Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 1994, T. 13

Stały URI dla kolekcjihttps://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/14125


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Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 20 z 28
  • Miniatura
    Mikołaj Gogol w kręgu problemów etyki i religii
    Łużny, Ryszard (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
    In the article (the matter of which was considered by nobody in Poland during the last half of the century) the author exanines a problem of place and role of religious inspiration in the output of a distinguished Russian dramatist, novelist and short-story writer of the first half of the 19th century, and the meaning that theology, ethics, spirituality, East-Christian and Byzantine-Slavonic rites had in a creative evolution, life and transformation of writer’s skills of the author of the corned The Government Inspector and the novel Dead souls. In a special way the author deals with a history of formation of a creative concept of Gogol’s The Government Inspector – successive wordings, author’s interpretations of the drama itself and also its stage adaptations – and a story of writer’s work on Dead souls especially its subsequent volumes. Finally epistolary-publicistic series Selected fragments of correspondence with friends is considered as a direct cause of a ultimate creative crises of the writer and his premature withdrawal from literature and also his illness and death. The last part of the paper is devited to Gogol’s religious writings sensu stricto, with an exposition of his theologically-liturgical treatise Reflections on Divine Liturgy.
  • Miniatura
    Celebracja chrześcijańskiego misterium według „Katechizmu Kościoła katolickiego”
    Margański, Bolesław (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
  • Miniatura
    Duch Święty dawcą życia. Uwagi o duchowości chrześcijańskiej
    Michalik, Andrzej (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
  • Miniatura
    Maryjny aspekt jezusowego błogosławieństwa o słuchających i zachowujących Słowo Boże (Łk 11,27-28)
    Haręzga, Stanisław (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
    The author of the study about the Luke pericope 11, 27-28 has applied a traditional schema of the biblic work. He begins with an introduction of the literary problems of the text. The following points have been discussed regarding that matter: the vocabulary and the style of the text, its structure, the blessing as a form of expression, comparison with the text of Lk 8, 19-21 and the remaining authors of the synoptic Gospels (Mk 3, 31-35; Mt 12, 46-50), the context and the literary genre of the pericope. On the basis of the exegetic analysis – after the interlocutors had been introduced (Lk 11, 27ab) – the sense of respective blessings have been one after the other determined (Lk 11, 27cd. 28) and the connection between them have been shown. The theological reflection have been described as follows: God’s word as a source of blessing, attitude towards God’s word as a sign of Jesus’ follower and necessary condition of blessing, Virgin Mary as an instance of the blessing which had been realized. The studium of the pericope Lk 11, 27-28 set in order in such a way – showed that the main theme of the pericope concentrates round the God’s word – the subject which Luke loved especially. To this end he has shown the blessings hand ad down by tradition. He has linked them into one pericope – calling the special attention to Jesus’s Blessing concerning those who are listening to the God’s word and keeping it. Emphasizing such an attitude of Jesus’ follower necessary for realization of the blessing, he has given to it a more didactic-parenetic nature. The blessing which has been expressed by a woman to Virgin Mary at the same time is deepen and She has been shown as an instance for all those who following Her, want to be percipients of God’s Blessing.
  • Miniatura
    Z dziejów kultu Matki Bożej Tuchowskiej
    Piech, Stanisław (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
  • Miniatura
    Zasady przynależności obrządkowej w świetle „Kodeksu kanonów Kościołów wschodnich”
    Dudziak, Jan (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
  • Miniatura
    Wartość czystości i małżeństwa w świetle „Divinae Institvtiones” Laktancjusza
    Wojtczak, Jerzy (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
  • Miniatura
    Paradoksy ruchu
    Heller, Michał (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
    Strangely enough, antinomies of Zeno of Elea are still discussed among philosophers. Some of the thinkers claim that all antinomies of motion were resolved by the invention of calculus; some other object that mathematics, being a purely formal discipline, cannot deal neither with motion nor with time. The view of Henri Bergson is well known according to which in order to grasp the passing instant of time and the fluent stream of motion human consciousness must be taken into account. All empirical sciences spatialize time and freeze motion, and consequently they must be supplemented by philosophical investigations. The author of the paper agrees that mathematics as such is neutral with respect to problems of time and motion, but emphasizes that mathematical structures can model physical situations. He argues that Zeno’s antinomies are completely resolved if calculus is used to model motion. The rate of instantaneous change is effectively modelled by the concept of derivative.
  • Miniatura
    Poganie „przed Chrystusem” według „Listu do Rzymian” 1-2
    Paciorek, Antoni (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
  • Miniatura
    Księga Mądrości a Stary Testament. Zapożyczenia i podobieństwa w świetle najnowszych badań
    Poniży, Bogdan (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
    At the beginning of Christian Era the Book of Wisdom was originated in the Alexandrian Diaspora. Although it participates in the formation of the OT due to its origin outside Palestine, the actual homeland of the Bible, it differs to a great extend from the OT. The difference constists in the way of presentation of the biblical themes as well as in terminology (ca. 20 per cent of hapax legomena). Wis is situated, as it were, in between OT, constituting its spiritual synthesizing, reading, and the preface to NT, especially St. John and St. Paul. The influence of all three traditions of the OT (historical, prophetical, Wisdom literature) is evident in the Wis. The author of Wis shows his knowledge of LXX although the usage of other greek translations and the Hebrew Bible can be assumed. In the I part (chap 1-5) the author refers particulary often to Genesis, Isaiah', in the II part (chap 6-9) uses OT Wisdom Literature and in the III part (chap 10:15 – 11:14 and 16:1 – 19:22) especially refers to Exodus, whereas in the digressions (11:15 – 12:27 and 13:1 – 15:19) uses especially to Jonah, Jeremiah, Deutero-Isaiah and Psalms. In the „evaluation” of the OT the following tendencies can be observed: (1) idealisation: „Salomon” – the type of the wise man, Israel – the type if the just man, God’s attitude toward the Israelites and Egyptians during the Exodus is the type of treating the just and the godless by God; (2) universalization: the spiritual values of Israel become the common property of the people of good will; (3) individualisation: the OT relations of Jahwe to the Israelites is transfered to God’s relation to a particular man, (4) spiritualisation: religious values, purified from historical and political features become the property of the just; (5) the activity of God in the world is assignes Word (16:12.26; 18:22) and Wisdom (chap. 10).
  • Miniatura
    Wierni świeccy w uchwałach II Synodu Diecezji Rzymskiej
    Dyduch, Jan (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
  • Miniatura
    Zasady i drogi odnowy kultu maryjnego 20-lecie adhortacji „Marialis cultus”
    Budzik, Stanisław (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
  • Miniatura
    Rozwój i doskonalenie struktur kościelnych w diecezji tarnowskiej w okresie pasterzowania biskupa Jerzego Ablewicza
    Kądziołka, Stanisław (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
    This disseratation described the transformation of organization and activity of ecclesiastical structures in the diocese of Tarnów, in the reign of bishop Jerzy Ablewicz (1962-1990). These transformations adapted ecclesiastical structures to requirments of the Vatican II and the new Code of Canon Law. Paricularly great modifications took place in the organization and activity of Diocesan Curia. It became a central organ of coordination of pastoral functions in the whole diocese. New structures diocesan developed such as: Presbyteral Council with College of Consultors and Diocesan Pastoral Council as organs consultative Ordinari Bishop. Caritas Diocese of Tarnów was established in 1989 in order to perfect charity. The great modifications took place in Theological Seminary, Diocesan Tribunal and Cathedral Chapter too. Bishop J. Ablewicz created more new parishes and decanates. Against difficult political conditions were established various organizations for lay catholics. An unusual event was the creation of Catholic Mission in Congo which was conducted by diocesan priestes of Tarnów.
  • Miniatura
    Locke’s Proposed Separation of Church and State
    Park, Désirée (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
  • Miniatura
    Mistrz Eckhart na przestrzeni wieków
    Regner, Leopold (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
    The mystic was always treated as a branch of philosophy, though as well the methods as principles of this and of that are completely different. Therefore the Master John Eckhart was treated as a philosoph and as a mystic. Same of the propositions of Master Eckhart, especially twenty-seven propositions are in 1329 as a heresy condemned. But many experts in the matter of theology estimate now that doctrine of Master Eckhart is theologically correct.
  • Miniatura
    Przymierze – więź i zobowiązanie
    Witczyk, Henryk (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
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  • Miniatura
    Kościół wobec wielości religii
    Kamykowski, Łukasz (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
  • Miniatura
    Elementy chrześcijańskiego humanizmu w literackiej twórczości św. Efrema
    Kania, Wojciech (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
  • Miniatura
    Ograniczenia sztucznej inteligencji w ujęciu Huberta L. Dreyfusa (cz. I)
    Kloch, Józef (Instytut Teologiczny w Tarnowie, 1994)
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is an attempt of simulating of human intelligent behaviour using programming techniques. Since the field first evolved in the mid-1950s, AI researchers believed that insights into the nature of the mind can be gained by studying the operation of computer programs and invented dozens of computer programs that support some sort of intelligent behaviour. In suggesting that a machine with vast intellectual capability was in the offing and that this new intelligence might quickly be attained, these advocates mada themselves hostage to critics, who, increasingly aware of the limitations of certain of the theories being advanced, insisted on their inadequacies. The critics resented the exaggeration implicit in the claims of those, who saw only the promise of quick results and the epistemological assumptions implicit in the name the field had given itself. Hubert L. Dreyfus in his What Computers Can’t Do stirred up a controversy among all those interested in the possibility of formal models of man by arguing that, despite a decade of impressive print-outs and dire predictions of superintelhgent robots, workers in artificial intelligence were (1967) facing serious difficulties which they tended to cover up with special-purpose solutions and rhetorical claims of generality. In the seventies experimental AI systems included generally four kinds of programs: games, problem solving, language translating and pattern recognition (classification of H. Dreyfus). This first part of my paper Limitations of artificial intelligence by Hubert L. Dreyfus is about games and problem solving. The basic problem facing workers attempting to use computers in the simulation of human intelligent behaviour should now be clear: all alternatives must be made explicit – in game playing there is the exponential growth of the tree of these alternative paths. Dreyfus set human fringe consciousness against heuristically guided programm search. His analyses reveal two kinds of games: computable or quasicomputable (e.g. tic-tac-toe) and incomputable (e.g. chess). In problem solving the issue is not only how to direct a selective search among the explicit alternatives, but how to structure the problem so as to begin direct a selective search process (human essential/unessential discrimination vs. trialand-error search of computer). Impossible for counting out are open-structured problems, computable – maze problems, combinatorial problems, complex combinatorial problems. In surveying the two fields of AI (game playing and problem solving) underlying the optimistic interpretation of results in AI Dreyfus observed a current pattern: in each case the assumption was taken to be self-evident – an axiom seldom articulated and never called into question. In fact, the assumption turned out to be only one alternative hypothesis and a questionable one at that. The biological assumption that the brain must function like a digital computer no longer fits the evidence. The others lead to conceptual difficulties. The psychological assumption that the mind must obey a heuristic program cannot be defended on empirical grounds and a priori arguments in its defense fail to introduce a coherent level of discourse between the physical and the phenomenological.