Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 2012, T. 31, cz. 2

Stały URI dla kolekcjihttps://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/16119


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    Drogi duchowe starosądeckich klarysek w XVII wieku, wydał i opracował ks. Janusz Królikowski, Biblos, Tarnów 2010, ss. 334.
    Kaczor, Monika (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2012)
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    Jak interpretować normy kodeksowe? Prawo kanoniczne wyrazem jedności Kościoła
    Rozkrut, Tomasz (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2012)
    It is over a quarter of a century since the promulgation of the postconciliar Code of the Canon Law. The past time is characterized by insignificant revisions of the Code legislation introduced both by John Paul II as well as Benedict XVI. Daily life of the Church provides various information that canons of the Code of John Paul II are incessantly interpreted, mainly by judiciary of the Church as well as practice of the diocesan curias and parish offices; naturally it is necessary here to emphasize the considerable and dominant role in applying law by practice of the Roman Curia. Apart from this, it is essential to add the legislative action of particular diocesan bishops and conferences of bishops, among which the Italian Bishops’ Conference must be predominantly highlighted. Particular legislation issued by postconciliar particular and diocesan synods cannot be omitted; undoubtedly widely understood postconciliar monastic law also remains a specific collection of the canon law. The article discusses the aspect of an eventual possibility of changing the retirement age of the parish priest by a legislator, mainly by pointing out how to interpret the canons of the binding Code properly. This aspect is examined not unilaterally but in relation to two issues, i.e. regarding canonical marriage process and abovementioned matter concerning the eventual possibility of changing the retirement age of the parish priest. This is a short scientific reflection on the subject of interpretation of the norms of the Code, without critical reference to particular judicial as well as administrative and legal practice.
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    „Przez zasługi ich skuteczne”. Godzinki staropolskie, wydanie i opracowanie Anna Gąsior, ks. Janusz Królikowski, Biblos, Tarnów 2011, ss. 275.
    Kaczor, Monika (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2012)
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    Przygotowanie i przebieg wizyty Jana Pawła II w Tarnowie w dniach od 9 do 10 czerwca 1987 roku w świetle dokumentów sprawy obiektowej „Pielgrzym”
    Talarek, Kazimierz (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2012)
    On the route of the third pilgrimage of Pope John Paul II to Poland, which took place from June 8 to 14, 1987 was Tarnów. Holy Father Pope John Paul II arrived to Tarnow in the late evening of June 9 and left in the afternoon of the next day. During this time, he met with the large number of faithful people who came from across the South–East of Poland and beyond. During Mass on June 10 he celebrated to the glory of the altars Karolina Kózka who was murdered by a Russian soldier on November 18, 1914. He also met with the clergy in the Cathedral Square in Tarnów. Activities that were related to the protection of Pope John Paul II during his visit in Tarnów were given the codename ,,Aurora II”. During Popes visit In Tarnow there were appointed head of security staff and several operational teams. Tarnow SB officers were supported by the officers from neighboring provinces. The documents related to this task were in the briefcase 8 I 1987, code-named object file ,,Pilgrim”.
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    Uzależnienie od gry a niezdolność psychiczna do zawarcia małżeństwa
    Kantor, Robert (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2012)
    In the colloquial language the term ‘addiction’ is used mainly with regard to people who abuse drugs (drug addiction), medicines (pharmacomania), alcohol (alcoholism) or cigarettes. In a broader context, it may refer to numerous other behaviours, e.g. gambling games, watching television, the Internet or sex. These are addictions that are frequently less known and described, not always even specified in the official classifications of diseases, such as ICD-10 and DSM IV. This article aims at indicating a ‘new’ problem which the employees of the ecclesiastical court already face – pathological game addiction. Firstly, pathological gaming will be presented as a mental disease, then the profile of a pathological player will be outlined. Furthermore, the aspect of the mental incapacity to contract marriage will be discussed. The judgments of the ecclesiastical tribunals in the subject matter will constitute the last part of the article. The result of the analyses (in the conclusion) will be practical suggestions for a judge in his dialogue with a judicial expert.
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    Kategoria „punktu wyjścia” i kategorie pokrewne rozważane z myślą o antropologii filozoficznej. Analiza i konstrukcja „punktu wyjścia”
    Krzanowski, Jerzy (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2012)
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    Historyczne i duchowe aspekty celibatu w Kościele
    Bujak, Janusz (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2012)
    The purpose of this article is to show two views on the origin of a celibacy for a religious reason in the Catholic Church. The first one which results from the law, and the second one that has divine roots in which the source of such a life is Jesus Christ himself and his disciples. In the second part of the article there are some psychiatrists’ and theologians’ opinions about the possibilities of a mature priestly celibacy life.
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    Przygotowanie do kapłaństwa w pierwszych wiekach chrześcijaństwa
    Jurkiewicz, Jerzy (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2012)
    The first teacher was Jesus Christ. He prepared the apostles to preach the Gospel. Then prepare for the priesthood, took various forms. In the first centuries of Christianity, it was important ascetical and spiritual preparation for the priesthood. Appropriate knowledge and holy life – it was a program to prepare for the priesthood. Created a community where young people prepare for the priesthood.
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    Parafia katolicka w Ostródzie w XIX i pierwszej połowie XX wieku
    Jodkowski, Marek (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2012)
    The first Mass since the Reformation times was celebrated in Ostróda in 1834. From that time, the rector from Grabowo came to the said town twice a year with pastoral services. Considering the increasing number of worshippers, the authorities of the Bishopric of Culm decided to appoint a permanent priest in Ostróda; this function was assigned to Stephan Keller on 27th September 1853. On 31 May 1855, he founded a private Catholic school, which was given the status of a public school on 2nd October 1860. One of the greatest tasks which awaited the priest of Ostróda was the building of a temple. The project was prepared by Vinzenz Statz, an architect. The foundation stone of the new temple was laid on 28th August 1856. The consecration of the new church took place on 20th December 1857. In 1859, a plot of land was bought; it was meant to be a Catholic cemetery. A full-fledged Catholic parish was founded in Ostróda on 10th February 1860. Eight years later, a presbytery was built, with apartments for the rector and the organist. With regard to the increasing number of worshippers, the temple was extended in 1912-1913. In that time, the nave was elongated by two more spans. A chancel with annexes, pinnacles topping the gables and a tower were built. The project of the works was developed by an architect from Königsberg – Fritz Heitmann. The temple was consecrated on 1st June 1923 by the bishop of Warmia Augustyn Bludau to honour the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. From December 1922, the parish of Ostróda was connected to the Diocese of Warmia. In 1868, 1143 Catholics belonged to the said institution, in 1900 – 2 105, and in 1938 – 2 780. In the area of the parish, numerous organisations and associations were active, including the Saint Cecilia Association and the Fraternity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The 19th century construction of the church together with a parish house and a stable cost 13, 454 thalers, and the 19th century extension of the religious building – over 100,000 marks. The parish was financially supported by the Saint Boniface and Adalbert Association in Pelplin.
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    I Liceum Ogólnokształcące a Seminarium Duchowne w Tarnowie
    Banach, Ryszard (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2012)
    The article, after the general introduction on general education and its relationship to the Church in post-war Poland, discusses the connections between the diocesan seminary in Tarnow, the Gimnazjum, and later First Liceum in Tarnow. These relationships were in fact particular. In 1837 was established the Institute of Philosophy, which was placed in a newly constructed building of the Seminary. In 1849 the Institute of Philosophy combined with the Gimnazjum as the two highest classes, which were still housed in the Seminary buildings. It is only after the construction of a new building for the Gimnazjum in the immediate vicinity of the Seminary, and partly on its territory, that Gimnazjum pupils not longer occupy space in the building of the Seminary. Once created the so called Minor Seminary (1901), his pupils were students of that Gimnazjum and after their graduation became the Seminary alumni. After World War II (1950) Communist authorities removed the alumni of the Minor Seminary from the Gimnazjum and Liceum, but the immediate vicinity of these institutions meant that a large percentage of Gimnazjum pupils were reported to enroll in the Seminary. The number of Gimnazjum graduates who chose the priesthood is impressive.
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    Józefa Życińskiego koncepcja ewolucyjnego emergentyzmu
    Pabjan, Tadeusz (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2012)
    Emergetism is a theory which explains the mechanism of evolutionary development of nature by stipulating that in complex natural systems on the higher levels of complexity there appear some functions and properties that can not be reduced to and accounted for by functions and properties of the lower levels of complexity. It is therefore the theory of emergence – which stands for some special way the complex systems arise (emerge) from a multiplicity of their relatively simply components. The idea of evolutionary emergentism appears in the philosophical writings of Joseph Życiński in the context of a discussion on the possibility of creating a interpretation of evolutionary processes in which biological theory of evolution could be combined in a coherent way with a theological doctrine about God, the creator of the universe. This paper presents the main ideas and opinions Życiński formulated about this theory; the first part of it contains some basic characterization of emergetnism, the second one compares the notions of emergence and of supervenience; the third one concerns some theological interpretation of this two notions.
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    Sprawozdanie z Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej Prawa Kanonicznego „Parafia w prawie kanonicznym i w prawie polskim”
    Kantor, Robert (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2012)
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    Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Morality without God?, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009, ss. 172.
    Bubula, Daniel (Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2012)