Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2013, T. 33
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Pozycja Andrzej Solak, Modlitwa mieczy. Opowieści o obrońcach wiary, Kraków: Wydawnictwo sSPe 2012, ss. 412, ISBN 978-83-7482-440-8.Górecki, Piotr (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)Pozycja Człowiek wobec czasu i wieczności. Koncepcja Tadeusza S. WojciechowskiegoWolsza, Kazimierz M. (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)The aim of the paper is to give an analysis of the theory of time as an essential element in the structure of material being (Tadeusz S. Wojciechowski). Since the time of Aristotle philosophers tried to organize entities of the kinds which Aristotle celled categories (substance and accidents). The notion of substance plays a central role in the metaphysics. According to Aristotle (and scholasticism or neoscholasticism) the time is an accidential element in the structure of material being. In Wojciechowski’s theory the time is an attribute of substance. Substantial being is temporal and mutable. The most original element of Wojciechowski’s views was a conception of mind. The human being exists in two dimensions: in time and outside of time (in aevum). The man has his biological nature but he transcends it. The human body is temporal, the human mind is already extra-temporal. The resurrection of the body can to interpret as the liberation of the body from time and space. Wojciechowski’s views may be regarded as one form of modernizing of neoscholastic philosophy of nature.Pozycja Duszpasterze parafii Narodzenia św. Jana Chrzciciela w Kamieńcu (1629-2001)Górecki, Piotr (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)Pozycja Dzieje dominikanek klauzurowych na Węgrzech w XX wiekuStefaniak, Piotr (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)Pozycja Encyklika „Lumen fidei” w świetle prawosławnej antropologiiLeśniewski, Krzysztof (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)Lumen fidei, the first encyclical letter of Pope Francis is a very important document which presents the official teaching on faith of the Roman Catholic Church. A characteristic feature of this encyclical is an ecumenical way of presenting faith-based issues on biblical and theological foundations. It is worth noting that this document, important anthropological issues presents in the spirit of Christian personalism. This article attempts to reflect on the understanding of man as an individual and a person in relation to the encyclical and the Orthodox anthropology. In addition, the focus is on the relationship to the faith so important anthropological concepts, such as the heart, the intellect and the reason.Pozycja Encyklika „Rerum novarum” ‒ magna charta katolickiej nauki społecznejWróbel, Adam (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)The author of the article concentrated — mainly on the analysis of the social message — on the first, social encyclical Rerum novarum; encyclical of pope Leo XIII on Capital and Labour. The encyclical was the answer on the new — ideological, economic and social — reality. Leo XIII claimed, that in the central point of the solution of social question (which core was thelabour question), has stayed human person in reference to God and fellow creature; he showed, that the most important is to act in accordance with gospel values — it is the guarantee of: the renovation, solution of the social and moral existence; respect of human rights and human dignity; a fair division of goods. In encyclical Rerum novarum, Leo XIII has connected evangelical, ecclesial orthodoxy with — in result — social orthopraxy.Pozycja Ewangelizacja według Benedykta XVITokarek, Sławomir (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)Pozycja Formuła „wierzę w Kościół” w symbolu wiary i jej teologiczne znaczenieBorto, Paweł (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)The paper aims to present the theological significance of the article of faith expressed in the words “I believe in the Church”. In order to do so, the author starts by analysing the place that the profession of faith in the Church had in the ancient Symbols of Faith. A look at the most representative creeds reveals that the profession of faith in the Church was clearly distinct from the profession of faith in God, which is also expressed by the grammar of the Christian Creed. However, the interpretation of the mystery of the Church in terms of salvation history helped emphasize that the profession of faith in the Church — although calling for a slightly different understanding of the word “believe” than in the articles relating to the Divine Persons — is the continuation of the profession of faith in God who acts in the human history in the Church and through the Church. Referring to the paradox fulfilled in Christ, in whom man meets universale concretum in history, the author cites universale concretum sacramentale formula proposed by Salvador Pié-Ninot as properly reflecting the nature of the Church and the relationship between the Church and faith. In the last part of the paper the author briefly discusses major difficulties associated nowadays with the confession of faith in the Church. He emphisizes that professing faith in the Church is closely related to a genuine experience of a living community of the Church and remaining in her.Pozycja Górnośląskie szlaki św. Jakuba ‒ próba uzupełnieniaWyleżoł, Klaudia (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)St. James the apostle, know as Elder, is without doubt on of the most valued person from the Christian world. Cult of St. James grew in medieval age, when people started writing tales about him. Fame of St. James the Elder didn’t avoid Poland, as evidenced by the many churches dedicated to him. Main goal of this article is to show Upper Silesia trails of St. James. Even in the Middle Ages, many pilgrims went through these roads. The Way of St. James leads to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain — one of the most important Christian place during medieval times, together with Rome and Jerusalem. Nowadays, more and more Upper Silesia cities joins to St. James’ Way. Unfortunately, these trails are missing places, where the cult of St. James developed for centuries. Many Polish and the more European visitors have no idea that in the Upper Silesia are many temples dedicated to St. James. The article focuses on the description of those locations.Pozycja Janusz Czerski, Metodologia Nowego Testamentu (Opolska Biblioteka Teologiczna 126), Opole 2013, 225s., ISBN: 978836156873Ziaja, Krystian (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)Pozycja Janusz Lekan, Jezus Chrystus. Pośrednik zbawienia w hiszpańskiej teologii posoborowej, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2010, ss. 509, ISBN 978-83-7363-983-6Jaskóła, Piotr (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)Pozycja Joachim Bahlcke (red.), Schlesische Lebensbilder, t. XI, [sine loco 2012], ss. 672, ISBN 978-3-7686-3513-4.Czechowicz, Bogusław (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)Pozycja Józefa Tischnera filozofia ludzkiej nadzieiMaciejewski, Robert (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)From the author’s point of view, Fr. Joseph Tischner is considered Polish creator of the philosophy of drama, which heart is seen in the agathology, i.e. the doctrine or science of the good. However, the period of axiological and agathological creativity of the philosopher from Cracow would not be fully legible without the issue of the hope. An important in its meaning is the fact that his first book is devoted to the hope. Also Tischner’s recent texts testify how important for his religious thinking was the problem of the hope. There was a time, when he was described as a philosopher of the hope. As in Marcel’s, also Tischner’s teaching on the hope is preceded by an ordeal, which is accompanied by uncertainty, anxiety, ungrounded fear, or even, a temptation of desperation. Thus, the hope is a natural reaction to these human states and experiences. It is a strength to undertake the effort, it is a promise: “One need to say that man is stronger than desperation”. It is easy to notice that Tischner places the hope in a world of values. In this period of his philosophy, which we called “axiological”, the experience of valuewill always decide on the value. In the context of the search for the truth about man, Tischner points out the basis of the hope. Does it mean that the hope is the only way of the efficient concern about self and is to be regarded as another kind of human egoism? According to Tischner, this first aspect of the hope, bounded up with the existence of axiological «Ego», it does not have to lead to an inevitable decline into egoism, personal benefit and final evil unless we deal with the «Ego» axiologically, in the light of the most fundamental dimension of the hope, i.e. religious dimension.Pozycja Katechetyczne myśli encykliki papieża Franciszka „Lumen fidei”Kostorz, Jerzy (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)This article attempted to present catechetical thoughts included in the encyclical Lumen fidei. It is the newest papal encyclical, the first during the pontificate of Pope Francis. Its subject matter is connected with “The year of faith” celebrated in the Catholic Church. This encyclical was created with significant participation of Benedict XVI, the predecessor of the present Pope Francis. The present Pope added a few thoughts to this draft. Firstly, this reflection was focused on depicting the understanding of faith in Lumen fidei encyclical. The attention was paid to catechetical message relating to faith. Next, the subject of faith stimulation and developmet in catechesis was discussed. Although this encyclical is not devoted to catechesis it contains many important catechetical thoughts. Therefore, an attempt was made to discover these catechetical truths and show their meaning for reflection and catechists’ work.Pozycja Ks. Andrzej Hanich, Ksiądz infułat Bolesław Kominek, pierwszy administrator apostolski Śląska Opolskiego (1945-1951), Wydawnictwo PIN ‒ Instytut Śląski w Opolu, Opole 2012, ss. 178, ISBN 978-83-7126-288-3; Ks. Andrzej Hanich (opr.), Ksiądz Bolesław Kominek. Wspomnienia i dokumenty pastoralne pierwszego administratora apostolskiego Śląska Opolskiego (1945-1951), Wydawnictwo PIN ‒ Instytut Śląski w Opolu, Opole 2012, ss. 707, ISBN 978-83-7126-289-0.Kisielewicz, Danuta (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)Pozycja Motywacyjna funkcja procesu uświęcania w formowaniu relacji małżeńskichKrok, Dariusz (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)The article contributes to recent analyses presenting the concept of sanctification and investigating its role in marital relations. The sanctification process can be understood as a psychological process through which various aspects of life are perceived by people as having spiritual character and significance. It entails cognitive changes that happen when a certain object acquires a religious status. In the case of marriage, the sanctification process consists in spouses perceiving their union as sacred and affected by God’s invisible power. Married couples may experience numerous psychological benefits by accepting a sacred character of their union and by believing that their marital bonds hold religious meaning and significance. The sanctification process in marital relations derives its justification from well-established observations that religion can be a powerful and influential force in increasing social cohesion and integrating people’s behaviour. Sanctification can be a powerful source of motivation in developing and changing interactions between spouses who having recognised their relationships as intersecting with spiritual forces are likely to believe these bonds satisfy their psychological needs and functions. The key findings evidently prove that sanctification may offer significant benefits for marriage by: (1) increasing each partner’s happiness and well-being, which in turn strengthens their marital bonds and (2) preventing potential disagreements between partners and helping them resolve marital conflicts. Then, the motivational function of sanctification can be a vital source of marital cohesion on intra- and interpersonal levels.Pozycja O rozumieniu wypowiedzi religijnych. Stanowisko Richarda SchaeffleraCichoń, Jan (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)Pozycja Reginald Braun OP (1676-1742) ‒ czeski hagiografKublin, Grzegorz (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)Pozycja Sławomir Zatwardnicki, Katolicki pomocnik towarzyski, czyli jak pojedynkować się z ateistą, wyd. FRONDA, Warszawa 2012, ss. 369, ISBN 978-83-62268-50-4.Kozakiewicz, Stanisław (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)Pozycja Śmierć jako w pełni personalny akt człowieka w świetle koncepcji ostatecznej decyzjiNowak, Joachim (Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego, 2013)