Niemetafizyczne argumenty na istnienie Boga u świętego Tomasza z Akwinu




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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum


In this article auhtor is conducting deliberation dedicated to nonmethaphisical arguments for the existence of God in doctrine of Saint Thomas of Aquino. The author presents problems of prephilosophical cognition of existence of Good, cognition through religious faith and through religious experience. The basic purpose of this text is to give an answer to the question: are the non-methaphisical arguments for the existence of God a confirmation of a teistic tesis? In the light of Saint Thomas’ doctrine the answer for this question must be negative.


Słowa kluczowe

filozofia, philosophy, Tomasz z Akwinu, Thomas Aquinas, poznanie Boga, cognition of God, dowody na istnienie Boga, evidence for the existence of God, argumenty, arguments, argument niemetafizyczny, non-metaphysical argument, przedfilozoficzne poznanie Boga, pre-philosophical cognition of God, wiara, faith, doświadczenie religijne, religious experience


Studia Ełckie, 2011, T. 13, s. 31-50.


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