Psychologiczne uwarunkowania w funkcjonowaniu małżeństwa i rodziny
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Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska
The family is the most basic and hence a very important social group, which is a subject of interest of many scientific fields. It is understandable that family and marriage, which is the core of a family group, are also of high interest in psychology. All leading schools of psychology perceive the family as an important source of information about the development of an individual and his/her personality from the very beginning. The history of an average family is marked with similar events. At the beginning there is a couple which learns how to live together. With the appearance of children, new relations are being formed, which transform the existing family group. As such, family is a very dynamic structure, which is changing with the number of people in this group and with the development of each of the member. This dynamic is also accompanied by a rich emotional life of all the family members, which naturally creates some conflicts, especially when the emotions are not recognized, not named and not controlled. Escaping from these somewhat natural conflicts may lead to unnatural silence and isolation in the family, on one hand, and to aggression and conflicts, on the other hand. Either one of these causes emotional disorders in families and negatively influences children growing up in such a social environment. Such children become in the future adults that carry some unresolved emotional problems, which often cause new emotional problems in their own families. All events of family life, as well as the accompanying emotions, need an open attitude and dialogue as basic methods of solving human problems. The parents (couple), as the real core of a family, should be able to approach all these issues through wise and attentive conversation.
Słowa kluczowe
rodzina, małżeństwo, psychologia, życie rodzinne, cykle życia rodzinnego, rozwój rodziny, kryzys rodziny, dzieci, rodzice, family, marriage, psychology, family life, cycles of family life, family development, family crisis, children, parents
Studia Gdańskie, 2007, T. 20, s. 239-253.
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