Polonia Sacra, 2004, R. 8 (26), Nr 15 (59)
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Pozycja Antoni Dębiński, Rzymskie prawo prywatne, Warszawie 2003, stron 401Dyduch, Jan Maciej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)Pozycja Architektoniczne uwarunkowania odnowy liturgicznej w posoborowym wnętrzu sakralnymBogdan, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)À la deuxième moitié du XX siècle la loi liturgique du Concile Vatican 2, apporte le renouveau liturgique qui sépare le tabernacle de la table d'autel. Cette nouvelle existence de l'autel, autrement que plus avan défini la présence du fruit de consécration dans le seul espace sacré. L'article présente l'aménagement de l'intérieur d'église où le tabernacle existe comme le satellite de l'autel. Lui-même, l'autel qui symbolise Le Christ, est exposé toujours dans le temple comme la source principale. Sa composition à la partie n'est pas comparable avec celui en retable, mais pour son exposition, la grande signification a toujours le système d'éclairage, la facture de mur et de plafond. Dans l'église qui est neuve, on peut construire un seul autel. Ce centre est éloigné du mur d'église quand le prêtre doit célébrer la Messe Sainte comme retourné en face des fidèles. Ça existe en accord avec toutes les techniques plastiques qui créent l'harmonie en aspect d'exprimer la signification des saintes images qui concentrent notre regard sur les plus importants élléments de culte. Aujourd'hui la nef du temple existe en aspect de forme comme un seul espace sans des supports au dedans. En cette vue qui ne cache rien dans tel espace sans ces limites, l'autel fait l'image symbolique de la Sainte Montagne de Sinai.Pozycja Aż Chrystus się w was ukształtujeSikora, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)In my paper, I examine rev. Stanislaw Wronka's interpretation of the New Testament teaching concerning identification of a Christian with Christ. Wronka argues that according to the NT every Christian can (and ought to) become very similar to Christ, but that some difference in nature between them will remain for ever. I propose a thesis that – in eschatological perspective – identification of a Christian with Christ is total, i.e., that according to the NT (especially St John and St Paul) the ultimate destination of the human being is not only to be like Christ, but to become the very Christ.Pozycja Dogmat o Niepokalanym Poczęciu Maryi jako problem ekumenicznyŻyciński, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)The 150th anniversary of the proclamation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady presents an occasion to view from the ecumenical perspective the doctrine whose history, definition and interpretation have evoked numerous controversies and disagreements across denominations. This view is now more optimistic considering a truly ecumenical harmonization reached by a protestant and catholic Group of Dombes. The harmonization states that though Protestants cannot accept the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception as belonging to the creed they assert that it does not contradict the evangelical message. The message preaches redemption offered by God through Christ to all people. He offered it also to Mary, choosing her to be the Mother of His Son, the sole Saviour of the human race, and by bestowing upon her His mercy and previously redeeming her. Ecumenical experience shows that the traditional approach which maintains that St. Mary unites while Mariology divides us no longer holds true. It would be a misunderstanding if we were preoccupied with Mariology, which divides us, in order to learn the truth of Mary, who unites us.Pozycja G. Deiana, A. Spreafico, Wprowadzenie do hebrajszczyzny biblijnej, opracowanie wersji polskiej S. Bazyliński, Warszawa 2001, część I – s. XX 228, część II praktyczna: klucz do ćwiczeń, kaseta, analiza gramatyczna chrestomatii s. 85; kaseta magnetofonowaWronka, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)Pozycja Interaktywna telewizja wyzwaniem dla współczesnego duszpasterstwaBaczyński, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)Interactivity is becoming one of the basic attributes of the contemporary multimedia epoch. The multimedia – a term, which in the 1970s was used with regard to a range of didactic aids, including various materials (illustrations, slides, cassettes and video tapes), has been associated since the beginning of the 90s with PC computers equipped with the function of processing picture and sound. Nowadays the multimedia system is understood as any telecomputing system capable of processing, storing and distributing data in the form of sound, moving pictures, photographs, computer graphics and texts. An important feature of thus understood multimedia techniques is a possibility of the user's interaction with the system. The invention in the multimedia field that can change the traditional perception of the multimedia communication is the television integrated with the computer – a kind of technical hybrid enabling the user to make the full use of multimedia net contents. Multimedia interactive television testifies to a considerable progress in communication processes with the aid of technical means, but at the same time it is the source of ethical problems and an unquestionable challenge for the Church, which is more and more willing to mark its presence in the world of mass media. New media – Internet, digital and satellite television and ITV in the future, are becoming part of modem culture, the implications of which have not yet been fully understood. Therefore the Church should actively get involved in the multimedia education so as to in the space between a “chance and endangerment” – minimalise the endangerment. The point is, especially for the young recipients to learn how – while getting to know the mechanisms of new technologies in social communication – to function properly in the world of cyberspace, according to sound moral criteria as regards the contents they find there and to use the new technology for their own integral development and for the benefit of others. Acquiring defensive mechanisms may soon turn out to be indispensable with the coming of more and more perfect transmission techniques and more and more brutal methods of attracting the viewer's attention. In present-day television the viewer is more and more often treated in a depersonalised way, as a product on sale. It can be anticipated from the commercials announcing the “end of the well-behaved” television in Poland and the introduction of extreme programmes boasting record number of viewers, in which pain, abhorrence and cruelty are becoming a factor of a struggle to win the viewer.Pozycja Kościół wobec dawnych i współczesnych form rasizmuZwoliński, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)Racism has ceased to be a taboo subject for the world, but at the same time it has ceased to be a subject of discussions. Historical experience of the tragic consequences of the rule of racist ideologies has led the humanity to an unequivocal assessment of all forms of racism. Its various, more and more sublime and hidden forms are pursued by the public opinion, reported and condemned. One cannot, however, feel satisfied with a good condition of international law in this respect and penal codes of individual countries. The essential sources of racism reside within the human heart. Hence never-ending demand for educational care of its condition. Information and thorough analysis of phenomena concerning the existing disproportions, forms of domination and hostilities across various social groups are indispensable. The fight against racism is the care about the future fate of the world and the condition of humanity in general. Respect for all people, including all races, means respecting every human being and this alone justifies the hope for a truly better world.Pozycja „Małżeństwo cieszy się przychylnością prawa” – przemówienie Jana Pawła II do Roty Rzymskiej (2004)Rozkrut, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)Il Santo Padre Giovanni Paolo II, il 29 Gennaio 2004, nella Sala Clementina del Palazzo Apostolico ha ricevuto in Udienza il Tribunale della Rota Romana, in occasione dell'inaugurazione dell'Anno giudiziario. Nel suo discorso Giovanni Paolo II ha parlato del favor iuris di cui gode il matrimonio. L'articolo presenta e commenta l'indirizzo d'om aggio del Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana e discorso del Santo Padre. Occorre riscoprire la verità, la bontà e la bellezza del m atrimonio come vincolo di giustizia e di amore. Questa è la realtà che la Chiesa e il m ondo debbono favorire – ammonisce Giovanni Paolo II.Pozycja Mesjanizm Starego TestamentuJelonek, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)Without doubt there exists in the Old Testament a powerful trend revealing eschatological reality, the times of peace, prosperity and well being, most frequently shown in the categories of worldly reign. This reality is the subject of prophesying and awaiting. We very often speak of this reality as the messianic reality and consider it as the broadest notion of messianism, which does not have to make a mention of a messiah every time. However, as in the Old Testament the term 'messiah' denominated only historical personages of kings and, in a limited range priests, there are no grounds within the Old Testament for naming the times extending beyond history, messianic. Such naming assumes that the conception of an eschatological messiah is an earlier one and that the conception of the times of eschatological well being inaugurated by this messiah is its derivative. Actually, this stand is not true. Before the notion of a messiah assumed its eschatological shape – in the Old Testament it takes place in the Book of Daniel – wonderful eschatological times were commonly awaited. They will be a gift of God and will be entered by the whole nation, again called a collective messiah. The paper aims at following the image of Messiah and messianism, which thanks to its re-reading in the New Testament was extracted from the Old Testament. Christian re-reading recovers three stages of messianism from the Old Testament: – King's messianism; – Messianism of the Suffering Servant of God; – Transcendent messianism. Such a shape of the Old Testament messianism has entered the Church instruction and has become the subject of Christian Biblical theology.Pozycja Niepokalane poczęcie Matki Chrystusowej i dzieje człowiekaMisztal, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)Choisie par Dieu, la Mère du Christ par sa grâce appartient, en communion du Père et du Fils et du Saint-Esprit, aux plus importants protagonistes de l'histoire du salut. Son immaculée conception fait part des évènements majeurs de cette oeuvre. Le mystère de l'immaculée conception est une partie intégrale de la vie de Marie comme appartenant à la descendance d'Adam et forme d'une manière décisive cette vie. Ce mystère fait partie aussi de la vie des autres fils d'Adam. Aussi en leur faveur Dieu agit par l'immaculée conception de la Mère du Christ, par les conséquences de cet évènement. L'immaculée conception possède aussi la valeur de paradigme par ex. en ce qui concerne la connaissance de Dieu, la communion avec Lui, son attitude vers les pêcheurs et le péché, le mystère de la vocation de l'homme à servir Dieu et à collaborer avec Lui. Aussi de cette manière on peut présenter l'importance de l'immaculée conception pour le chrétien d'aujourd'hui et pour sa spiritualité.Pozycja O chrześcijańskie rozumienie trzeźwościPindel, Roman (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)The article discusses New Testament texts related to the issue of sobriety as understood in its narrow and broad sense. The enlisting of technical terminology related to sobriety is followed by a discussion of the texts which accentuate an eschatological motif of sobriety understood as watchfulness. Consecutive texts under analysis (Rom 13, 13, Tit 2, 2-3) carry admonition for not indulging too freely in alcoholic beverages, while others (1 Pet 1, 13; 4, 7; 5, 8) are a call to be sober in a figurative sense. Finally, sobriety as required of servants of the Church (1 Tim 3, 2-5.8-13; Tit 1, 5-9) is discussed and lastly – as based on two texts (1 Tim 5, 23; 2 Tim 4,1-5) – the issue of abstinence and sobriety in Timothy. Text analysis leads to a conclusion that the subject of sobriety is present in Corpus Paulinum (1 Thes; Rom; 1-2 Tim; Tit) and in the First Letter of Peter. Sobriety is understood in a literal as well as in a figurative (broader) sense. The first case considers freedom from addiction to alcohol, refraining from its excessive consumption or the behaviour influenced by or resulting from drinking. Sobriety in the figurative, or broader, meaning is the attitude which can be termed as watchfulness and reasonableness resulting from religious motives and for religious and moral matters. The analysis of the New Testament texts related to sobriety leads us to a conclusion that a Christian has to be sober in three meanings of the word. Temperance in alcoholic beverages consumption and freedom from addiction to alcohol are a must. Participation in drinking-bouts or feasts which revolve around the idea of drunkenness and gluttony is unthinkable. A Christian is called to this effort of spirit which is termed as 'sobriety' The effort and the attitude of sobriety, which results from it, relates to a lifestyle, the opposite of which is indifference, lack of consciousness and alertness. A sober Christian makes proper assessment of the reality and takes responsible decisions. Finally, sobriety is expressed in a proper attitude towards evil. Sobriety in the double meaning of the word is in a special way required of those who undertake any function in the Church. Those who are leaders of a community must be considered here since they have a real influence on the quality of its life. On a bishop's or a presbyter's sobriety – in the double meaning of the word – depends not only the moral condition of the Church but also the profile of teaching. Sobriety is required of candidates to deacon positions; it is also desired in people respected by a community (old men and women). The motivation for Christian sobriety is first of all of religious nature, and more specifically, of historic and redemptive nature. It assumes the knowledge of the basic message of redemption and its consequences for living. It is with regard to the certain second coming of the Lord that sobriety is indispensable; indeed it should be perfected with the passing of time. Another motif for the attitude of sobriety is well being of a community and its individual members. It concerns especially its responsible members, those who have an influence on its functioning. The third motif for remaining in sobriety is the personal well-being, which is threatened by evil.Pozycja o. Zdzisław J. Kijas, Początki świata i człowieka, Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków 2004, stron 304Porada, Ewa (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)Pozycja Ochrona istotnych przymiotów małżeństwa w świetle kanonów dotyczących wad zgody małżeńskiejBolesta, Arletta (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)In diesem Artikel werden Ehewillensmängel vorgestellt. Es geht besonders um die Unfähigkeit zur Eheschließung (can. 1095, 2°, 3°CIC), den Irrtum (can. 1096 § 1, can. 1099 CIC) und die Ausschließung (can. 1101 CIC). Es wird über diese Mängel in Ansicht des Schutzes der Monogamie und der Unauflöslichkeit der Ehe gesprochen. Vom Standpunkt der teilweisen scheinbaren Übereinstimmung und des Mangels wird es auch über gemischte Ehe (can. 1125, 3° CIC) und das Hindernis des verschiedenen Glaubens (can. 1086 §1, §2 CIC) gesagt. Wir haben auch sehr kurz die Ursachen dieser Prozesse und Probleme, die sein können, gezeigt. Es wird auch betont, daß die eheliche Übereinstimmung die Ursache der Eheschließung aber nicht die Ursache des Wesens der Ehe ist, weil Gott die Ehe mit Eigenschaften geschaffen hat.Pozycja Perspektywy rozwoju dogmatu o Niepokalanym Poczęciu NMP po publikacji Katechizmu Kościoła Katolickiego (11 października 1992)Porczak, Karol (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)After the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Faith (11 October 1992) there arose the need for some answers regarding the future of the research in the field of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady. The text of the circular letter of the Pontiff International Marian Academy entitled La Madre del Signore (Mother of the Lord) indicates six paths or keys to read and understand the doctrine. The first – christological key – is based on the opinion that the immaculate conception of Mary is strongly linked and finds all its explanation in the mystery of Christ – the Saviour of the world; the second key – anthropological – regards the person of Jesus as the Second Adam - true God become true Man, whose incarnation guides us toward the discovery of the true meaning of all privileges given to the human race – the Immaculate Conception in particular; the ecclesiological key – is the third option. It indicates the person of Mary as the type and the beginning of the true realisation of the Church personified in the Blessed Virgin; fourth option is based on the social model of the Church where Mary the representing the human kind as the one who shared the earthly life of all men and women and does not fall in sin; the fifth key is represented by holy martyr from Oświęcim (Auschwitz) – saint Maksymilian Maria Kolbe. He indicated that Our Lady in Lourdes described herself as the Immaculate Conception and identifies herself with the title of the privilege; the last – only mentioned – ecumenical key, is referred to the opinion of the Group of Dombes, interconfessional assembly based in Lyon. Their opinion regards common research for answer, where the person of Mary and her privilege of the Immaculate Conception can be considered as the powerful and very fine key of reconciliation and reunification of the Church.Pozycja Polska muzyka sakralna inspirowana osobą i działalnością Jana Pawła IITyrała, Robert (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)The Pope from Poland, through his life, words and work is a challenge for artistic circles all over the world, and especially in Poland. The paper presents a brief study of religious music and the meaning of the pieces of music dedicated to the Holy Father, composed to the texts written by the pope and about John Paul II. There are certainly more such pieces and new ones are being composed. Naturally, not all of them will become liturgical music since, as the pope himself writes in his last letter on liturgical music, published in Rome on November 22, 2003: New compositions must be rooted in the music tradition of the Church. New compositions must be pervaded by the spirit of liturgy and must identify with it. Otherwise they cannot be regarded as liturgical. They are all of them, however, pieces of religious music and constitute the treasure of church music.Pozycja Promocja dzieła Corpus Inscriptionum Poloniae, Kraków 2002Kubiś, Adam (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)Pozycja Racje upodobnienia chrześcijan do Chrystusa w Nowym TestamencieWronka, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)La base del cristomorfismo costituiscono secondo il Nuovo Testamento le tre ragioni. 1) La prima è l'eterna e irrevocabile predestinazione del Padre, che vuole farci conformi all'immagine del suo Figlio. Tutto il piano salvifico, intrapreso da Dio per amore e realizzato con efficacia nella storia della salvezza, persegue questo scopo. Perciò l'assimilazione a Cristo può essere l'oggetto di una inflessibile speranza del cristiano, che è stato pensato „in Cristo” e „in Lui” vive dal momento del battesimo. 2) La seconda ragione del cristomorfismo è il principio della solidarietà con Cristo, contenuto nella tipologia Adamo-Cristo. Come all'inizio di „questo mondo” sta Adamo, così all'inizio del „secolo avvenire” sta l'„ultimo Adamo”, che inizia la perfetta, redenta creazione di Dio. Con Adamo siamo connessi attraverso la solidarietà della natura caduta, con Cristo - attraverso la solidarietà della grazia, che è l'anticipo della futura risurrezione nel corpo glorificato. Cristo, il „Primogenito fra i morti”, la „primizia” e lo „Spirito vivificante”, è la causa e modello della nostra risurrezione. Quale suoi fratelli e coeredi avremo la parte nella sua vittoria sulla morte e riceveremo il „corpo spirituale”, simile al suo corpo glorificato. Per conseguire nel futuro la piena risurrezione ed assimilazione a Cristo, dobbiamo già qui, sulla terra, condividere la sorte del Figlio dell'uomo che è stato esaltato dopo essersi volontariamente umiliato. 3) La visione del Cristo glorioso costituisce la terza ragione di essere simili a Lui. Lo Spirito lascia ai cristiani comprendere il Vangelo e aprirsi alla sua luce. In essa possono già adesso per mezzo della fede vedere la gloria di Cristo e sperimentare soprattutto durante la liturgia e la personale contemplazione il suo agire, che li trasforma alla sua immagine ed ultimamente all'immagine di Dio. Questa visione è adesso imperfetta, „come in uno specchio” Solo nell'eone strettamente escatologico i salvati vedranno Cristo „a faccia a faccia”, „così come Egli è” e rispecchieranno in sé la sua immagine in modo perfetto. Allora saranno pienamente assimilati a Cristo e uniti a Lui nell'amorosa visione, e attraverso Lui assimilati e uniti a Dio.Pozycja Rada Kapłańska i Kolegium Konsultorów w prawodawstwie Kościoła katolickiego i w prawodawstwie Archidiecezji LwowskiejDyduch, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)II Concilio Vaticano II programmando accomodata renovatio della Chiesa Universale ha inserito in questo programma la Chiesa particolare, specialmente la diocesi. Uno degli elementi del rinnovamento della diocesi è istituire nuovi organi consultivi diocesani. Tra loro ruolo importante compie Consiglio Presbiterale, il quale ha carattere rappresentativo e consultivo. Da esso proviene Collegio dei Consultori, il quale esercita diversi compiti, specialmente deve assicurare la continuità del potere nella sede vescovile. Nell'articolo il Consiglio Presbiterale e il Collegio dei Consultori viene mostrato nella luce del Codice di Diritto Canonico e del Codice dei Canoni delle Chiese Orientali, come pure nella luce della legislazione dell'Arcidiocesi di Lwów.Pozycja S Wostoka na Zapad – rosyjski komentarz poetycki na ogłoszenie Dogmatu o Niepokalanym Poczęciu Najświętszej Marii PannyDudek, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)The subject of the paper is an analysis of Jewdokia Rostopczyna's poem S Wostoka na Zapad, which constitutes an attempt at poetical polemics with the teaching of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady. The authoress of the poem, written in 1857, is a Russian romantic writer, popular in the middle of the 19th century though little-known today. The poem under analysis is an extremely critical assessment of the dogma proclaimed in 1854. Its tone is scathing and abusive to Catholics. Rostopczyna's main accusation refers to – in her opinion an unjustified – exclusion of Our Lady from the rest of humanity as a result of exempting her from the burden of the original sin. For the poetess this makes the Mother of God an unreal character, a myth, an apparition, an abstract ideal. The authoress emphasises that for the members of the Orthodox Church Mary, though Spotless, is a Protectoress and an Advocate. The severity of polemical formulations, definite character of opinions with regard to the Catholic faith, absolute glorification of the Orthodox Church as opposed to slightingly treated Catholicism all reveal a standpoint resulting from the Russian theological tradition, in which as early as in the Old Ruthenian period a Catholic was scornfully termed a member of the Latin Church or a heretic. Another reason for such a way of thinking as presented in the poem is associated with the Slavophil political orientation of the authoress with a tendency, typical of the period, to politicise the Orthodox Church, isolating it from Europe and defining its own identity through the negation of the West.Pozycja Skuteczność zbawcza homiliiSiwek, Gerard (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2004)Preaching constitutes an element of a salvific mediation of the Church. Since a homily constitutes its characteristic form of preaching, a question rises, if, because of that reason, it is possible to talk about its major salvific efficiency? In order to ask to that question there are taken into consideration different ways of Christ's presence in the Church. Then we will emphasise His particular presence in the Eucharistic liturgy (vere, realiter, substancialiter). It embraces also His presence in a person who preside the liturgy, operating as in persona Christi, whose duty is to proclaim a homily and also it is present in proclaimed word which is explained by homily. Thus homily is connected with multifarious presence of Christ in the Eucharist which is celebrated. Taking into consideration that precise bound between homily and Christ's presence, it is justify to be convinced, that homily owns major salvific efficiency than the other forms of proclamation.