Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne, 2010, T. 1 (57)
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Pozycja Misteryjna natura liturgiiMigut, Bogusław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)The mystery nature of liturgy issues from the mystery nature of God’s Revelation that has its height in Jesus Christ. It is in liturgy that Christ’s salutary mystery is actualized. Owing to this, man can participate in Christ’s mystery, and the very mystery achieves its aim. The mystery nature of liturgical celebration is fulfilled in its being a reorientation of Christian life to the mystery of Christ and to participating in it. The mystery character of celebration is also warranted owing to its five dynamisms: remembrance, participation, presence and action of the Holy Spirit, and in consequence the presence and action of Christ-the Church, and reference to the heavenly liturgy. Owing to these dynamisms liturgy is not just educating people and cheering up their hearts, but it is supposed to become the meaning of their lives, an impersonated adoration. The truth about the mystery nature of liturgy is confirmed in the Church’s Tradition and teaching, as well as in the post-Caselian liturgical theology that achieves its most mature form in the Roman school. The mystery character of liturgy should be constantly discovered and emphasized both in ars celebrandi and in ars participandi of liturgy. It consists in the concentration of the Person of Jesus Christ and on the attitude of adoration. If liturgy in its mystery character is a continuation of the mystery of Jesus Christ by its actualization, the care for the mystery character of liturgy is the care for the growth of God’s Kingdom until its fulfillment in the Heavenly Kingdom. Also its language results from the mystery nature of liturgy. The proper and the only permissible language of liturgical celebration is the symbol and the sign, whose special kind is the uttered word.Pozycja Orędzie homilijne w okresie zwykłym w ciągu roku cyklu BDyk, Stanisław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)One of the reasons of a lesser efficiency of preaching in homilies is the fact that every Sunday the homily is preached as if it were independent and not connected with the previous and the following ones. However, it should be possible to end a homily, at least from time to time, with a remark that the homily will be continued, which would really serve emphasizing the sense of continuity and identity of the congregation. The preacher is supposed to discover the way, in which the given Gospel has been passed on by the Lectionary, and what the spirit, the style of the given Evangelist is. The listeners should be introduced into this Gospel, the Gospel should be referred to, the connection between subsequent pericopes should be shown, for example by reminding the message conveyed in the preceding Sundays. In the Lectionary the Gospel according to St Mark has been divided into six parts that are discussed in detail in the present paper. They constitute the following sections: Jesus’ baptism and the first events (the Lord’s Baptism, Sundays II and III); signs of God’s kingdom and the first disputes (Sundays IV to IX); revelation of God’s closeness and the division provoked by the revelation (Sundays X to XIV); the mission and the bread of life (Sundays XV-XXIII); Peter’s confession and the requirements to follow Jesus through the cross of love and service (Sundays XXIV-XXX); Jesus’ revelation in Jerusalem, the final confrontation and the eschatological speech (Sundays XXXI-XXXIII). Such are the main stages of the development of Mark’s message that should be followed by the preacher, so that his preaching could take the faithful through the itinerary of faith contained in the Ordinary Time during the Cycle B Liturgical Year.Pozycja Zmarł ojciec prof. Dr hab. Jerzy Józef Kopeć CPMigut, Bogusław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)Pozycja Wosadnik. Modlitwy a kěrluśe za katólskich Serbow. Praca zbiorowa. Wyd. 8. Budziszyn–Praga: Towarzystwo św. Cyryla i Metodego 2008 s. 1132.Gołębiowski, Daniel (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)Pozycja Komunia Święta wiernych świeckich pod obiema postaciami od konstytucji „Sacrosanctum Concilium” do instrukcji „Redemptionis Sacramentum”Krakowiak, Czesław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)On the basis of the documents of the Church from the Constitution on Liturgy “Sacrosanctum Concilium” to the Instruction “Redemptionis Sacramentum” the author presents the Church’s legal norms concerning the possibility of receiving the Holy Communion under both kinds by lay faithful. He shows the process of gradually broadening the circle of people entitled to do it, principally in the course of celebrating the liturgy of the Holy Mass, when the holy sacraments are administered. He remarks that receiving the Holy Communion under both kinds is still not a usual form of sacramental participation of the faithful in the Holy Mass. The third edition of “General Introduction to the Roman Missal” (2002) and the explanations supplied by The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments grant the diocesan bishop the right to authorize priests to make the decisions about to whom and when they may administer the Holy Communion under both kinds, if they are properly prepared for that.Pozycja Ks. Józef Franik. Liturgia wobec wyzwań współczesności. Problematyka odnowy liturgii w Kościele holenderskim. Wydanie drugie. (Opolska Biblioteka Teologiczna t. 75). Opole: Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego 2006 ss. 352.Grześkowiak, Jerzy (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)Pozycja Abp Piero Marini. Liturgia i piękno. Nobilis pulchritudo [tytuł oryg. Liturgia e bellezza. Nobilis pulchritudo]. Tł. Wiesława Dzieża. Pelplin: Wydawnictwo Bernardinum 2007 ss. 140.Megger, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)Pozycja Ryt hiszpańsko-mozarabskiArocena Solano, Felix Maria (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)The article tackles the issue of the theological structure of the revived Hispanic Mozarabic rite that had been formed in the Iberian Peninsula in the vicinity of the three metropolitan sees: Seville, Toledo and Tarragona. Formation of the rite was a long process, in which a prominent role was played by the great Spanish theologians, with St Isidore of Seville and St Ildephonsus of Toledo in the foreground. Suspended under the influence of Romanization of the native liturgy in the 11th century, it survived only among the Christians who lived in the areas dominated by Muslims, and after Toledo was liberated in 1085 King Alfonso VI allowed using the Hispanic Mozarabic rite in six parishes of the town. After the Vatican Council II, under the direction of the Archbishop of Toledo Cardinal Marcelo Gonzalez, the superior of the Hispanic Mozarabic rite in Spain, a revision and publication of liturgical books of this rite was begun. In its basic structure the Eucharist in the Hispanic Mozarabic rite is constituted by: a) introductory rites; b) Liturgy of the Word; c) Offertory – the Diptychs – the sign of peace; d) Eucharistic prayer; e) Communion rites. The author discusses each element of the Eucharistic liturgy of the rite in detail and he points to the exceptional features that distinguish it from the Roman liturgy: the euchological exuberance, the symbols, the interventions of the congregation, the wealth of the Liturgy of the Word, the peace rite through the Eucharistic liturgy, the presence of the Diptychs, and the gesture of the breaking of the bread that remembers the mysteries of Christ’s life.Pozycja Wokół sporu o Paschę w teologii misteriówPałęcki, Waldemar (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)Pozycja Ks. Leszek Pintal. Słowa za Bóg zapłać… Homilie. Tom 4. Sandomierz: Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne i Drukarnia 2009 ss. 270.Głowa, Władysław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)Pozycja Starożytne źródła homilii katechetycznejKosmana, Ignacy (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)Both the form and the content of the Church’s original catechesis, as well as the preachers themselves and their personalities are ancient sources of homilies. The whole Bible is the foundation of both these sources – the homily and the preachers. This is an important point. The homily should be connected with both the Old Testament and the New Testament. The preacher should remind of the evangelical “father of the family”, who draws on his treasury and takes both “old” and “new” things. Hence he should go back to the Christian antiquity to remind the structure of the original homily, to learn about the homily of the beginnings of the Church, and in his preaching take into consideration the themes and contents used by the great preachers of the ancient Church. Without the knowledge of that preaching, without the will to follow those Church personalities, and finally without taking the trouble to constantly climb the ladder of gnosis, moral perfection and spiritual sanctification – there is no preaching God’s word, there is only propagation of one’s own thoughts, of one’s own wisdom. Human wisdom cannot leave ninety-nine listeners gathered at the pulpit for the sake of one sinner, who abandoned going to church a long time ago. Divine wisdom, Christ’s catechetical approach, do not fit this “custom”. Ancient catechesis often follows the footprints of Christ the Teacher, and this is why it is worth studying it and coming back to that practice of preaching the Gospel.Pozycja Przegląd bibliografii z wybranych zagranicznych czasopism liturgicznych z roku 2009Krakowiak, Czesław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)Pozycja Maryja Orędowniczką w świetle formularza „Najświętsza Maryja Panna Wspomożycielka Wiernych”Janiec, Zdzisław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)The article is devoted to Virgin Mary’s interceding role. It is based on the hermeneutics of the celebration texts in the Mass form Virgin Mary the Helper of the Faithful contained in Collectio Missarum de Beata Maria Virgine. The study consists of three parts: the first one contains an analysis of Biblical texts (the 1st reading, the responsorial psalm, the song before the Gospel, and the Gospel itself); the second part presents an analysis of euchologic prayers (the collect, the offertory prayer, the preface and the prayer after the Communion), and the third one has a synthetic character and contains theological-liturgical conclusions. They are contained in the Logos (the truths resulting from the analysis) and in the Ethos (application of these truths in life).Pozycja Jakość homiliiKrasowski, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)A homily as part of the liturgy is a Holy act like the whole liturgy. The Good News should be its essence. The Good News, Jesus Christ – the Crucified, the Risen, the Giver of the Holy Spirit. He makes himself present in the liturgy, in a real word. He comes to a sinful man to save him. Therefore homily is the meeting of God and man. It’s God’s Word made present in the word of a human preacher. Appropriate knowledge of the Holy Bible and human matters as well as the inclusion of the issues of Christian faith presented in thematic homilies certainly improve their quality.Pozycja What is the Subject Matter of Liturgical Theology?Fagerberg, David W. (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)Teologia liturgiczna usiłuje łączyć teologię liturgii i teologię z liturgii. Nie wolno jej jednak zredukować do tych dwóch wymiarów. Nie można oddzielać teologii liturgicznej od jej życia rytualnego i podtrzymywać ją przy życiu za pomocy sztucznych akademickich respiratorów. Struktura, kod, gramatyka liturgii są tu odkrywane, nie na nowo wynajdywane. „Leitourgia” Kościoła, jak mówił Aleksander Schmemann, jest pełną i dostateczną epifanią tego, w co wierzy Kościół. Każda teologia winna być liturgiczna, nie w sensie czynienia liturgii wyłącznym przedmiotem studiów (jak to czyniły teologia liturgii i teologia z liturgii), ale w sensie teologii mającej swój ostateczny kres odniesienia w tym, co Kościół objawia liturgicznie. Liturgia ma strukturę teologiczną i jest ucieleśnieniem chrześcijańskiego schematu interpretacyjnego. Nie jest ona po prostu zwykłym doświadczeniem Boga, które następnie wydziela ryty i teologie. Teologia reflektuje nad tym, co się stało – co stało się, kiedy Bóg przeszedł przez Ur Chaldejczyków, krzew gorejący na Synaju lub stajnię za betlejemską gospodą. Teologia liturgiczna zastanawia się nad tym, co zdarzyło się po tym, gdy wierzący poznał, że Bóg przechodzi sakramentalnie przez jego lub jej życie. Teologia biblijna reflektuje nad tym, co się stało na kalwarii lub w Betlejem. Teologia dogmatyczna pokazuje znaczenie tego faktu dla nauki Kościoła. Teologia liturgiczna, łącząc to wszystko, ukazuje te prawdy w ich konkretnej, sakramentalnej aktualizacji.Pozycja 46. Sympozjum Wykładowców Liturgiki na Wydziałach Teologicznych i w Wyższych Seminariach Duchownych w Polsce. Katowice, Uniwersytet Śląski, 7-9 września 2010 rokuOlsiński, Tymoteusz Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)Pozycja Kult Najświętszej EucharystiiPintal, Leszek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)The Catechism of the Catholic Church shows with deep conviction that the Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” (CCC 1324). Hence it is necessary to constantly remind its meaning for the growth of the congregation’s faith and devoutness. The different forms of the cult of the Holy Eucharist have the task of explaining its significance and stimulate one to actively and consciously participate both in the Holy Mass that is being celebrated, and in other forms of celebration of the cult of the Eucharist. The cult of the Eucharist is supposed to lead the faithful to taking care of the whole Church.Pozycja Biblijne wzory osobowe w katechezieSłotwińska, Helena (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)The article consists of three parts. The first part of the article explains the concept of the personal model in general, and the second one – limits the concept to catechesis. In the last and most important part of the article personal patterns both from the Old and the New Testament are shown, with special attention paid to Jesus Christ and Our Lady.Pozycja Pneumatologiczny wymiar obrzędów egzorcyzmówTowarek, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)Every liturgy, including also the liturgy of exorcism, is a peculiar locus theologicus. The present article is focused in this case on emphasizing the pneumatological dimension of the rite. In the exorcisms the Church is united with the Holy Spirit and begs Him to give help to the man’s weakness in his struggle against the evil spirit. This strange synergy of the Spirit and the Church in Christ is manifested not only in the texts of the modernized Rites shown by the author, but also in the signs, gestures, objects and activities accompanying the rites and discussed in the article. In the celebration of exorcism water, salt, oil, hand and breath are the symbols of the Holy Spirit. The liturgy of exorcisms shows not only the dynamism of the action of the third Divine Person, but also is the locus of the epiphany of the Holy Spirit, whose nature is revealed by the texts of the rites. The saturation of the euchology of exorcisms with pneumatological subjects allows the sacramental to return to its original idea, that is the epiclesis of the Spirit’s invitation and descent. Hence the author shows that the true and proper tone of exorcism is not so much exorciso te, but rather invoco te, Spiritus Sanctus, or in a more distinct way: emitte quaesumus Spiritum Sanctum tuum Paraclitum super.