Studia Ełckie, 2022, T. 24, nr 4
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Pozycja Kościoły i parafie diecezji ełckiej (cz. 4)Guzewicz, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2022)The article presents parishes and churches: Holy Trinity in Budry, Saint Jadwiga Queen in Bystry, Saint Brother Albert Chmielowski in Chełchy, Our Lady of Częstochowa in Cichy and Of Our Lady Queen of Poland in Cimochy.Pozycja Dojrzałość synowej w świetle koncepcji ks. prof. Zdzisława ChlewińskiegoJuroszek, Weronika (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2022)Pozycja Rzetelność dziennikarska. Postać dziennikarza we współczesnych tekstach teatralnychFlader-Rzeszowska, Katarzyna (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2022)The article discusses the figure of a journalist presented in the contemporary drama scripts. The author analyzes how consistent journalists are, if they observe professional ethical standards and if they treat their profession as a calling and mission or only a way of making a living. The analysis of three dramas – Witaj Barabaszu by Jarosław Jakubowski, Powrót do Reims by Beniamin Bukowski and Wolny strzelec by Ishbel Szatrawska – suggests that the journalists featuring in the dramas treat their profession as a way of creating reality, manipulating facts along with their reception, taking advantage of guests and informers to present a subjective account of events. When preparing the materials, they fail to maintain integrity, especially the principle of being unbiased and objective. The descriptions of the journalists indicate a loss of public confidence in media-related professions. Many current journalists have ceased to be thoughtful professionals and turned into being entertainment providers, manipulators or celebrities. The theater seems to hyperbolize this situation to put the problem in the spotlight and encourage a public debate.Pozycja Promowanie pozytywnego wizerunku katechety (nauczyciela religii)Kopiczko, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2022)The aim of the study is to outline the research framework for the issue of promoting a positive image of a catechist (religion teachers). This goal, in accordance with the pastoral paradigm, will be achieved in three points. Firstly, theoretical assumptions will be presented that suggest what this image of a catechist should be like. The second element is the presentation of the results of research conducted for the purposes of this study. The third point is the presentation of conclusions. As the teaching of the Church, the results of research and the long Polish catechetical tradition show, it is necessary to be a witness to a living faith. It is also important to know the teaching material thoroughly and to be a good teacher. Contemporary challenges add communication competence, openness, sensitivity and spontaneity. The binder for all these features is caring for your own image. This necessity, however, comes not from empty vanity but from the knowledge that they will teach in the name of Jesus.Pozycja Realizowanie podstawowych zasad formacyjnych w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym Diecezji Ełckiej w latach 2012-2022Sieńkowski, Marcin (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2022)The article is a study devoted to the implementation of the formation principles at the Theological Seminary in Ełk in the years 2012-2022. The first part presents the personal structure of the Seminar. Based on the cited data, it turned out that the most variable element of the seminar structure is the decreasing number of alumni. The team of formators and the group of lecturers, which also underwent modifications, constituted a relatively stable construct. The second part deals with the means and ways of implementing the formation principles in force at the Higher Theological Seminary in Ełk. These principles were included in the formation document for the seminaries of the Church in Poland (1999). Each of the four dimensions of formation (human, spiritual, intellectual, pastoral) was governed by its own rules. Based on the study, it should be said that to a greater or lesser extent all of them were taken into account in the process of shaping vocations in the Ełk Seminary. The basic ways and means of their implementation are included in the Regulations and the Statute of the seminar. In addition, their shape was determined by the experience from previous years of the Seminarʼs operation, guidelines and proposals of teams responsible for formation associating rectors, spiritual fathers or prefects, the specificity of the events experienced and the conditions of the local Church.Pozycja Analiza aktywności pastoralnej online w czasie pandemii COVID-19 na przykładzie diecezji ełckiejPawlina, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2022)The Covid-19 pandemic caused changes in all areas of society, including the religious sphere. A number of activities moved to the internet. Despite the difficulties, the Church did not stop proclaiming the Good News during this time and continued much of it online in order to remain connected to the believers. In this article, the Author used the magisterial method and content analysis of websites and social media, as well as a categorisation of online pastoral work during the pandemic period. The field of analysis was the Diocese of Elk. The Author presented a case study of Y major online activities of clergy and the laity during this time. These were: charity, evangelisation, catechesis, culture, prayer, Holy Masses and religious services, Holy Scripture, retreats and news. To provide a nationwide context, he also cites quantitative nationwide studies in relation to online broadcasting of Mass and Polesʼ engagement in spiritual life during the pandemic.Pozycja Ks. Jacek Ludwik Wojda, Kasata diecezji podlaskiej 1867. Między berłem a pastorałem, Wydawnictwo Diecezji Siedleckiej Unitas, Siedlce 2022, ss. 193.Guzewicz, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2022)Pozycja Bezstronność światopoglądowa a obecność symboli religijnych w instytucjach publicznychSzewczyk, Roman (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2022)The Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997 formulated the principle of religious, ideological and philosophical impartiality of public authorities, which, apart from the principle of equal rights for churches and other religious associations, determines the Polish model of state-church relations. Impartiality in matters of religious, ideological and philosophical beliefs concerns public authorities, not the state as the political structure of the nation. Public authorities in the Republic of Poland, both individual and collective, are created by persons with specific religious, ideological and philosophical beliefs. Therefore, taking into account the respect for the freedom of conscience and religion of persons performing the functions of authorities, as well as the principle of impartiality of public authorities, the formula of open neutrality should be preserved in a democratic state of law, according to which public authorities are obliged to equal treatment of all people, regardless of their beliefs, on the other hand, they refrain from accepting the principles of one religion, worldview or philosophy, also those of an atheistic or agnostic nature. It should be emphasized that, contrary to the demands of various groups to remove the cross from public space, its presence is not a contradiction or a violation of the constitutional principle of impartiality of public authorities in matters of religious beliefs.Pozycja Conflicts over the Language of Additional Services in the Diocese of Sejny or Augustów in the Second Half of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth CenturiesKatilius, Algimantas (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2022)In 1898, a questionnaire was sent the parish clergy on behalf of Antanas Baranauskas, Bishop of Sejny, in which, among other things, they were asked about the local languages used in church practice. An analysis of the clergy’s answers shows that at the end of the nineteenth century, there were not many potential parishes in the diocese of Sejny or Augustów where conflicts over the use of languages in the additional services could arise. The Lithuanian language was well established in most Lithuanian parishes or in those with few Polish believers. The most important source for studying the causes and development of linguistic conflicts in parishes is the parishioners’ petitions written to their spiritual superiors and to the civil authorities. These petitions include demands of each side, explain the situation, and ask for a change in the situation with regard to one language or the other. In the appeals written by the Lithuanian believers, the justification of the introduction of the Lithuanian language in additional services was that the majority of the believers in the parish were of Lithuanian nationality and that most of the parishioners did not understand Polish. The reason given by the Polish believers in their petitions was the tradition, i.e., that the Polish language had been around for a long time or that their ancestors built a particular church. The reactions of the hierarchs of the diocese of Sejny or Augustów to linguistic conflicts in the parishes depended on the number of believers of one nationality or the other in a parish. This was to maintain the principle of fairness, so that neither side would be disadvantaged. In the parishes discussed, the majority of the believers were Lithuanian parishioners, and this was taken into account in determining the proportions of sermons, hymn-singing, and other liturgical rites. The use of Polish in additional services was thus given its proper place.