracji carskiej wobec seminarium duchownego w Sandomierzu 1841-1914
    Kotkowski, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1976)
    Diocesan seminary in Sandomierz had been founded by biskop Adam Prosper Burzyński on account of the postulates included in bulla ”Ex imposita Nobis” of Pape Pius VII, of 30 th June, 1818, concerned with the erection of Sandomierz diocese, and organization of its ecclessiastical school. Grand opening of the seminary took place on 7 th November 1820. Sandomierz Seminary, like other ecclessiastical schools, shared the ups and downs of the Catholic Church in the Polish Kingdom. Both the efforts of the political authority, tending to the destuction of the Church autonomy on the Polish teritories, and its Russifying ambitions, bavé a fullreflection in the contemporary history of the seminary in Sandomierz. In the attempt of invasive authorities towards subordination of Sandomierz seminary (in that period) theree stages, that were conditioned by different political and ecclessiastical relations can be recognized. The first of them, (1841-1863), was the stage of increasing interference of Government circles into the inner seminary life. The second, (1863-1905), was the period of the fight the Church authorities with the invader, who attempoted at comprehenisive control and supervision over the seminary, and especially over the education and upbringing of alumni. Finally, the third (1905-1914), reflects the termination of the Russifying policy of tsar’s authorities in the seminary. In that period, the Apostolic See, having extrenely important significance in the political and ecclessiastical history (of the period discussed), came ont in the defence of the fundamental and essential rights of the Church in the field of upbringing and education of church youths in the Polish Kingdom, against the autlempts and demands of the secular authority. Among others, the treaties that Roman Curia made with Russien government, (of 3 rd August 1847, 24 th December 1882, 2 nd April 1897 and 22 July 1907), in order to secure for seminaries the organization consistentwith. Church regulations, evidence it.
  • Miniatura
    Niektóre tendencje i zasady pierwszych wspólnot heterodoksyjnych na podstawie „Stromatów” Klemensa Aleksandryjskiego
    Drączkowski, Franciszek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1976)
  • Miniatura
    Przedtrydenckie księgi liturgiczne pochodzenia czeskiego w bibliotekach polskich
    Danielski, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1976)
    In 1850-1971 at the Catholic University of Lublin was carried out a stock-taking of the liturgical manuscripts reserved in Polish libraries. The number of liturgical codices after the reform of Trent estimated at 840. The main problem is the time of their origin and affiliation to a particular diocese or religious order. Owing to the already known criteria it was possible to distinguish 21 handwritten codices of the Prague and dioceses. As the author is the first to compare these codices, he first of all tries to demonstrate the grounds of their previous identification (W. Schenk, J. Zathey), and in 8 cases determines their origin himself, particularly those contained in the collections of Kraków, Gniezno and Kielce. Thus, all Polish libraries contain 5 Prague and 2 Olomonc missals, 4 Prague breviaries, a gradual, a calendar and a litany, which, together with the 24 copies of printed missals and breviaries from these dioceses (11 editions) constitute rich comparative material for the studies of liturgy in Poland. E.g. an interesting problem constitute the traces of assimilation of certain elements of liturgical tradition of the Prague cathedral, contained in the books of Kraków liturgy (last quarter of 15th cent.), nonexistent in Wrocław. The author also mentions two extant ‘evengeliary’ codices of Brevnow (end of 11th cent.; the so-called Gniezno and Pułtusk evangeliaries), a pontifical of 14th cent, and 4 antiphonaries (the only relicts of the Carmelite liturgy in Poland).
  • Miniatura
    Ostatni wielki jubileusz w Polsce niepodległej (1776) na przykładzie diecezji płockiej
    Librowski, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1976)
    The universal jubilee celebrated in 1775 in Rome by permission of Pope Clement XIV was extended over the whole world in 1776 by Pope Pius VI. The paper presents the organization and the course of the jubilee in Poland on the example of the Płock diocese where best sources in this matter are retained in the form of four printed volumes entitled „Rozrządzenia y pisma pasterskie [...] Michała Jerzego Poniatowskiego, biskupa płockiego...” (Decrees and pastoral letters of Michał Jerzy Poniatowski, Bishop of Płock). Basing upon them one can trace the excellent preparations (direct and indirect) of the diocese for the jubilee, its three-stage course, the ending and subsequent spiritual fruits. In the first stage (half a year) the ceremonies were performed in three centres of the bishopric: Płock, Pułtusk and Łomża. In the second stage (a quarter of a year) ten minor towns joined : Czerwińsk, Mława, Myszyniec, Ostrołęka, Płońsk, Praga, Sierpc, Skępe, Szczuczyn, and Zakroczym. In the third series of the jubilee (one month) indulgences were obtainable on the territory of every parish.
  • Miniatura
    Pierwszy rok święty w Kościele katolickim (1300)
    Kumor, Bolesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1976)
  • Miniatura
    Mariologia św. Atanazego Wielkiego
    Starowieyski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1976)
  • Miniatura
    Adalbert G. Hamman. I cristiani del secondo secolo. Milano 1973 Il Saggiatore ss. 332+2 tabl.
    Śrutwa, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1976)
  • Miniatura
    Aquileia e l'Africa. Ed. Centro di Antichità Altoadriatiche. Udine 1974 ss. 402.
    Śrutwa, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1976)
  • Miniatura
    Program i obchody Wielkiego Jubileuszu Odkupienia w 1933 roku
    Zahajkiewicz, Marek Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1976)
    On 24 Dec. 1932 Pius XI, on the occasion of Christmas greetings payed to him, gave an adress in 9 which he mentioned the approach of the New Year 1933 and the 1900th anniversary of Salvation. Simultaneously, the Pope outlined the main ideas of the nearing festivities : 1. focussing attention on the fact of mankind’s salvation, and 2. peace in the world. The Jubilee Year was solemnly proclaimed by the bulla „Quod nuper” (30 Jan. 1933). Besides, there appeared many other Apostolic See documents devoted to the oncoming festivities. The Jubilee was first celebrated in Rome from Easter 1933 till Pascha of the following year. Only later the Jubilee Year became extended on to the whole world (8 April 1934 — 28 April 1935). Both in the first and in the second phase of the festivities, which were celebrated it Rome itself, active participation ot the Polish Church could be observed. This manifested itself in the organization of special services, processions, celebrations and pilgrimages which proceeded not only to the major sanctuaries of the country, but also to Palestine and Rome. It is noteworthy that, apart from these external manifestations, numerous confessions, Holy Communions and concentration on spiritual life took place. The Jubilee Year was a great event which mobilized all Christianity and brought a certain revival to religious life. These celebrations also emphasised the current problems of the epoch and above all the question of world peace.