Roczniki Teologiczne, 2007, T. 54, z. 8

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Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 20 z 23
  • Miniatura
    Źródła i motywacja modlitwy Kościoła za zmarłych
    Decyk, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The paper discusses the issue of the motivation of the prayer for the dead. It presents the history and sources of the prayers. The first Christians believed that man after death needed prayer from the living. The Church since its beginning has been passing the idea of after-death purification. From the 11th century onwards the term “purgatory” (Lat. purgatoriunv, Gr. πῦρ ϰαϑαρτιϰός). From the times of Charles the Great masses are said for concrete dead persons. At the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries there was a practice to say many masses for the dead, and also devotions ordered in the wills of the dead persons. The new theological trend calls for a proper understanding of the concepts concerning purification after death. The concept of purgatory may not be interpreted in the categories of punishment, penance, but as the ultimate way of sanctification. The prayer for “the souls in purgatory” retains its values and is accounted for by “the communing of the saints.” The motive for the prayer for the dead is Christ – His mystery of death and resurrection is a safeguard of this prayer.
  • Miniatura
    Krakowskie oficjum rymowane o św. Wacławie „Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem” jako przejaw jego kultu
    Głowa, Władysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The paper presents the rhymed office devoted to one of the main four patrons of Poland - St. Wenceslaus: “Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem.” The principal rhymed verses, antiphonies and responsories in three nocturnes, speak first about the spiritual attributes of the saint Martyr, showing him as a great ascetic and listing the virtues and mortification that he practised. Then the author of the office, following the example of the Czech prince, teaches about death and resurrection, things that fill us with truly Christian hope.
  • Miniatura
    Życie i działalność dydaktyczno-naukowa ks. prof. dra hab. Zbigniewa Wita
    Kopeć, Jerzy Józef (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
  • Miniatura
    Czy diakoni i wierni świeccy mogą udzielać sakramentu namaszczenia chorych?
    Krakowiak, Czesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The author deals with the problem of the dispenser of the anointing of the sick. This is a current topic, as we are witnessing demands or even practice that is not in accord with the hitherto doctrine and Tradition of the Catholic Church that this sacrament could be administered also by deacons and the lay faithful. Bearing in mind the analysis of Jk 5:14 and the usual teaching of the Church, the author is in favour of the position adopted by the majority of Biblical specialists and theologians. They claim that the term presbyteroi used in the text denotes those who lead the community of the Church — a bishop and presbyter. It is true that there are some testimonies, informing us that the lay persons use the holy oil in the case of illness, but the sacrament of the anointing of the sick has always been administered by priests. This doctrine is also found in the Ordo unctionis infirmorum of 1972 and the Code of Canon Law of 1983. Finally the matter has definitively been decided by the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith. It issued a Note in 2005 in which we are reminded that the teaching about the priest (sacerdos) as the only dispenser of the sacrament of the anointing of the sick is definitive tenendo. Therefore no one can administer it validly, and those who do it commit the “crime of simulation” which is punishable (cf. CCL can 1379; CCEC can. 1443). This doctrine and practice of the Roman Church remain in accord with the Eastern Churches and the Orthodox Church.
  • Miniatura
    Dzisiejsze perspektywy Planu Ewangelizacji „Ad Christum Redemptorem”
    Kulbacki, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    Father Franciszek Blachnicki, the founder of the Movement of the Living Church, later called the Light and Life Movement, was an experienced pastoral theologian who - as Card. Karol Wojtyła said - was perfect in his translation of the teaching of the Council into practice. Fr. Blachnicki collected liturgical, educational, and catechumenal experiences which bore fruit in the form of new evangelisation programmes. Their original synthesis composes the Ad Christum Redemptorem Plan of Evangelisation proclaimed in 1980, therefore the Good News could reach each inhabitant of Poland. The programme was based on three basic stages of evangelisation and the watchwords of the beginning of John Paul H’s pontificate: 1. Stage one - action of prayer concentrated in the oases of prayer whose network should cover all the regions of the country. The watchword of this state brings to mind the great intercessory prayer of the pope: “May Your Spirit come down! May Your Spirit come down and restore the face of the earth! This earth!” 2. Stage two - kerygmatic evangelisation, working in group of catechumenal character, a response to the Pope’s calling: “Open the door to Christ!” Fr. Blachnicki provided a form of “the first evangelisation” at this stage. One of the elements to preach is the film Jesus, prepared especially for kerygmatic purposes. 3. Stage three - preaching “the Gospel of liberation,” under the watchword “Do not fear!” - spreading the Crusade of Man’s Liberation. The plan is designed to be supported by the evangelisational-catechumenal model of the parish as the community of communities. It describes stages through which evangelisation encompasses ever wider circle of people. The programme has bom many fruits, whereas its methods penetrated pastoral care in Poland. At the same time, however, at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s the programme lost its dynamism, among other things, because it was treated selectively and the formation of deacons was insufficient. The analysis of the programme shows how complex the plan was and, despite the changing socio-religious situation, it is still an important proposal ordering evangelisation on a large scale.
  • Miniatura
    Szczepanów zawsze wierny św Stanisławowi biskupowi i męczennikowi
    Margański, Bolesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
  • Miniatura
    Formacyjny walor pokuty
    Petryk, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    Over the history of the Church the practice of penance has undergone changes. In the first centuries it had a deeply formative character. It was similar to the catechumenal itinerary (it took place in the fellowship of penitents and had some stages). In the early Middle Ages the practice took on a more individual and expiatory character which was continued throughout the long ages of the Church. The Second Vatican Council renewed the rites of the sacrament of penance so that it would better express the social dimension of sin and conversion. Penance is an answer to the existential situation of the sinner. In its essence it constitutes an element of the process of conversion, which best defined by the Greek term μετάνοια. The teaching of the Church says that penance manifests itself in the faithful and good fulfilment of the duties of one’s calling, position, and age. Giving somebody penance should take into account the burden of sins, the penitent’s age, and above all his spiritual good. Sacramental penance must have formative and healing valour. Among the factors leading to penance one should name appropriate catechesis, salvific dialogue, and above all penance celebrations which draw their effectiveness from the power of the Word of God.
  • Miniatura
  • Miniatura
    Msza święta niedzielna w świadomości wiernych
    Święs, Kazimierz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The leading problem of the paper is a question about the significance of the Sunday Eucharist for its participants. In his answer, the author quotes basic theological and liturgical requirements, as they are contained in the documents of the Church about the participation of the faithful in the Holy Mass. He confronts them with the sociological findings, concerning this matter. Analysing data, he indicates that the first rank is conferred on religious motivations while customary motives become less important. The pastoral postulates show the need of constant and broad liturgical formation. The sacral character of Sunday must be made more profound in the awareness of the faithful and the community dimension of celebration.
  • Miniatura
    Potrydencka liturgia koronacyjna króla i królowej według „Pontificale Romanum” z 1595-1596 roku
    Pałęcki, Waldemar (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    One of the main assumptions of the reforms of the Tridentine Council was to make liturgical rites uniform by publishing common books for the whole Church. They allow to learn various liturgical rites concerning persons and particular groups. An example of such a book is the Pontificale Romanian, Editio Princeps of 1595-1596. It contains many rites, among which one finds the liturgy of the coronation of Christian rulers. The Roman Pontifical of the end of the 16th century and provides a uniform coronation rite, with its pattern in the Durand's Pontifical of the end of the 13 century. The post-Tridentine rites depict the conception of ruler as the Lord’s anointed who in his power is neither a priest or a king. This idea was alive in the Middle Ages. The new approach to the ministry and role of a lay ruler the fact that the ceremony of coronation is made different from bishop’s ordination. The elect’s head is no longer anointed during coronation, and his garment is not similar to the pontifical garb of bishop. The Pontificale Romanum presents four variations of coronation liturgy, but the royal insignia are simplified and there no rite of handing over the ring, or the apple. The coronation rites included in the book show a rich biblical typology by referring to the figures of the Old Testament. The coronation texts present also the spiritual role of the Church. The Pontificale Romanum of 1595-1596 permits us to learn about the coronation liturgy of Christian rulers. We may grasp any changes in theological accent and notice liturgical modifications.
  • Miniatura
    Wkład Franciszka Małaczyńskiego OSB w odnowę liturgii w Polsce
    Koperek, Stefan; Górski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    Stanisław Marian Małaczyński was bom on the 18th of August 1920 in Lvov. He was ordained on the 6th of June 1946 and in 1959 entered Benedictine Order where he received the name Franciszek. In the years 1963-1965 he studied liturgy in Rome under the direction of B. Neunheuser O.S.B. and obtained a doctor’s degree. In 1953 he was enrolled in the Episcopal Commission for Liturgy, of which he was a secretary for many years. His great impact on the renewal of the liturgy is expressed mostly by translations and preparing Polish liturgical books for publication. To those belong rituals, missals, rites of paschal liturgy, the rites of the sacraments, profession of the religious, the rites of consecration of the virgins, benediction of the abbot and abbess, the liturgical calendar for the Polish dioceses, the Polish edition of the Liturgy of the Hours, the Lectionary, the book of General Intercessions. He also created several new prefaces. Beside of these, according to the initiative of Card. Karol Woytyla he organized the Course of Liturgy, of which he was responsible for two years and afterwards with full commitment he lectured in the Liturgical Institute in Kraków and in its affiliated department in Rzeszów. Apart from editorial and educational work he published a lot in “Ruch Biblijny i Liturgiczny” [Biblical and Liturgical Movement], of which he was a co-editor for a long time, and delivered a number of speeches during the meetings of the Polish liturgists. For his 70th anniversary the Primate of Poland, Card. Joseph Glemp addressed to him in the letter of gratitude for his dedication in the service of the liturgy: “The years in the Tyniec monastery you have used in many ways. I shall emphasize one aspect of your work in the area of the liturgy as an expert and a secretary of the Episcopal Commission for Liturgy for almost 30 years. The Polish translations of all liturgical books have passed through your hands [...]. You may be aware that by your work you remain constantly united with the liturgical prayer of the Church in Poland.”
  • Miniatura
    Sprawowanie Eucharystii w odbiorze świeckich uczestników liturgii
    Słotwińska, Helena (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The paper opens with a brief presentation of the nature of the liturgy. At the backdrop of this introduction, some drawbacks of its celebration have been shown, including: unclear signs', celebrating “the whole liturgy” instead of the liturgy of the Church, disturbing the faithful in celebrating the Eucharist, and improper treatment of the liturgy of the Word of God. Eventually, the paper focuses on additional vices which present the main celebrant as the leader of the Eucharistic Congregation in a bad light.
  • Miniatura
    Etapy ewangelizacji we współczesnym kontekście pastoralnym
    Dyk, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The duty to evangelise is an essential and primary vocation of the Church. In order to better understand the rich reality of evangelisation one should analyse its particular stages. In the light of the Holy Scripture and contemporary teaching of the Church one may distinguish the following stages of evangelisation: prayer, the anointing with the Holy Spirit, a testimony of Christian life, open proclamation of Christ, faith and conversion, joining the fellowship of the Church, participation in the sacramental life, and undertaking apostolic tasks. In its ministry of evangelisation the contemporary Church should take into account the succession of these stages. The contemporary pastoral situation orders the Church to lay a greater emphasis on pre-evangelisation and missionary commitment (the first and new evangelisation). One should not forget that no evangelisation may take place without the prior anointing with the Holy Spirit. This in turn is a fruit of a persistent, humble, and communal prayer.
  • Miniatura
    Komunikacyjny charakter śpiewu i muzyki liturgicznej
    Janiec, Zdzisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    Chant and music occupy a significant place in the liturgy. They belong to the elements of interpersonal communication. The liturgical congregation must be aware of communication with God. Chant and music in the liturgy should express the mystery of salvation celebrated by the Church. When one speaks about chant and liturgical music prepared for celebration, one should bear in mind that they ought to be taken in the perspective of Divine Mystery. The goal of chant and liturgical music is not only informing about a concept, doctrine, but presenting the Mystery of God. Chant and liturgical music designed for the use in the service of God should make use of a language that is communicative for participants. Thus theology of music and liturgical chant call for musical comprehensibility. Conforming to this principle expresses a concern that chant and liturgical music be the domain of faith, not only of aesthetics.
  • Miniatura
    Dziejowy wymiar posługi św. Józefa a Kościół na podstawie adhortacji apostolskiej Jana Pawła II „Redemptoris custos”
    Krzyszowski, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    The paper shows the ministry of St. Joseph in the salvific work of the Incarnate Word and His Church. The author has analysed John Paul Il’s apostolic adhortation Redemptoris custos in order to focus on the Guardian of the Holy Family as an antidote against the errors dehumanising Jesus Christ. He explained the Lord God prepared a special place for St. Joseph in His plans, and what it means that He made him a witness and a tool through which God’s promises have been fulfilled.
  • Miniatura
    Dimensione liturgica dello scoutismo come movimento Ecclesiale
    Migut, Bogusław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
    We współczesnym świecie możemy łatwo dostrzec istnienie religijności niejasnej i błędnej, polegającej na ucieczce w spirytualizm, synkretyzm religijny i ezoteryzm, dążenie za wszelką cenę do przeżycia wydarzeń nadzwyczajnych, co łączy się z koncentracją ludzi na sobie samych i tzw. poszukiwaniem siebie. Największym niebezpieczeństwem dla współczesnej religijności wydaje się być neognostycyzm, w którym nie ma miejsca dla sakramentalnego pojmowania świata, czyli postrzegania go jako obrazu i sakramentu osobowego Boga. Religijność zbudowana na takiej wizji świata jest poszukiwaniem spirytualizmu, wykluczającego jakiekolwiek pośrednictwo sakramentalne między człowiekiem a Bogiem. Takie sposoby fałszywego pojmowania religii stają się jednym z najważniejszych wyzwań wychowawczych we współczesnym Kościele. Liturgia jest z jednej strony kierunkiem takiego wychowawczego i formacyjnego działania, a z drugiej strony skutecznym lekarstwem na oderwany od natury ludzkiej spirytualizm i na właściwe przeżywanie Boga oraz własnej duchowości. Skauting, zwłaszcza ten ukierunkowany na pełną formację ludzką i chrześcijańską (skauting katolicki), daje ogromną przestrzeń do wychowania do liturgii, ale też przez liturgię. Metoda skautowa docenia cielesny wymiar człowieka oraz piękno stworzonego świata. U jego podstaw znajduje się prawdziwa teologia (nauka o Bogu) i prawdziwa antropologia (nauka o człowieku). Wszystko to w połączeniu z wolą nieustannego nawrócenia i przemiany stanowi podstawę do chęci uczestnictwa i rozumienia liturgii. Poza katolickim nurtem w Światowej Organizacji Ruchu Skautowego (WOSM) istnieje też Międzynarodowy Związek Przewodniczek i Skautów Europy - Federacja Skautingu Europejskiego (UIGSE), który od 26 sierpnia 2006 r. jest uznany przez Stolicę Apostolską za prywatne stowarzyszenie wiernych świeckich. To zwłaszcza do Federacji Skautingu Europejskiego (w Polsce jako Stowarzyszenie Harcerstwa Katolickiego „Zawisza” Federacja Skautingu Europejskiego) odnoszę się określone przez Kościół (Jan Paweł II. Christifìdeles laici 30) następujące kryteria eklezjalnego charakteru zrzeszeń laikatu: 1) stawianie na pierwszym miejscu powołania każdego chrześcijanina do świętości; 2) odpowiedzialność w wyznawaniu wiary katolickiej; 3) świadectwo trwałej i autentycznej komunii; 4) zgodność z apostolskim celem Kościoła i udział w jego realizacji; 5) zaangażowana obecność w ludzkiej społeczności. Dotyczą one również miejsca liturgii w tym katolickim ruchu skautowym oraz sposobu jej sprawowania. Ruchy mają żyć liturgią Kościoła powszechnego, z niej czerpać i do niej prowadzić swoich członków. Także skauting nie może też rościć sobie prawa do tworzenia własnego skautowego obrządku liturgicznego. Duchowość ruchów ma wyrażać się głębią rozumienia i uczestnictwa w liturgii, ale nie tworzeniem odrębności obrzędowych, budowaniem własnych tradycji. To, co wyróżnia ruchy pod względem ich duchowości, winno objawić się w liturgii w komentarzach, w homilii, modlitwie wiernych oraz w doborze śpiewów. Nie powinno mieć miejsca budowanie liturgii w liturgii, tworzenie własnych obrzędów, wprowadzanie własnych zwyczajów.
  • Miniatura
    Małżeńsko-rodzinna communio personarum jako punkt odniesienia integralnie rozumianej miłości
    Stala, Józef (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
  • Miniatura
    Dorobek naukowy ks. prof. dra hab. Zbigniewa Wita
    Pałęcki, Waldemar (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
  • Miniatura
    Przegląd bibliografii z wybranych zagranicznych czasopism liturgicznych z lat 2005-2006
    Krakowiak, Czesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)
  • Miniatura
    Przegląd bibliografii liturgicznej z wybranych polskich czasopism z lat 2005-2006
    Krakowiak, Czesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)