Polonia Sacra, 2002, R. 6 (24), Nr 11 (55)
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Pozycja Aktywność uczniów na lekcjach religiiMastalski, Janusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)L'insegnamento efficace esige dall'insegnante un alto professionismo. I fattori che intensificano il processo d'insegnamento insieme a quello d'apprendimento sono: la scienza dell'insegnante stesso, il suo modo pedagogico di comportarsi, la capacità di risolvere problemi e di riflettere, infine il continuo arricchimento delle sue tecniche didattiche. L'autore di quest' articolo nella sua ricerca scientifica ha dimostrato un alto livello dell'influsso dell'attività di allievo sulla qualità della scienza da lui assimilata. Secondo la diagnosi effettuata nelle scuole di Cracovia la stimolazione di allievi all'attività versatile migliora efficacia del processo d'insegnamento insieme a quello d'apprendimento; più mezzi d'attivizzazione usa l'insegnante, più aumenta l'attività di allievi. Una delle sue conseguenze è troppa vivacità del gruppo, il che esige dall'insegnante più intensa attenzione alla disciplina in classe. L'insegnante dovrebbe inoltre eliminare cosiddetta «attività apparente» cioè la concentrazione di allievi su azioni secondarie (agire per agire). È indispensabile che l'insegnante, applicando diversi metodi di attivizzazione. osservi attentamente l'attività del gruppo cioè valuti efficacia dell'interazione: l'attivizzazione – l'attività. Sembra, dunque, ben giustificata la conclusione che la funzione proncipale dell'insegnante non consiste solo nel trasmettere agli allievi informazioni pronte, ma soprattutto nell'organizzare lezioni in modo che ognuno di loro scopra da solo vari segreti della scienza.Pozycja Analiza prawosławnej mariologii na podstawie lektury trzech ważnych tekstówKijas, Zdzisław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)Pour la théologie de l'Eglise orthodoxe, la Mère de Jésus-Christ est avant tout et surtout la Thèotokos, la Mère de Dieu, celle qui a vraiment enfanté par la chair le Logos divin, Le Fils de Dieu, dans le sens fort de ce terme. Pour ce qui est de la place de la Théotokos dans la liturgie et la piété de l'Eglise, le mot qui caractérise cette place est celui d'omniprésence. Omniprésente, elle l'est tout d'abord dans l'année liturgique. La Mère de Dieu est également omniprésente dans la liturgie par une abondante hymnographie mariale qui déborde largement le cadre de fêtes liturgiques. Cette hymnographie, dans bien des cas, est l'oeuvre des plus grands mélodes. Elle est également omniprésente dans la piété privée. Des prières adressées à la Théotokos se trouvent incluses parmi les prières que les chrétiens orthodoxes sont invités à réciter le matin, au lever, le soir, avant de se coucher, ou lors de la préparation à la sainte Communion. Les icônes les plus vénérées dans le peuple et les familles sont celles de la Mère de Dieu. Aussi les théologiens orthodoxes sont intéressée de la mariologie de sont Eglise. Dans cet article nous avons étudié deux auteurs orthodoxes russes et ses livres: S. Boulgakov – L’Orthodoxie et P. Evdokimov – aussi sous le même titre – L'Orthodoxie. En plus on a étudiée aussi Die est vivant. Catéchisme pour les familles, préparé par une équipe de chrétiens orthodoxes en France. Auteurs de ses trois livres disent que la vénération de la Mère de Dieu est étroitement liée à sa maternité divine et à ses liens avec la Personne et l'oeuvre de son Fils.Pozycja Andrzej A. Napiórkowski, Jedność konsekrowana, Wyd. Alleluja, seria Collectio ViCo, jako tom trzeci, Kraków 2002, ss. 188Kijas, Zdzisław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)Pozycja Apocalisse di Giovanni con commento tratto dai Padri, Santi e Mistici della Chiesa, red. A. Barzaghi, Montespertoli 1997, ss. 709Zbroja, Bogdan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)Pozycja Apostolstwo świeckich w świetle wskazań polskich Synodów PlenarnychDyduch, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)Due Sinodi Plenari della Polonia nel XX secolo si occupavano dell'apostolato dei laici. Differenti dal punto di vista del carattere, del tempo di durare, della situazione sociologica, politica ed religisa, essi nello stresso modo vedono l'apostolato come attività dei laici per diffondere il Regno di Dio sulla terra. I laici svolgono loro attività apostolica in modo individuale attraverso la testimonianza della vita e della parola, come pure facendo parte delle associazioni e dei movementi. Il Sinodo Plenario della Polonia nel 1936 parlando dell'apostolato dei laici precedeva in un'certo senso il Vaticano Il e del II Sinodo Plenario della Polonia (1991-1999).Pozycja Carrell L.,The great ameriam sermon survey, Mainstay Church Resources: Wheaton, Illinois 2000, ss. 253Chaim, Władysław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)Pozycja Charakter narracyjny partii Ga 1,13 - 2,14Pindel, Roman (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)The paper discusses some literary issues connected with the narrative character of Paul's exceptional text – his auto-narrative in the Letter to the Galatians (1, 11 - 2, 14). The following matters are presented: Author, reader and the process of reading (1), Literary problems (2), Environment (3), Personae dramatis (4), Relationships among persons (5), Point of view (6), Influence of the text (7). Just as the text originated in the context of disputes within the Church, so now it arouses strong emotions and excites various comments, especially in a situation of new conflicts and disputes. References to the rules of narration present in the text enable us to read it in a more objective way.Pozycja Chrześcijański ruch robotniczy w Królestwie Polskim na przełomie XIX i XX wiekuDębiński, Józef (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)A working-class issue became part of a big social problem at the turn of the 19th century. This period is marked by migration of people from the country to towns. The fact that in 1864 about 70,000 workers migrated, while shortly before World War I as many as 400,000, shows die rapid rate of growth in number and quality of this social class. Working-class centres were particularly numerous in Warsaw and Piotrków provinces, where there were 30 workers for every 100 inhabitants. The new social class grew in number, but not in material well-being. It became less educated and impoverished, both materially and morally. Some factors which influenced this situation were: callousness of foreign capital, industrial changes, especially around 1900, and the fact that factory industry was not accompanied by political and social development. Until 1905 the working world remained at the mercy of three factors: socialism, government and good will of capitalists. It was only the 1905 revolution that showed the full condition of this new social stratum: its material poverty and moral decay.Pozycja Człowieczeństwo Jezusa Chrystusa odsłania oblicze człowiekaNapiórkowski, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)Jesus Christ turns out to be not only a visible icon of invisible God but in His human nature unveils the true countenance of every human being. An analysis of evangelical sources makes it possible to reconstruct human nature of Jesus as a historical person. It appears that in the mystery of Incarnation the Son of God in a way united with every human being. This solidarity assumed a shape of deep communion since in His earthly existence He experienced the hardships of life which we all suffer. Working with human hands, thinking in human mind, acting on human will, loving with human heart, He truly became one of us, resembling us in everything but sin. The Rabbi of Nazareth showed us not only how to live but that it is possible to lead a holy life. The first and complete source of absolute righteousness and holiness in the whole reality of earthly life was for Jesus of Nazareth His filial relationship with God, the Father. Into this unity with the heavenly Father in the Holy Spirit He wanted to bring every human being since it is only in such a communion that human being acquires his or her true, genuine countenance.Pozycja Dobro wspólne w demokratycznym państwie prawaDrzyżdżyk, Szymon (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)The paper discusses one of the most essential categories of modem democracies, i.e. the common good. It is at the top of priority lists of most entities whose aim is to gain influence in a country. The issue of the common good is by no means an easy matter either in theory (i.e. in defining the notion itself and relating it to other categories), or in practice (i.e. in executing it by means of particular entities which inhabit social space). How to serve the common good, how to multiply it in adverse circumstances? Why is thinking in the categories of the common good such a rare thing, even in these institutions which, it might seem, should strive for it hardest? The paper is trying to answer these and other questions referring to a large degree to the experiences of Ernst Wolfgang Bockenforde, philosopher and lawyer, judge of the Constitutional Tribunal in Karlsruhe.Pozycja „Dym” w ApokalipsieZbroja, Bogdan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)Le but de cet article est d'approfondir la connaissance du therme: „καπνός, ó; -ού” dans L'Apocalypse du Saint Jean. Le contexte pour le dernier des livres de La Bible c'est „Septuaginta” L'Ancien Testament grec et aussi Les Actes Des Apotres où nous rencontrons ce mot exploré. Par raport aux autres livres canoniques „La Vision du Saint Jean” assure la continuité sur la ligne du developpement de toute La Bible. Il existe comme même une augmentation visible de qualité de la transposition entre „Septuaginte” et „L'Apocalypse” Le Visionaire de Patmos met l'accent sur la victoire final du bon sur le mal. Le camp du mal sera detruit totalement et sa fumée se levera pour les siêcles. Le probleme gramatique lié au therme: „fumée” reste toujours pas resolu. L'Apocalypse s'en sert en deux tiers de son texte tandis que le mot „ως” (come, come si) utilisé souvent par les experts apocalyptiques n'apparait que deux fois. Cette remarque fait l'objet de prochaines récherches terminologiques concernant „L'Oeuvre du Saint Jean”.Pozycja Eklezjologiczny charakter Vaticanum IIKubiś, Adam (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)Der hier vorliegende Ansatz umfasst eine Auswahl der unmittelbar das Vaticanum II vorangehenden ekklesiologischen Problematik. Ferner sind die führenden Ideen der konziliaren Lehre und auch einige differenzierten Ansichte darüber und ihre Interpretation dargestellt.Pozycja Gertruda Detzel – święta z sowieckich łagrówKoller, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)After the October Revolution, under communist rule in the USSR, religion was totally destroyed and forbidden. Priests were murdered or imprisoned. The Catholic Church ceased to exist. The faithful, however, remained. “Babushkas”, i.e. younger or older women were the only ones able to save faith in the “dark night of bolshevism” They gathered in the so called “Living Rosary” prayer groups. It was they who taught children to pray, baptised, buried the dead, visited the sick, brought families together for the ceremony of wedding. Their life, which was a mission and a testimony, ended quite often in martyrdom. Thus, in the seventy years of communism we were witnessing the “home priesthood of women” in the USSR. One of them was Gertrud Detzel. She served God and people in a special pastoral service, even at the time of imprisonment. Hers was a life of sainthood marked by converting thousands of people. She is one of the candidates for altars of the communist times from the territory of the former Soviet Union.Pozycja Izrael i Maryja – obietnica i realizacja. Symbolika Starego Testamentu w mariologii nowotestamentalnejŻyciński, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)Unity and mutual dependency of the Old and the New Testament are requisites of correct interpretation and understanding of Christian doctrine. The above mentioned principle is also binding on the doctrine in the field of Mariology. It would be difficult to understand New Testament Mariology excepting prophecies and symbolism of the Old Testament The paper uses Old Testament implications not only in reference to the basic theological theses in the field of Mariology (Divine maternity, conceiving of the Holy Spirit), but also to justify statements which stem from the cult of the Virgin Mary and popular devotion.Pozycja Macierzyński wymiar Kościoła w Wielkiej Katechezie św. Grzegorza z NyssyZarębski, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)The aim of the paper is to show the ecclesiology of a great theologian from Cappadocia on the basis of his most important dogmatic works. Here we do not have at our disposal any clear theology of the Church. Gregory concentrates in his work on the Trinitarian theology and soteriology. The history of salvation finds its continuation in the Sacraments. Gregory is preoccupied mostly with baptism and the Eucharist. It is on the basis of the theology of these two Sacraments – lodged in the Church – that Gregory's vision of the Church (revealing here her maternal dimension) can be attained. The most essential notions to appear in this context are giving birth and feeding, the factors enabling the growth of God's children towards Him. The Church is the Mother on God's will. She gives birth to His children and feeds them in faith on what she received from God.Pozycja Marco Adinolfi, Apocalisse. Testo, simboli e visioni, Casale Monferrato 2001, ss. 171Zbroja, Bogdan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)Pozycja Motywy maryjne w twórczości Wiaczesława IwanowaDudek, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)A characteristic feature of the Russian culture at the end of 19th and the beginning of 20th century was the search for a universal formula able to explain both the structure of space and the place of human being in the world. Thinking in categories of space and eternity was characteristic of the epoch. Ivanov's broad treatment of the motif of the Virgin Mary is part of ideological quest of his contemporaries like Vladimir Soloviov's deliberation or Alexander Blok's Poems of a Beautiful Lady. However, for the author of the Guiding Stars the admiration for the Virgin Mary was not a passing pose of an artist yielding to fashionable trends. Creating his vision of culture, Ivanov became convinced that all cultures in the world contain a grain of truth and that it was Christianity that expressed it best. Moving through epochs and regions, he was looking for a confirmation of this presumption, trying to express Christian truths with the help of other cultures code. In 1902 Ivanov came to a conclusion that the truth about the Virgin Mary can be expressed only in the language of poetry since this truth is inaccessible for prose. Applying this principle, he created poetical and theological discourse, in which the Virgin Mary was presented as the key to the mystery of existence. Looking at the development of culture in the light of Her life, the poet noticed features of a God-oriented world, both in Christian times and before the birth of Jesus. Consistency with which the poet and thinker referred to all contexts he was familiar with, while making the vision of the Mother of Christ more concrete, multiple aspects of his depictions and care taken of their ideological coherence gives his efforts a dimension of peculiar poetical Mariology.Pozycja Negatywne aspekty polskiej rzeczywistości wychowawczej w latach 1947-1989Studenski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)The paper discusses negative aspects of the reality of upbringing in Poland in the years 1947-1989. In order to fulfil the task of bringing up a “new man” and moulding the so called “scientific outlook”, theoreticians of the period suggested in the first place a necessity of isolating children from the influence of their family and a need of eradicating the influence of religion. Family had a subordinate role in upbringing, the process being taken over by state institutions. Nowadays we stand a chance of restoring the family's due, i.e. leading, role in the process of upbringing as well as ensuring close co-operation of family, Church and school.Pozycja Nowy król w starożytnym Izraelu. Obrzędy intronizacyjneBogacz, Roman (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)The Bible is a religious book whose aim is, first of all, to pass on the truth about God and human being in relation to the Creator. It passes on, nevertheless, the history of the chosen nation. The history of Israel is shown in a fragmentary way. The article attempts to collect the fragmentary data scattered throughout the Bible concerning rituals connected with taking charge by a new king. The rituals began in a sanctuary (a sacred tent, a temple), and were then continued in a royal palace. In the sanctuary, royal insignia were put on and anointing ceremony was performed. Regalia consisted of a crown (diadem) and certificate. Later, when the monarch's rule became associated with judging, the sceptre was added. Anointing, which constituted the proper consecration ritual, was performed by God's man: a prophet and priest. Solemn acclamation began in the sanctuary and accompanied the procession on the way to king's palace. In the palace the other two ceremonies were performed: enthronement and paying homage to the new king by his subordinates.Pozycja Paralelizm syntaktyczny we współczesnych homiliach obrzędowychŁojek, Maria (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)The paper discusses these parallel structures which appear in complex sentences of the three types of ritual homilies. The material under analysis includes 68 contemporary homilies (24 baptismal, 21 wedding, 23 funeral), appearing in G. Siwek's book Homilie obrzędowe (Ritual Homilies). Syntactic analysis of complex sentences was carried out according to traditional syntax conception. It showed that the basic stylistic device employed here is parallelism (it is simultaneously a factor which brings in order and introduces an element of regularity in the construction of multiple complex sentences.) The domination of parallel structures, which are the result of the so called language automatization, is clearly perceived. Not only independent parts of a sentence are parallel, but also whole syntax groups. Ritual homilies are characterised by a tendency to enlarge the capacity of the component sentence through nominal structures, which results from using parallelisms facilitating the constructing of a sentence by a preacher.