Msze polifoniczne w redukcjach jezuickich Indian Moxo i Chiquito




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Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego


Although since the release of the film The Mission have already passed two decades, so the same movie as the music composed for her by Italian composer Ennio Morricone they enjoy great popularity. Morricone did no know authentic music of the Jesuit missions, which in the 1980s, when the film was made, was considered lost. Based on the study of the Jesuit scholar, Clement J. McNaspy, The Lost Cities o f Paraguay, however, he knew that music played an important role in the work of the evangelization of the natives. He was also well informed about the great musical talent of Indian musicians and choirs and orchestras established in every mission town. Recent studies, based on authentic musical manuscript for centuries in the mission churches and houses of the Indians of the Bolivian rainforest zone, do not question the charm of the music composed for the film. However, they demonstrate undeniably that the level music achieved in the Jesuit reductions and its seductive-for the soul- beauty surpassed the proposal of Morricone. Ave Maria Guarani, Penance, Conquest etc. of the film have his pair in the archives of Bolivia, where thousands of pages of Baroque music created in the missions were recently obtained. Using the example of the polyphonic masses stored in the music archives of Moxo and Chiquito Indians, the article describes the musical culture and liturgies in the Jesuit reductions, confronting them with celebrations held in cathedrals and parishes of the 17th and 18th century America. The essay recounts musical works of the missions both for Ordinarium Missae and Proprium Missae.


Słowa kluczowe

muzyka, music, muzyka kościelna, church music, msza polifoniczna, polyphonic mass, polifonia, polyphony, liturgia, muzyka liturgiczna, liturgy, liturgical music, msza chorałowa, choral mass, śpiew liturgiczny, liturgical singing, jezuici, misje, działalność misyjna, redukcja misyjna, redukcje jezuickie, Jesuits, missions, missionary activity, missionary reduction, Jesuit reductions, Indianie Moxo, Indianie Chiquito, Indianie, Native Americans, manuskrypty, rękopisy, manuscripts, manuskrypty muzyczne, musical manuscripts


Liturgia Sacra, 2011, R. 17, nr 1 (37), s. 95-106.


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