Roczniki Teologii Moralnej, 2009, T. 1(56)

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  • Pozycja
    Zasady i postulaty personalizmu chrześcijańskiego w teologii nadziei
    Zadykowicz, Tadeusz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    Every concept of the man involves a definite vision of hope. The modern times have brought discredit to hopes based on anthropocentrism, relativism, rationalism, empiricism and skepticism. Also the Church’s traditional teaching defining this virtue statically and individualistically seems insufficient today. In a revival of reflection on hope, like in a revival of the whole investigation into virtues, it proves useful to reach for the principles of Christian personalism. In the light of this kind of reflection on man hope is seen not as waiting passively for happiness that is not closely defined, but as a person’s fully involved participation in making it real. This kind of a man’s involvement in his future is adequate to his dignity. Since God- Person guarantees this dignity, it can be said that the hope of a person is the very Person.
  • Pozycja
    Ekonomia społeczna i nauczanie społeczne Kościoła. Wzajemne implikacje aksjologiczne
    Zadroga, Adam (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    Social economy and the Church’s social teaching are joined not only by a similar object of interest, i. e. a common axiological foundation in the form of certain values and principles. It seems that the existence of such connections on the axiological level is not very well known, which can be proven, among others, by the fact that it is hard to find any studies or even mentions connected with it in the literature on the subject. Hence an attempt seems justified to look closely and to analyze this connection in order to indicate the details of mutual implications, and so to show the possibilities of mutual enriching these two domains of human reflection on social life. The article analyzes particular principles of social life that are preached by the Church as part of its social teaching, with respect to their presence or the necessity of considering them in social economy. First it points to (1) the source and foundation of all the social principles, which is the human person, and then it shows (2) the dignity of work and the call to be enterprising. Next, the following principles are analyzed: (3) the common good, the general allotment of goods and preferential option for the poor, and finally (4) solidarity, subsidiariness and participation.
  • Miniatura
    Prokreacja technicyzowana – wyzwania etyczne
    Wróbel, Józef (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    Technicalized procreation in its various forms is not an idea that was developed only at the end of the 20th century. The first attempts at artificial insemination (in vivo) were made even several centuries earlier. In 1884 the first ethical work devoted to these attempts was published. When in the 20th century the techniques became commonly used, several publications appeared, including documents issued by the Magisterium of the Church, that were devoted to this subject exclusively. Recently published results of medical studies on the effects produced on the health by different methods of assisted reproductive technology (ART) make one look at the methods even more critically. It has turned out that cryobiosis (freezing embryos) causes the death of 85 to 90% of the embryos. It is also often the cause of defective development of the embryos. Using the methods of ART considerably enhances the risk of the occurrence of serious deceases, including genetic ones, in the “test-tube babies”. In order not to allow the birth of children with inborn defects the number of abortions has increased. The use of ART techniques also carries serious threats for the health of the women who undergo such treatment. Most often the threats are connected with the hormone stimulation of their organisms in order to induce hyperovulation, and with the damaging of the inner organs, both when taking oocytes and during the transfer of embryos to the uterus. Medicine also has noted several cases of the death of women during carrying out the procedure of ART.
  • Miniatura
    Perspectivas de ética sexual cristiana
    Vidal, Marciano (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    Artykuł ma na celu ukazanie chrześcijańskiej specyfiki w spojrzeniu na problematykę ludzkiej płciowości i etyki seksualnej. Autor podejmuje analizę znaczenia tego, co oznacza perspektywa chrześcijańska w odniesieniu do seksualnej sfery człowieka. Główną płaszczyzną naukowych rozważań pozostaje płaszczyzna aksjologiczna i normatywna. W końcowej części publikacji zostały zaprezentowane wyzwania dla dyskursu teologicznomoralnego w przyszłości.
  • Pozycja
    Odpowiedzialna miłość samego siebie w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II
    Rzepa, Wojciech (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    The man is created by God in order to build perfection in himself with his own effort. An integral development comprises all the planes, in which a man's life is manifested, that is developing the human body in the physical dimension, developing the mental abilities and possibilities as well as skills, and also the spiritual growth. This is possible only when a man discovers himself and his existence not only in the space of „the living project”, but first of all as „a living vocation”. This growing up in the personal meaning is done by a responsible use of freedom. In this way a man should allow the Holy Spirit to guide him and should be obedient to Him. Such an attitude leads consequently to a deeper recognition of oneself in the entirety of human existence. This discovering of the fullness of humanity and of living vocation is done in the way of the conscience. Hence John Paul II calls for watching over one's state of conscience and points that the inner truth has a fundamental significance in human life. A man is himself by means of his inner truth, whose cognition and acceptance is made difficult by sin. „A new man” – redeemed by Christ – is called to be responsible not only according to his personal dignity, but first of all according to grace, to that supernatural gift. Responsibility of „the new man” in Christ is first of all a call to reflect in oneself this greatness, to which Christ calls and whose measure He becomes Himself. This can be done only by trusting in God. Responsibility for being a God’s child will ultimately be revealed by subjection to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  • Pozycja
    Irish Family in Transformation
    McKeown, Donal (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    Społeczeństwo od wieków katolickiej Irlandii w ostatnim okresie doświadcza głębokich przemian, co szczególnie dotyczy małżeństwa i rodziny. Liczne dane statystyczne potwierdzają, że coraz bardziej upowszechnia się kruchość więzi małżeńskiej, jak i tendencje zmierzające do redefinicji koncepcji małżeństwa i rodziny. Towarzyszy temu narastający brak wrażliwości na świętość ludzkiego życia. Wobec tej rzeczywistości Kościół katolicki podejmuje liczne wysiłki duszpasterskie, by bronić i wspierać rodzinę, szuka nowych dróg wychowania ludzi młodych do dojrzałości i odpowiedzialności, wpisując to w nowy wysiłek ewangelizacyjny.
  • Pozycja
    Posługa kapłańska w sakramencie pokuty Kościoła pierwszych wieków
    Kwiatkowski, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    The penance practice of the Church changed during the ages. One of the invariable elements of the sacrament of penance and reconciliation is the service of the dispenser. Particular stages of the canon penance that was the form of celebration of this sacrament in the first centuries of the Church, i.e. entering the state of penitents, the period of penance and reconciliation, had a liturgical character and occurred with the participation of the whole community of the Church. The bishop (and later also the presbyter), who was at the head of the Christian community, made the decision about admitting to the state of penitents, led the penitential rites, heard the confession (if a confession was necessary), determined the way penance was to be performed, as well as its length. In each period of penance the gesture of laying on of hands took place. In that period we find the so-called dispenser’s functions defined as the classic ones: he is called the father, teacher, physician and judge. Priestly service in the penance process had an ecclesial character. Excluding someone from the community and admitting him to it anew was an important element of the penance process in that period. An analogy is seen between the catechumenate that prepared one for baptism and introduced him to the Church, and canon penance that was including a sinner into the community of salvation again, as he had been excluded from it because of sin.
  • Pozycja
    Małżeństwo sakramentalne w misji nowej ewangelizacji
    Jeżyna, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    Marriage as a sacrament of mission contributes to the spouses' personal salvation and to the care for the salvation of others. The mission of marriage results from the sacramental and salutary character of this community. Recognition of the sacramental character of marriage is connected with the salutary message that is the basic contents of evangelization. The essence of the sacrament of marriage is transmitted by the historic-salutary character of the marital covenant referring to the biblical idea of covenant. The communal character of marriage is expressed in the concept of communio personarum. God’s love is the source of the unity of marital community, as human love is included in the supernatural love of the Holy Trinity. Marriage and family as a subject of evangelization, serving a new life, aims at a full development and salvation of its members. Moreover, their responsibility for the Church is connected with participation in the evangelizing mission towards the world.
  • Pozycja
    Wykaz publikacji teologicznomoralnych za rok 2007
    Gocko, Jerzy (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
  • Pozycja
    „Constructio et consecratio mundi” – zapomniane idee teologii rzeczywistości ziemskich (cz. II)
    Gocko, Jerzy (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    Two ideas: constructio mundi and consecratio mundi have appeared on the basis of the theology of earthly realities, which – in its authors’ intention – was to consolidate the connection between the Christians and God, who does not oppose the involvement into the matters of this world, but gives the involvement a deeper, religious – and hence a fully human – meaning. The aim of the present study – that is a continuation of an article published in the previous volume of „Roczniki Teologiczne” („Theological Annals”) – is to remind and to reinterpret the latter of them. In order to do this the very idea of consecratio mundi and its meaning is presented in the light of assumptions of the theology of earthly realities, then it is interpreted personalistically, and its topicality is shown as a moral challenge. In the light of both publications it should be emphasized that at the basis of the presented principles – constructio mundi and consecratio mundi – there is the reality of the connections between the Christian and the world in the creative-salutary event of God Himself. A Christian, living in the world and being engaged in changing the world, on the one hand participates in the work of creation, and on the other touches the reality of the eschatological dimension. Construction of the world and realization of earthly tasks done by a Christian (constructio mundi) is part of development of the creature constantly recurring in Christ and finding its fulfillment and sanctification (consecratio mundi) in Him.
  • Pozycja
    El amor conyugal − elemento esencial en la constitución de la pareja humana
    Botero Giraldo, Silvio (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    Artykuł Silvio Botero Girardo CSsR, profesora Akademii Alfonsjańskiej w Rzymie, podejmuje zagadnienie miłości małżeńskiej jako elementu konstytutywnego i celu małżeństwa, a więc problematykę, która budziła wiele kontrowersji zarówno w historii teologii małżeństwa, jak również, a może przede wszystkim, w prawie kościelnym. Autor swoje rozważania koncentruje na trzech zagadnieniach: syntezie historycznej ukazującej obecność miłości w teologii małżeństwa; recepcji − pomimo początkowych oporów − miłości małżeńskiej przez Sobór Watykański II oraz ukazaniu trzech kluczowych dla posoborowego nauczania elementów: centralne miejsce osoby ludzkiej, zasady „salus animarum” jako „najwyższego prawa Kościoła” oraz propozycji rewizji „favor juris” w przywilej godności osoby ludzkiej.
  • Pozycja
    Moralne problemy samotności w rodzinie
    Pokrywka, Marian (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    In consequence of the globalization process and of an unprecedented development of the electronic media – that abolish the time and space barriers – the world has been called a global village. It could seem that owing to this fact people would easily get closer to one another. However, what can be seen is the quickly growing phenomenon of loneliness. The range of atrophy of deep interpersonal bonds is so serious that the term „lonely crowd” has been coined. This happens so because the possibilities and technical facilities themselves – although they undoubtedly constitute a chance – cannot form deep interpersonal relations, as the relations are formed by people who can become an unselfish gift and accept others as a gift. Unfortunately, the occurring civilization transformations, and a disintegration of the traditional family that happens along with them, contribute to an increase in the lack of understanding and in loneliness in the family circle. Loneliness in the family results from the lack of proper bonds between its members. Hence being together is often reduced to the physical presence devoid of a deeper, spiritual dimension. Living together, but not united, leads to solitude that can affect everybody: the spouses, children, elderly people. In order to be a real community a family has to constantly discover anew its communal identity. Marital and familial „community of persons” – although it grows from a gift of the loving God – is a task for the people forming it.
  • Pozycja
    Man as the Primary Way for the University
    Nowosad, Sławomir (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    Wieloraka transformacja współczesnej kultury rodzi nowe i pilne wyzwania także dla uniwersytetu, który pozostaje w centrum ludzkiego poszukiwania prawdy. Wśród wielu bardziej czy mniej wyczerpujących prób analizy współczesnej sytuacji kultury europejskiej (euroatlantyckiej), szczególnie godne uwagi jest to, co Jan Paweł II zawarł w adhortacji Ecclesia in Europa. Rozpoznanie niepokojących przejawów jej kryzysu domaga się, by w centrum uwagi dostrzec spór o integralną wizję człowieka i autentycznego humanizmu. Troska o właściwą koncepcję człowieka i jego życia dotyczy także uniwersytetu, co pozwala stwierdzić, że − parafrazując znane słowa Jana Pawła II − jego podstawową drogą powinien być człowiek. Przy całej trosce o właściwy poziom naukowy i dydaktyczny uniwersytetu, fundamentalne dla jego misji winno być służenie integralnej formacji szczególnie studentów, jak też i całej instytucji w duchu humanistycznym i personalistycznym. Szczególnym sprzymierzeńcem uniwersytetu jest w tym chrześcijaństwo, co potwierdza europejska tradycja od powstania pierwszych uniwersytetów aż po współczesność.
  • Pozycja
    Kompromis polityczny, kompromis moralny
    Kieniewicz, Piotr H. (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)
    It is not always clear, whether political concession is or is not a moral compromise in the same time. As long as finding the middle ground does not concerns sensitive matters, there seems to be no problem. When it is in connection to human life and dignity – the problem strikes with full force. Dr. P. H. Kieniewicz discusses the problem of political concession and the risk of moral compromise when sensitive matters – like in vitro fertilization – are to be legislated and moral clarity is to be expected from the people of right conscience. In his opinion such a distinction is possible, in accordance to EV 73.