Roczniki Teologiczne, 2017, T. 64, nr 2

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  • Miniatura
    Das Herz der Kirche: Joseph Ratzingers Verständnis des Wesens der Liturgie
    Vonderlin, Fabian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    In this essay, the Catholic liturgy will be discussed, focussing especially on the eucharistic liturgy as it might be understood in the context of Joseph Ratzinger’s approach. The sacramental reality constituting the substantial aspect of the Eucharist is a central part of Christian faith. Considering this, precisely this sacramental reality can only be comprehended as the celebration of the Eucharist, and the related effects are only conceivable in the Eucharist by the actual sacrifice of the cross of Christ. In the Eucharist, the entire life of every single person who is baptized as a part of the mystical body of Christ is brought to the Father by Christ himself within the Holy Spirit. Finally, we obtain the precondition for a fruitful work of a believer and the connected effects of his efforts to sanctify the mystical body of Christ, as every prayer is transferred only by the Father in the Eucharist in the Holy Spirit.
  • Miniatura
    Existence as the Question of Faith: Tillich’s Existential Reorientation of the Arguments for God’s Existence
    Tritten, Tyler (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    Through a close reading of Paul Tillich this article argues that the human being asks questions because its existence is a question, pensive concern with the meaning of its own being. A chief task, then, is to explicate the impossibility of absolute despair and absolute apathy. Even despair and doubt witness to a concern with meaning insofar as it mourns its absence. In this respect, every person has a ‘god,’ namely something regarded as holy, something concerning the individual ultimately or, in Tillich’s terms, an object of ultimate concern. Even the atheist who dedicates her life to refuting belief in God testifies to this as her ultimate concern. Ultimate concern is thus Tillich’s definition of faith: subjection to the holy. The author convincingly shows that faith, the question of and ultimate concern with the holy, is the primary phenomenon constituting human existence as a human person. Faith is the condition of personhood.
  • Miniatura
    Political Staurologies. The Ideological Context and Theological Consequences of Reinterpretation of Jesus’s Cross in Liberation and Feminist Theologies
    Składanowski, Marcin (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    In the article the emphasis will be put on the reinterpretations of Jesus’s Cross in political theologies whose developed forms are liberation theology and feminist theology. The article will consider the reasons which compelled the representatives of these lines of theological thinking to question traditional staurologies and to suggest new attempts of reflection on the Cross. Further, I will present typical for these movements attempts of ahistorical and ideological theology of the Cross along with their consequences for the Christian faith. Finally, an attempt will be made to answer the question whether all the presented attempts of political reinterpretation of the Cross could be called ‘staurologies’, that is an exhaustive and systematic theological approach to all that is contained in Jesus’s death for Christians, or whether they are of a different nature.
  • Miniatura
    Kościół jako „Corpus Mysticum Christi” według Emila Merscha
    Siwecki, Leon (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    The Triune God becomes the sense of the man, while the Church appears as a historical extension of the redemptive act of Christ. The perspective of the Church as the Mystical Body has been shown by Emile Mersch in the key of Jesus Christ. Ecclesiology properly understood is justified in christology. The life and activity of the Church must be conformed to life and work of Jesus Christ. The article presents the above questions in four thematic blocks: 1. Identity of the Church in Jesus Christ; 2. Ecclesiology read in the key of christology; 3. Visible and spiritual order of the Mystical Body; 4. Mystical Body as the place of man’s deification.
  • Miniatura
    Uniqueness and Universality of Jesus Christ in Dialogue with Religions
    Serretti, Massimo (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    The author shows that in the contemporary crisis of Christianity fits crisis of questioning his “claim to the truth.” Skepticism about the truth that bringing Christianity is supported by the achievements of modern science, which intends to overcome thinking about the existence of man and his relationship to God. To contribute two more factors: critical exegesis and critique of classical metaphysics. In the context of these risks, the Author attempts to read the explanatory signs of the times, pointing to the issue of religious truth through the prism of the uniqueness and universality of Jesus Christ. The position to be adopted in relation to truth, Author believes for crucial, because it gives rise to this, to talk about the true religion. In this way he desires to make a challenge for Christian thought associated with the current growth and spread of religious movements.
  • Miniatura
    Christ and the Perfection of Creation in Schleiermacher’s Dogmatic Theology
    Schel, Kevin M. Vander (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    To many of his critics, Schleiermacher’s Christology signals an explicit weakness in his theological system, as his emphasis on religious feeling and subjectivity seems to undermine any claims of the distinctive revelatory or supernatural character of Jesus Christ. This essay by contrast underscores both the originality Schleiermacher’s understanding of Christ in history and its centrality to his overall thought by attending to the subtle theme of the “supernatural-becoming-natural” in his Glaubenslehre and Christliche Sittenlehre. Here the appearance of Christ yields a transformative influence that operates within natural and historical processes, inaugurating the reign of God that does not abolish the natural world but draws creation to its completed perfection.
  • Miniatura
    Andrzej Napiórkowski OSPPE, Teologie XX i XXI wieku, Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków 2016, ss. 448.
    Nadbrzeżny, Antoni (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
  • Miniatura
    God in the Global City
    Nadbrzeżny, Antoni (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    The global city became a significant symbol of radical secularization as well as a sign of God’s eclipse in contemporary society. The experience of the absence of God seems to be one of the pivotal problems for the ecclesiology of communion, which interprets the mission of the Church in the light of the “signs of time.” In this paper the author presents the city as a life space where people of all nations and cultures can find the presence of God in both secular and religious realms. Using the correlation method typical of contextual theology, he describes the phenomenon of the secular city with some of its features and potentials. Then he identifies the signs of God’s presence in the global city in the light of the teaching of Pope Francis. Further on in the article, the author describes the Church as a sacrament of liberation in the context of so called “experience of contrast” characteristic for a metropolis. Finally, he formulates some pastoral implications.
  • Miniatura
    Namaszczenie chorych czy ostatnie namaszczenie?
    Lekan, Janusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    Present study is a trail to think about the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick in three dimensions: purposefulness of institution of the sacrament, rediscovering it in the practice of the Church and consciousness of its meaning among modern catholics. The Anointing of the Sick is an element of “sacramental economy” which means new presence of Christ among us in the Church, who acts through sacraments. The purposes of the sacraments are also: the sanctification of man, building of the Church and giving glory to God. Since ages this sacrament has been practiced in the very last moments of human life, which made it “occasional” gracious help and not an effective sign of saving presence of God in the process of human’s difficult experiences. Therefore, there is a need of a good mediation of the doctrine in order to explain the essence of the sacrament and to overcome false visions and theories, also those connected with calling it “extreme unction,” What is more, the practice of administering this sacrament to all people of bad health, either physically or mentally, should be emphasized, as well as its ecclesial dimension.
  • Miniatura
    Mary as a Mystical Paradise. A Concept of Symbolic and Mystical Mariology of Jacek Majewski OP
    Guzowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    A demonstration of the 17th-century Mariology can be found in a book by Jacek Majewski, a Dominican monk, entitled Pustynia w Ray Zamieniona (“A Desert Made Into a Paradise”), which was published in Lublin in 1753. The author presents Mary as a mystical paradise indwelt by God and full of Divine gifts growing in her like the flowers and springs of the Paradise. J. Majewski’s treatise differs from contemporary works especially in terms of the language and line of argument. Although Pustynia w Ray Zamieniona is steeped in symbols, comparisons, allegories and spiritual meanings, it evades the arbitrariness of free associations. Each symbol and metaphor refer to Scripture and concern God’s true activity in human history. In order to fully appreciate the publication, we ought to bear in mind the existence of three levels of symbolism that we come across there: Biblical, mystical, which depicts God’s activity in the souls of both Mary and believers, and regional, which is connected to the town of Krasnobród.
  • Miniatura
    Teoria języka religijnego
    Góźdź, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    Bibliografia języka religijnego w Polsce jest dość bogata, ale ogranicza się do strony materialnej języka, a nie jego teorii. Dlatego wydaje się, że pośród wielu różnych teorii języka religijnego ważne jest zapoznanie się z propozycją, jaką zaproponował jeszcze w latach 70. XX wieku Anton Grabner-Haider (*1940), obecnie emerytowany austriacki Profesor. Przyjmuje on teorię „krytycznej znaczeniowości” (kritische Bedeutsamkeit) języka religijnego i ją dalej rozwija. Punktem wyjścia jest tu ujęcie teologii jako „wiedzy usystematyzowanej”, jako najwyższej postaci systematyzowania języka religijnego”. Tym samym zakłada się, że możliwa jest ścisła nauka o języku religijnym. Teologia zbudowana jest na bazie języka religijnego, a więc posiada charakter zdaniowy i znaczeniowy (semantyczny). Język religijny ma zatem swoją część asertoryczną (stwierdzenie danego stanu rzeczy) i nieasertoryczną (symbole, obrazy, akty mówienia). Na tej strukturze Grabner-Haider ukazuje wypowiedzi skrypturystyczne: biblijne, dogmatyczne, liturgiczne, ojców Kościoła i teologów. Austriacki Uczony przełamuje zatem dominalizm językowy w ujęciu Wiener Kreis i przypisuje językowi religijnemu znaczenie obiektywne w ramach określonego systemu.
  • Miniatura
    Trójca Święta jako epifania inności. Wgląd hermeneutyczny
    Barth, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    Tekst podejmuje zagadnienie inności, które stało się w ostatnich latach zajmujące, ale i kłopotliwe. Na co dzień doświadczamy bowiem różnych przejawów dyskryminacji, podejrzliwości, wykluczenia, które powodują nieporozumienia, podziały, konflikty. Wszystkie te okoliczności sprawiają, że inność jest traktowana przez współczesnych myślicieli, także teologów, jako palący problem. Myśl teologiczna, nawiązując do bogatej tradycji chrześcijańskiej wiary, w której głównym innym jest transcendentny Bóg, próbuje na nowo przemyśleć znaczenie tej prawdy we współczesnym kontekście. Może zaoferować w ten sposób rozumienie inności, które wypływa z refleksji nad Trójcą Świętą, w której trzy Osoby stoją w stosunku inności, gdzie ich nieredukowalne rozróżnienie staje się warunkiem możliwości ich relacji. Model ten stanowi propozycję dalszych poszukiwań sensu inności, zwłaszcza w obszarach: antropologii, socjologii, etyki, edukacji. W tekście ukazane są także niektóre stanowiska współczesnych myślicieli, którzy czerpiąc inspirację z tradycji chrześcijańskiej, rozwijają hermeneutykę inności.