Roczniki Teologiczne
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Roczniki Teologiczne swoją metryką sięgają lat 50. XX wieku. Rozpoczęto wtedy, w ramach działalności Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, wydawanie specjalistycznych czasopism, które reprezentowały poszczególne wydziały uczelni. W latach 1949-1990 dla Wydziału Teologii były to „Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne”, które po powstaniu „Roczników Nauk Prawnych” zmieniły swą nazwę na „Roczniki Teologiczne” (1991-2008). Tom 55 z 2008 r. obejmował 10 zeszytów tematycznych. W 2009 r. z dotychczasowych zeszytów poszczególnych „Roczników Teologicznych” utworzono samodzielne tytuły z nowym numerem ISSN i nową numeracją tomów. Zaznaczyć jednak należy, że kolejny tom każdego tytułu posiada równoległą numerację ciągłą, nawiązującą do tytułu poprzedniego. Od tej pory – przez pięć lat (2009-2013) – wychodziły: „Roczniki Historii Kościoła”, „Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne”, „Roczniki Nauk o Rodzinie”, „Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne”, „Roczniki Teologii Dogmatycznej”, „Roczniki Teologii Duchowości”, „Roczniki Teologii Ekumenicznej”, „Roczniki Teologii Fundamentalnej i Religiologii”, „Roczniki Teologii Moralnej”. W 2014 r. nastąpił powrót do pierwotnej koncepcji wydawania zeszytów poszczególnych dziedzin w ramach jednego tytułu „Roczniki Teologiczne”, zachowując nadal ciągłą numerację.
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Pozycja Sekcja Teologii Duchowości KUL (1961-1991)Słomka, Walerian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The paper deals with the subjet-matter First on a historical then on a personal basis, taking into account the output of particular chairs and research workers. Finally, it outlines the directions of research which is carried out within the framework of the department and some aspects of its activity.Pozycja Wolfgang H. Schrader. Ethik und Anthropologie in der englischen Aufklärung. Der Wandel der moral-sense-Theorie von Shaftesbury bis Hume. Felix Meiner Verlag. Hamburg 1984 ss. XX + 214.Dziuba, Andrzej F. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)Pozycja Podstawowe zagadnienia metodologiczne teologii duchowościChmielewski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)Pozycja The Hierarchy of Human ValuesSłomka, Walerian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)Autor osadza problematykę wartości i hierarchii wartości w chrześcijańskiej wizji antropologicznej. W związku z tym wyróżnia wartości właściwe naturze ludzkiej, ludzkiej osobowości i człowiekowi jako bytowi osobowo-podmiotowemu. W wyniku tak postawionego zagadnienia świata wartości zarysowuje też wypływające z tego konsekwencje praktyczne.Pozycja Nowoczesność a sacrumPiwowarski, Władysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The author has taken up the current problem of the influence of modernity on sacrum. First he defined the concept of modernity in comparison with tradition. Then he dealt with sacrum discriminating its “substantial” approach from the functional. It allowed him to distinctly separate sacrum irora profanum. Finally, he concentrated on the perspective of sacrum in the contemporary society. According to him, modernity and sacrum not only are not exclusive but they mutually influence each other. One cannot, then, accept the standpoint that modernity supersedes sacrum. The author turned his attention to the specific character of the Polish society. What contributes to this character is the co-existence of modernity and sacrum in the totalitarian system and the functioning of sacrum more at the all-national level than in everyday life. This specific character has certainly contributed to a certain difference in the functioning of sacrum in the Polish society-to-be. The decisive role in its shaping falls to the Catholic Church.Pozycja Patrocinia kościołów parafialnych w archidiecezji (halickiej) lwowskiej do końca XVI wiekuTylus, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The paper deals willi the problem of palrocinia which problem is little known in Poland. The patrocinia concern the areas which historically belonged to Poland, the archdiocese of Lvov. According to material based on authorities and studies it was shown against the possibly broadest range throughout 260 years (1340-1599). The author established the number of parochial centres at 125 (churches and chapels with the rights of a parish), out of which 90 have a particular patrocinium. Including all known main and the so-called contitularis (secondary) palrocinia these churches have altogether 164 patrocinia. Among them the greatest number constitute saintly patrocinia (90), then Marian patrocinia (49), trinitarian (22) and angelical (3). In order to belter understand the questions of patricinia the author attempts to present them against the background of the liturgical cult of the Church, the patrocinia of Europe, in the diocese of Cracow, and sometimes in Silesia and Greater Poland. He also attempts to pinpoint the direct motives which decided about the acceptance of a concrete invocation. Very often, especially with the trinitarian and Marian patrocinia, it was the common cult of the Church, and with the angelic and saintly patrocinia it was the name of their founder, his personal piety and influence that decided about it, as well as the influence of Lvov churches, with the cathedral at their head, the influence of mendicant orders, the patronage of the saints in the Middle Ages and whether the churches were situated by the trade route. Patrocinia came to these regions along with the surges of immigrants from Poland, Czechoslovakia and Germany. It was also the local Russians with their customs and piety that contributed to the choice of a patrocinium. The chronology of the patrocinia of parochial churches shows that Marian patrocinia were the oldest (The Holiest Virgin Mary, The Nativity of the Holiest Virgin Mary, and the Holiest Virgin Mary of the Snow). Out of trinitarian invocations to the oldest belong: the Holy Trinity, the Holy Cross and the Holy Ghost; out of saintly patrocinia: Mary Magdalen, Nicolaus, Stanislaus and All Saints. Starting from the 15lh century all the invocations that have been mentioned in the paper are more and more popular. Il turns out that the hitherto sudies dealt with the invocations from the period of the 17lh - 20th centuries, while the primary patrocinia were often different. The documents of churches which the author has studied witness to this. Taking the proper patrocinia for that period the paper establishes a new list. At the same time the author bases himself on the archivals of the Lvov archdiocese in Lubaczów and he adds some years to the hitherto accepted dates of the erection of parishes. It is illustrated by the table in the paper.Pozycja Kirche und NeuroseNowak, Antoni Jozafat (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)Artykuł pt. Kościół a nerwica został wygłoszony jako referat na sympozjum Międzynarodowego Towarzystwa Psychologii Religii i Nauk Psychologicznych. Odbyło się ono w Wiedniu w dniach od 14 do 16 listopada 1990 r. Uczestnicy tego sympozjum reprezentowali 11 państw. Po krótkim wprowadzeniu autor omawia skomplikowane zagadnienie, jakim jest nerwica, trudności z próbą jej zdefiniowania oraz sklasyfikowania. Nerwica ma również silne powiązania z poczuciem winy. Następnie autor przechodzi do problematyki tzw. nerwic “eklezjogennych” i zastanawia się, czy rzeczywiście Kościół święty może być przyczyną zaburzeń życia psychicznego. Po ukazaniu istoty Kościoła świętego, jego roli w historii świata, jego wpływu na świadomość człowieka, na formację osobowego sumienia chrześcijańskiego powraca do terminu “nerwice eklezjogenne”, uzasadniając, że jest on sine fondamento in re. Należy raczej mówić o nerwicach religiogennych. Autor podkreśla istotną różnicę, jaka zachodzi między postawą religijną a postawą wiary. Wiara jest łaską! Tylko człowiek ma potrzebę kultu, pyta o sens życia. Specyficznie ludzki schemat religijny, obok języka twierdzeń, jest słupem granicznym, który wyróżnia człowieka ze świata zwierząt. Potrzeba religijna może jednak pobłądzić, ulec patologii w sensie natężenia (np. fanatyzm religijny) lub w sensie ukierunkowania, kultywując niewłaściwy przedmiot (np. kult systemu, ideologii), aż po kult szatana. Autor analizuje również nerwice religiogenne o charakterze kolektywnym. Stwierdza, ze człowiek nie dlatego jest znerwicowany, że nie znajduje się we właściwej relacji do Boga, ale nerwica jest tym przebiegiem psychicznym, który uniemożliwia wejście w zdrowy kontakt z Bogiem, świetle wywodów okazuje się, że termin “nerwice eklezjogenne” jest terminem bezprzedmiotowym, refleksjach końcowych autor nawiązuje do wezwania Jana Pawła II, by ponownie ewangelizować Europę. Zwraca uwagę, że w Europie zanika łaska wiary, zauważamy natomiast ogromny rozwój rozmaitych sekt. Zjawisko to jest szczególnie intensywne w dużych miastach. Ważne jest zatem kryterium św. Augustyna: “Na ile ktoś miłuje Kościół Chrystusowy, na tyle ma Ducha Świętego”.Pozycja Berît 'ôlām w wyroczniach proroków niewoliSzwarc, Urszula (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The paper is an analysis of the oracle in Ezek 16, 60-61a; 37, 26; Is 55, 3; 61, 8. It allows to slate that the prophets of the time of the Babylonian slavery basically took the concept “everlasting covenant” to mean a new covenant between God and Israel. As a result of this Jahve will for ever live among His people. The nation will be internally and spiritually transformed, so that they will never be unfaithful to their God.Pozycja Religijność ludowa w ocenie Episkopatu Latynoamerykańskiego (Medellin ‘68)Napiórkowski, Stanisław Celestyn (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The paper reports on the chapter devoted to folk religiousness which chapter is part of the documents CELAM from Medellin (1968) concerning folk religiousness. It is done in the form which corresponds to the structure of the said chapter first it describes the situation of the subcontinent of Latin America (differentiation of faith, changes which undergo their religiousness or sectarianism, the gradual character of the acceptance of the Church, the problem of the criterium of evaluation and conclusions), then theological principles (imperfect character of religious religiousness, the need to accept it as a chance for faith, the inner dynamism of folk religiousness in the direction of an authentic faith and two directions of the Church's actions: towards herself and towards the fellowship established by the Word and Eucharyst), and finally there are some pastoral indications (evangelical studies, evangelizing and creating small fellowships). Instead of a conclusion the paper quotes some opinions from the discussion on some points Medellin gives for Polish religiousness and Marian folk religiousness.Pozycja „Przyjdź królestwo Twoje!”Langkammer, Hugolin (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)Pozycja Relacje interpersonalne w środowisku seminaryjnymNowak, Antoni J. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)Pozycja Specyfika duchowości katechetówŁabendowicz, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The fact that religion teaching is back in schools has stimulated discussion about proper preparations on the part of catechists and has imposed new requirements on them as to their spiritual formation. The author, meeting the demands, points to the fact that person of a catechist is significant in the process of transmitting the contents of a catechesis and requires a proper spiritual formation. In the ministration of catechists one seeks certain authenticity and conformity with the mission of the Servant of the Word in the fellowship of the Church. The catechist through the very fact of his participation in the mission of the Only Teacher Jesus Christ, becomes at the same time intimately linked with Christ. The spiritual Life which was initiated in the Holy Baptism demands that catechists be continually developing and cooperating with the Holy Ghost, proportionally to the tasks which they have to meet. On the basis of abundant literature the author defines and characterises the range of the concept “spirituality of catechists”. Then he discusses the basic dimensions which mould the spiritual life of catechists such as: the Word of God – Christ, the fellowship of the Church, service to man as well as the integrating activity of the Holy Ghost. Referring the catechist to Christ, the Church, to another man and to the activity of the Holy Ghost is the foundation of the Spiritual formation and determines its specific character. The above considerations have been supported by practical conclusions.Pozycja Przegląd bibliografii teologicznomoralnej za rok 1989Greniuk, Franciszek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)Pozycja Prymat racji moralnych w życiu politycznymWróbel, Józef (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)Politics understood as “a various kind of economic, social and legislative activity which organically serves to the growing up of common good” cannot do without some steps defined by the requirements of moral oder. The ideal, to which ultimately tends the dynamic coexistence of the two orders, is the specifically personalistic form of the very politics. One can accomplish this aim by way of a consequent transformation of the objective structures of the State into subjective. The ultimate criterium of evaluating politics is the good of a person as a being living in a concrete human society and tending to integral perfection. Thus this good should not be taken exlusively in its individual dimensions, but first of all, social, that is to say as personal good of the whole society. The factors which shape this participation in the spirit of justice are human rights and duties, and the social virtue of solidarity. Respecting person’s dignity and its rights creates bases for social and political pluralism. One can put it into practice while preserving at the base level a common consensus as for the principles of social coexistence, and at the same time, values which bear universal charakter, such as: human rights, common good, freedom, equality, citizen’s love, justice, solidarity. Social and political pluralism assumes also that these two fundamental citizen’s attitudes, ie tolerance and compromise, are widely accepted. These attitudes do not mean, in their essence, indifferentism in relation to truth or individualy professed truths. They mean a specifically form of personal and social relations at which bases there lies a will to respect the universally accepted values and love of social peace.Pozycja Teologiczny sens „ethnos” w Ewangelii Świętego MateuszaKowalczyk, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)In the Old Testament and Early Christian tradition there occurs the concept of a nation in its lay and religious sense. One of these terms, used by the biblical authors of the New Testament to express the reality of a nation, was the term ethnos. St Matthew's Gospel presents an original vision of a nation against the background of other books of the New Testament. That is why an analysis of this term in that Gospel brings forth many interesting conclusions. At the lay level ethnos bears many anthropogenetic, somatic and psychic characteristics; at the religious level ethnos means one great nation created by God and led through history to eschatology. It does not mean that this new nation levels historical nations. For the Editor of St Matthew Gospel it is an intermediate category between people and the Kingdom of God. God creates His Kingdom by virtue of nations. Consequently the large number of nations are bound together by Christ and his Kingdom which marches through the nations giving them a new dimension. In this sense nation – ethnos – is a certain substructure of the Church.Pozycja Herby w oratorium zamkowym w Lidzbarku WarmińskimGigilewicz, Edward (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)In the castle oratory of the former residence of Warmia bishops in Lidzbark there are, aside to the coat of arms of bishopric, four coals of arms of Warmia bishops: Łukasz Watzenrode (1489-1512), Mikołaj Tungen (1467-1489), Pawel Legcndorf (1458-1467), and Jan Abezier (1415-1424). The latter deserves our special attention since in Polish literature concerning this subject-matter he is most often omitted or misidentified, which made a proper interpretation of that painting impossible. Out of many bishops who held an office in the period between J. Abezier and Ł. Watzenrode the coats of arms of bp. F. Kuhschmaltz (1427-1457) and Card. E. S. Piccolomini (1457-1458) have not been taken into account here, which can mean that the founder of that painting, Ł. Watzenrode, did not think them to be legitimate administrators of the Warmia diocese. The coats of arms from the oratory are a perfect presentation of the episcopal coats of arms in the 15th century, when the coat of arms came into common use on the Church ground. They also show close relationships between the Church and knight's heraldry in the 15th century, which is documented by the shape of heraldic shields.Pozycja Z fenomenologii liturgiiBartnik, Czesław S. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)Liturgy is a phenomenon which can be sensibly explained only in the light of personalism. Then it turns out to be a particular „theo-logy” and anthropology. The author touches upon the following fabrics of the Catholic liturgy: the liturgical language and liturgical semantics, aesthetics and the liturgical sense, the cathegoiy of the soul and body, objectivism and subjectivism, individualism and societism, the cathegoiy of nature and culture, the liturgical style and the private style, logic and freedom, logos and pragma.Pozycja Świętość małżeństwa w rozumieniu Malachiasza. Analiza egzegetyczno-teologiczna perykopy Ml 2, 10-16Maciej, Gabriela (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The purpose of the article is an analysis of a pericope Ml 2, 10-16 with special regard to a teaching about marriage, which is contained in the pericope. Three principal problems are discussed: literary gender (I), exegetical analysis which helps to lay down fundamental ideas of the pericope as follows: (a) marriage as a convenant, (b) God as a witness of the covenant, (c) Israelite wife as: “wife of youth”, “partner for life”, “wife of covenant” (II) and theological conclusions concerning these ideas (III). The pericope 2,10-16 consists of two parts: w. 10-12 concern a problem of intermarriages and w. 13-16 – a problem of divorces. Marriages with pagan women are called by prophet Malachi „an abomination” Such marriages are acts, which insult a covenant with God and profane a temple, which is a “holiness” beloved by God. Malachi calls pagan wives “daughters of foreign gods” and underlines in this way a guilt of Israelite husbands, pointing to close connection of these women with false gods. Men, who don't care about it, marrying pagan women in spite of everything will be punished by deprivation of certain rights within community they betrayed. They will be put away from social and religious life and won't be able to make atonement with any kind of offerings, because they will not even have the right to offer sacrifices to God. In the same radical way the prophet condemns divorces. He stresses a fact that Israelite wives were divorced without their own guilt and opposes them to “daughters of foreign gods”, calling them: “wives of youth”, “partners for life” and “wives of covenant” This first marital union have had a great value, for God himself was its witness. The prophet defends abandoned wives, condemns unfaithful husbands and warns of such proceeding, which hits holinees of a marital convenant.Pozycja Koncepcja ewangelizacji ludzi starych w kościele współczesnymNarecki, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)The author makes an attempt at a pastoral consideration over the Church's mission towards old people who – aside to children, the youth and adults – constitute an essential element of class evangelization. In spite of that that class mission, traditionally called “class pastoral care”, has for many ages been realized in the Church, yet it requires a new insight through the contemporary anthropological conditionings, post-Conciliar teaching of the Church and psycho-existential problems of the faithful. At the same time it requires an attempt to place this pastoral care in its churchwide and general-parochial context. Having in mind the development of ordinary and extraordinary forms of pastoral care as well as the fact that various forms of apostolate would participate in it, there must be a parallel manner of evaluation. Aside to that, the problem of old people has hardly been exposed in pastoral literature and particularly in practice. This problem was dealt with on the occassion of some church charitable actions or parochial pastoral care for the sick. It was advisable then to present a separate, though generally outlined, conception of a ministration to old people, and that in the light of the above determinants. There was a need for “optimization” it to new churchwide and general-parochial tasks. The latter demand that the ministration be considered within a broader framework of evangelization which would embrace both the whole sphere of pastoral care and apostolate.. This “conception of evangelization” the author has considered in four dimensions: I. – justifying reasons, sanctioning this conception as a solid ministration; II. – the churchwide and general-parochial territories which put it into practice; III. – conditions of effectiveness, efficiency of its influence; IV. – drawing conclusions with possible perspectives for the development. These considerations, though outlining only its general conception, through the position and role of the contemporaiy Church, point at the still untouched realms of pastoral cosideration and evangelizational practice. It goes without saying that they are a challenge to the Polish Church of the '90s.Pozycja Bibliografia prac z organizacji duszpasterstwa (1963-1990)Kamiński, Ryszard; Narecki, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1992)