Pedagogika Jacka Woronieckiego i Feliksa Wojciecha Bednarskiego jako egzemplifikacja etyki tomizmu tradycyjnego




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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum


In the following article there are discussed philosophical presuppositions of Woroniecki’s and Bednarski’s theory of education, which are principally determined by the moral philosophy of traditional Thomism. The traditional Thomism is one of earliest interpretations of Thomas Aquinas’ thought. That current was entirely formulated on the turn of XIX and XX century, though its origins went back to Aquinas and his commentators. Presently the traditional Thomism has been displaced by more integral approaches to St. Thomas’ philosophy, i.e. by the existential Thomism (the Lublin Philosophical School) and the consequent Thomism (the Warsaw School of Consequent Thomism). Nevertheless, Woroniecki’s and Bednarski’s pedagogics is still an inspiration for theoreticians and practicians of education. Their theory of education is an up to date proposition. Among its atributes there are realistic apprehension of human acting and education, theory of efficiencies and virtues, and – refering to it – education of intellect, will, emotions, inpulses, what embraces the formation of human character. In this way, these two authors’ approach to the human education is what used to be called “paedagogia perennis”.


Słowa kluczowe

filozofia, philosophy, Jacek Woroniecki, Feliks Wojciech Bednarski, pedagogika, pedagogy, wychowanie, upbringing, moralność, etyka, morality, ethics, tomizm, Thomism, tomizm tradycyjny, traditional Thomism, neoscholastyka, neo-Scholasticism, pedagogika aretologiczna, aretological pedagogy, pedagogika teocentryzmu chrześcijańskiego, pedagogy of Christian theocentrism, człowiek, human, cnoty, virtues


Studia Ełckie, 2009, T. 11, s. 29-58.


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