Roczniki Teologiczne, 2003, T. 50, z. 2

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Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 20 z 24
  • Miniatura
    Jaka jedność Europy? Kościół wobec „nowej” Europy
    Góźdź, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
    From the Christian point of view one can speak about the unity of Europe not only in its spiritual, religious, ethical, or, in general, theological aspect, because this aspect is not independent. Rather, it is combined with the whole life of people, those who make up a personal unity of Europe at all levels of their lives. Obviously, Christianity is the foundation of all Europe. One can perhaps nowhere else find such a considerable feedback between Christianity and human culture as it is in Europe. Therefore one can say that Europe, if it wants to become a powerful structure in every respect (spiritual, economic, cultural, social, and personal) – and this is what is meant by European integration (!) – it must rely on Christianity. Atheism is a foundation of no unity. Some selected precursors of a proper European integration around Christian values show a clear way: without a Christian regeneration, understood as a future built upon faith (Card. J. Ratzinger), or a vocation to unity through the Christian spirit (John Paul II), it is impossible to carry out the process of unification. Briefly speaking, without the Gospel of Jesus Christ there is no and will not be any unity in the world!
  • Miniatura
    Wczesnochrześcijańska nauka o Duchu Świętym w przekazie Dydyma Aleksandryjskiego nazywanego Ślepcem
    Huculak, Benedykt J. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
    This article deals with the Trinitarian teaching of Didymus of Alexandria (ca 312-398) who, despite his outstanding contribution to the sacred theology, still remains one of the less known early Christian writers. His deep exegetical and theological insigt and his subtle exposition of the traditional teaching on the Three Persons and on the Holy Spirit proceeding also from the Son, testify that he was not less enlightened than the Cappadocian Fathers. Besides, he directly transmitted the traditional Greek theology to Cyrill of Alexandria, who would become the greatest theologian among the Eastern Fathers.
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    Chrześcijańskie Kościoły a kulturowa tożsamość Europy
    Jaskóła, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
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    Elementy metody hermeneutycznej w ikonologii
    Klauza, Karol (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
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    Miłosierdzie Boże – wczoraj i dzisiaj
    Lewandowski, Jerzy (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
    Divine Mercy in theological consideration dates back not only to the Old and the New Testaments but in its peak dimension is the victory on the Cross and in Christ’s Resurrection. According to John Paul II. Mary is defined as the person who most fully learned the mysteries of Divine Mercy. The most wonderful example of a spontaneous development of the theology of Divine Mercy is the life and work of St Sister Faustina Kowalska. John Paul II as the Pope of Hope in his twenty-five-year long pontificate shows Divine Mercy that it integrates humanity in the blessing of God and summons to the prayer of the Church, which is a calling for Divine Mercy in view of the diversity of evil that weighs on humanity “yesterday and today”.
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    Tożsamość w rozwoju i różnorodności – integralna wizja tradycji Kościoła w teologii Waltera Kaspera
    Podhorecki, Norbert (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
    Modern society while adhering to the ideals of scientificity, progressiveness and development finds it difficult to define its approach to Tradition, or it contests Tradition and rejects it. The same problem is experienced at the religious level. The Church should incessantly seek an adequate understanding of its Tradition. Departing from such assumptions. Cardinal Walter Kasper follows this direction in his thinking. In order to place and work out an issue, one should start from a broad understanding of the phenomenon of tradition (the anthropological level). Having analysed the crisis of tradition in contemporary tradition and stressed the importance of tradition as a generally human phenomenon, Kasper decidedly opposes the false alternative: either progress or preservation of tradition. The philosophical conception of “tradition”, which – drawing on the modified version of the system of Hegel – allows to define it as a unity of act and being, contents and process, results in a theological analysis of the understanding of the Tradition of the Church. For Kasper this is the place of manifesting the truth in history (the Christian interpretation of one of the basic questions in the philosophical systems of German idealism – G. W F. Hegel, F. W J. Schelling). The following aspects: Christological-pneumatological, ecclesiologica!, eschatological, and, eventually, typological-sacramental, unveil the wealth and depth of Tradition, but, above all, its universal understanding as the way to transmit the Gospel and the process of “self-giving” (Selbstueberlieferung) of God through Christ in the Holy Spirit towards the everlasting presence in the Church. The distinction between the one and the only one Tradition (the everlasting presence of the Truth of Christ in the Church) and the traditions resulting thereof (the manifestation of the Truth in its ever new historical attire), with respect to Kasper’s criteria of distinction between both realities, reveals the space of Christian freedom, openness to ever more profound (than its articulations in the Church) Truth. This truth of the Gospel of Christ that is present in the Church remains unaltered despite differences, development, and historical conditions of its testimonies.
  • Miniatura
    Jedność Europy a zbawcza misja Kościoła
    Czaja, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
  • Miniatura
    Prorockie powołanie Kościoła wobec Europy i świata
    Guzowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
    Speaking about prophetism seems to be for many only a consideration of a purely cultural character, for a prophet is commonly regarded as a person that belongs to ancient tradition. The paper entitled The Prophetic Vocation of the Church Towards Europe and the World suggests that the issue of prophetism is still topical. It results from the awareness that the Church is a community of persons, that it was not only founded by Christ-the Word Incarnate, but it was also called to witness to the truth most fully revealed in God-Man. This Truth deals with the fortunes of the Church and the world, concerns each man and is eternal. Therefore there is a particular calling of “all and each faithful” to bear witness like Christ the Prophet did it. Sequela Christi is for the faithful a source of identity and power, also at the time of a crisis of faith.
  • Miniatura
    Spór o Kościół w Europie. Jedność Europy w optyce Ewangelii. Sprawozdanie z Tygodnia Eklezjologicznego 2003.
    Kmiecik, Violetta (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
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    Chrześcijańskie źródła jedności Europy
    Kowalczyk, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
    The context of socio-political transformations in Europe is an evidence that there are no philosophical grounds for social unity. There is a need to properly understand social unity itself as a unification within the frameworks of pluralism, its foundations and sources. Now. social unity must co-exist with social pluralism, since otherwise it grow's into totalitarianism. It must have philosophical grounds as well. For Christianity such grounds are in God revealing Himself as One Essence in the Trinity of the Persons, therefore as the most perfect model of community. The Holy Trinity is a living programme for human community. The latter should be modelled on the community of the Divine Persons. It is the personal structure of man that enables the realization of this programme, the structure that is enriched by the grace of Jesus Christ as God Incarnate.
  • Miniatura
    „Universale Concretum”. Chrystocentryzm jako klucz do jednania różnorodności
    Szymik, Jerzy (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
    Pluralism and pluriformism of cultures are at the moment one of the greatest challenges not only for theology, but also for the future of our world. It is a challenge that hides in itself concrete dangers and chances. On the one hand, the pluralism of cultures bears a potential threat of chaos and its catastrophic and deadly consequences. On the other hand, there is a promise of life-giving fruits of a reconciled variety. Christian theology finds the key of reconciliation in a consequent Christocentric project of thought and life. For it is Jesus Christ as Universale Concretum who reconciles in a creative (salvational) manner the greatest difference of reality: the chasm between the Creator and creature. Christology, as integrasible, a hope for the divided world, is supposed to serve this goal. This is the Christian proposal to solve the burning quaestionis clavis of the reconciliation of varieties: the Person and Work of Jesus Christ as a paradigm of unity and pluralism at the same time.
  • Miniatura
    Kościół katolicki a imperium
    Bartnik, Czesław S. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
    From the point of view of historiosophy religion in great empires runs a dialectic course: either it wins considerable importance, or it is “imperialized”, becomes weaker and dies together with the empire. Christianity was negative towards the ancient empires, although a part of the theologians of history thought that the Roman Empire with its bloody past had finally, owing to Divine Providence, prepared historical grounds for the Catholic Church - preparalo Christiana. Today there are diverging opinions about the rising super-state, or a certain European Empire. For many, it seems to be a New Roman Empire that expects of us a modern Evangelization and Christianization. The author thinks, however, that one should positively evaluate the European Community of states, nations, cultures, economies, but not a European Empire. It has no aspects of the Kingdom of God, on the contrary it has an officially atheistic policy, without a soul, transgressing the Ten Commandments, its ideology is utopian, or even hypocritical. Therefore the Polish Church should in no way give its political support for this New Babylon.
  • Miniatura
    Critical Consciousness in the Postmodern Condition New Opportunities for Theology?
    Boeve, Lieven (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
    Punktem wyjścia analiz prof. L. Boeve jest przekonanie, że współczesnej teologii potrzebny jest dialog ze współczesną filozofią, dzięki któremu teologia ma szansę mówienia tym samym językiem i w tych samych płaszczyznach semantycznych, co współczesne kierunki filozoficzne. Te ostatnie oscylują wokół kwestii lingwistycznych i pschologicznych. Dlatego w wykładzie belgijskiego Teologa znalazły się analizy poglądów Wolfganga Welscha, Jean-François Lyotarda, Richarda Rorty’ego i Jiirgena Habermasa. Wychodząc z założeń idealistycznej filozofii amerykańskiej Wolfgang Welsch wypracował system, który można określić mianem „radykalnego pluralizmu” W swym dziele Unsere postmoderne Moderne Welsch kreśli system akceptujący doświadczenie pluralizmu jako cechy wyróżniającej erę ponowoczesną. Jean-François Lyotard reprezentuje w pewnym sensie przeciwstawną postawę intelektualną, kładącą akcent na radykalną heterogeniczność poznania, wyrastającą na gruncie filozofii języka. Poglądy Richarda Rorty’ego to w praktyce uzasadnienie poglądu o radykalnym uszczegółowieniu poznania. Jego zdaniem nie ma żadnego zewnętrznego kryterium pozwalającego na definitywność odpowiedzi o prawdzie. Myśl Jiirgena Habermasa płynie być może z chęci pogodzenia opcji radykalnego pluralizmu z tendencjami do relatywizacji poznania. W jego koncepcji istotne znaczenie posiada diagnoza współczesnych tendencji kulturotwórczych. Życie współczesnych społeczeństw rozwiniętych stoi na krawędzi ryzyka samozniszczenia, bowiem przestają się liczyć takie dynamizmy, jak tradycja kulturalna (warunkująca postawy poszukiwania prawdy i znaczenia), nastawienie na integrację społeczną (skoncentrowane na budowaniu wspólnoty i solidarności oraz socjalizacja (pozwalająca budować indywidualną i społeczną identyfikację tożsamości). W swych poglądach na wpływ myśli omawianych filozofów na teologię prof. Boeve stosuje metodę analogii, przenosząc niektóre z elementów myślenia filozoficznego na grunt analizy dogmatu i elementów nauczania Magisterium. Dzięki takiej postawie intelektualnej w nowym świetle ukazane zostały w wykładzie podstawy działalności misyjnej Kościoła, jego prerogatywy związków z prawdą antropologiczną, kosmologiczną i religijną. W tej perspektywie rysują się dla teologii nowe przestrzenie dialogu interreligijnego i wewnątrzchrześcijańskiego. Szerzej też można wykorzystać osiągnięcia praktyki i teorii współczesnej kultury i kulturologii. W dyskusji po wykładzie przedmiotem rozmowy uczyniono zagadnienie wyznaniowości w mówieniu o kształcie i zasadach metodologicznych współczesnej teologii. Zauważono dynamiczny wpływ metodologii protestanckich ujawniający się we współczesnej teologii. Zwrócono też uwagę na zastosowanie niektórych elementów „otwartej narratywności” w katechezie, działalności misyjnej (szczególnie w europejskich społeczeństwach postchrześcijańskich) i teorii życia wewnętrznego.
  • Miniatura
    Nakaz misyjny Chrystusa a tolerancja chrześcijan
    Müller, Gerhard L. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
    A point of departure for the Professor from Munich, and now the Bishop of Regensburg, can be reduced to the following theses. One is put forward by such fundamentalists as the Berlin professor H. Schnaedelbach who thinks that Christianity has no right to conduct its missions, for the missionary order belongs to “innate drawbacks” of Christianity. Another thesis comes from relativists who propose a pluralistic theology of religion which treats all religions as “equal” and the missionary order of Christianity has brought about a “religious compulsion” and destruction of other religions and cultures. G. L. Mueller has proved that the above theses are absurd. Opposing this fundamentalist and relativistic interpretation of the missionary character of Christianity, he proved that there is no contradiction between the mission of Christianity and toleration towards others. On the contrary, there is a mysterious coherence between the missionary task, toleration and the Christian commandment of charity. The bishop proved this cooperation in two principal dimensions of the relationship between Christianity and people. In relation to Jews and in relation to “pagans”, in which the latter are in the biblical sense a synonym of nations. God wants to give them His salvation through the mediation of the church preaching. The German theologian shows also that the theses posed by so-called “after-Auschwitz” theology are wrong as well. He clearly explains the relationship between the Holocaust and Christianity, or even asks whether a mission among Jews is still possible, while he himself understands mission as a dialogue of charity between Jews and Christians, and acknowledgment of a different character of nations.
  • Miniatura
    Kościół jako sakrament dialogu według Edwarda Schillebeeckxa
    Nadbrzeżny, Antoni (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
    Ecclesiology continuously makes efforts to reinterpret the biblical images of the Church (the People of God, the Body of Christ, the Kingdom of God). Professor Edward Schillebeeckx proposes a dynamic-existential conception of the Church as a sacrament of dialogue. He notices a dialectic tension between humanity and the Church defined as a sacrament of the future (sacramentum futuri). Christ is really present in the Church and at the same time He goes beyond her visible borders and becomes a gift for those who are not related with the Church. Therefore each anonymous relationship with Christ is simultaneously an encounter with the Church. Anonymous Christianity needs the voice of the Church, so that it could enter the level of conscious participation in the fellowship of faith. The basic task of the Church is a dialogue with the world. Owing to this dialogical relationship between the Church and the world, they both listen to and enrich each other. The dialogue with the world demands that the Church be always ready to conversion. Through dialogue the Church becomes herself more and more and is committed to the promotion of good in the world.
  • Miniatura
    Chrystus-Sługa. Wnioski z notatek duchowych bł. Jerzego Matulewicza-Matulaitisa
    Pek, Kazimierz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
    Blessed Jerzy Matulewicz-Matulaitis († 1927) is one of few theologians of the late 19th and early 20th century who in their Christological arguments concentrate on the theme of Christ the Servant. He expressed it most fully in his Spiritual Diary written between 1910 and 1914. His theological notes are a kind of summary of his academic experience in Petersburg (Russia) and Fribourg (Switzerland). He found his primary source of inspiration in Biblical study In the notes, it is ultimately possible to discern two theological perspectives: “With Christ the Servant” and “I, Christ the Servant”.
  • Miniatura
    Andrzej Kilanowski, Dio Padre in Rahner, von Balthasar e Scheffczyk. Elementi per una teologia della prima Persona trinitaria, Romae 1998, ss. 231.
    Góźdź, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)
  • Miniatura