Veritati et Caritati, 2014, T. 2

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  • Miniatura
    Ewangelizacja na Jamajce
    Oset, Maciej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
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    Ewangelizacja w ramach misji w kontekście słów: „Kto bowiem nie jest przeciwko nam, ten jest z nami”.
    Pabiańczyk, Michał (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
  • Miniatura
    Różnice między hinduizmem a chrześcijaństwem
    Pawlik, Michaela (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
    Communication between countries has intensified the contacts of western people with eastern religions. Often Catholic authors who also consider these religions as a way of salvation, stress the necessity of an intense dialogue with them. In this way some erroneous foreign views have been penetrating the Catholic theology. One of such errors is the identification of Christian meditation with the meditation practised during yoga exercises. It is a great misunderstanding to see similarities between the spiritual perfection achieved by means of the yoga exercises and by means of the Christian prayer during meditation. What is more, some Christians adopt the erroneous belief in reincarnation, which Hindu people consider as the way to salvation. In India the faith in reincarnation is the basis for the caste system which causes deep social segregation and discrimination of the lowest castes. The Indian Constitution bans every social discrimination, but the religious tradition sanctions it, therefore there is a conflict between the state law and the rules regarding social relationships. As far as Hindu morality is concerned it is not a matter of principles only. It is primarily a matter of practical conduct largely determined by the social environment. Hence man’s moral striving, whatever it is considered to be – pure preparation for his true spiritual realization or a real endeavor of religious fidelity, is in all schools related to some basic tenets, among which the most important are the doctrine of dharma, karma and reincarnation. At first sight the Law of Karma appears as a necessity, a kind of impersonal cosmic mechanism from which there is no escape. Although the Law of Karma makes human life a very individual affair, the Dharma Sutras and all the literature deriving from them are connected with the practical code of the, so called, “virtuous” behaviour. Thus understood dharma designates the traditionally settled order, which includes all duties, whether individual, social or religious. Every man, according to his status, has his particular dharma, which is determined by his birth and the place he occupies in the society. The traditional account of the origin of castes goes back to the Vedas. It is the social organisation created by the Arians after they had settled on Indian soil. The first Veda (Rigveda) describes four kinds of men: – the Brahman assigned the following duties: studying, teaching, sacrificing and receiving gifts; – the Ksatriya assigned the following duties: studying, using weapons, protecting human life; – the Vaisya assigned the following duties: cultivating, trading, giving alms; – the Sudra was given the duty of serving the tree other higher classes. In the course of time some social changes have taken place and those four social classes have undergone division and given rise to the creation of the numerous castes. Today people in India justify the differences of duties of particular castes by the Law of Karma. In this way faithful people accept their position and every situation that befalls them. Even people of the lowest castes who experience injustice are not frustrated and they don’t revolt against social discrimination, since they expect to reach a better and higher rebirth after their death. The faith in reincarnation makes them silent and passive. Therefore, the propaganda of the faith in reincarnation is dangerous for the European and Christian culture. If such faith were to become popular in Europe, it would bring the destruction of human rights and would open the way to neo-racism called the “mystical racism”.
  • Miniatura
    Spotkanie Kościoła katolickiego z islamem. Podobieństwa, różnice, kontrowersje
    Piwko, Aldona Maria (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
    Catholic Church in the face of Islam – this article take three main reasons about church in the face of islam: the similarity of both religion, prophet Muhammad and dialogue with Islam. The similarity are: Abraham and his obedience, belief in the same One God and religious practices: prayer, fast, alms. For a Muslim a confession of faith is not just emphasizing his belonging to believing communities. It also contains two fundamental religious truths: the essence of God and the prophetic mission of Muhammad. The Muslim credo is the source of the principles of faith, meaning dogmas and responsibilities of the believers, which act as visible symbol of community membership. Muhammad is a controversial personality and hence-continuously fascinating. Prophet was God’s humble servant and a merciless warrior at the same time. The issue of taking up the dialogue with worshippers of other religions falls onto Catholics, as expressed in the teachings of the Catholic Church, especially in the II Vatican Sobor documents, and the teachings of recent popes, starting with John XXIII, with the emphasis on John Paul II’s achievements in this field. The Muslims’ duty is to conduct internal dialogue, as it is the only way world peace can be achieved.
  • Miniatura
    Ikona Przemienienia Pańskiego kluczem do całościowego ujęcia życia konsekrowanego według Vita consecrata Jana Pawła II
    Sroka, Adam (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
    John Paul II gives the key to the wholistic understanding of the consecrated life, whose biblical icon is the Lord’s Transfiguration. The consecrated life, which comprises an indispensible and constitutive element of the Church and remains an essential element of Her holiness needs to continually see the transfigured face of Christ in order that, together with Him, we may courageously follow the way of the cross. Placing hope in God as our Father, listening to His Only Son, Jesus Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, we can respond to the needs of our times and be active in various ways.
  • Miniatura
    Sprawozdanie z konferencji naukowej „Ekumenizm – naglącym zobowiązaniem w zsekularyzowanym świecie” Częstochowa, 13.12.2013 r.
    Stypułkowska, Beata (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
  • Miniatura
  • Miniatura
    Treści dotyczące narodu żydowskiego i jego Świętych Pism w zastosowaniu katechetycznym
    Stypułkowska, Beata (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
    The present paper undertakes a reflection on the presentation of the Jewish nation during religious classes and parochial catechesis. The Church documents concerning the problem of the Jewish nation and their Sacred Scriptures were analysed in the aspect of their catechetical application, and basic Polish catechetical documents were studied in the aspect of the presence of the above mentioned subjects. Church documents essential for the present paper include: the declaration of the Second Vatican Council on the relation of Church to non-Christian religions Nostra aetate; two documents issued by the Commission for the Religious Relations with the Jews – one entitled ‘Guidelines and Suggestions for Implementing the Conciliar Declaration Nostra aetate (n. 4)’ from the 1st of December 1974, the second entitled ‘Notes on the Correct Way to Present Jews and Judaism in Preaching and Catechesis in the Roman Catholic Church’ from the 24th of June 1985; and the document issued by Pontifical Biblical Commission on the 24th of May 2001, entitled ‘The Jewish People and Their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible’. As far as catechetical documents are concerned, the attention was paid mainly to the Core Curriculum Catechesis of Catholic Church in Poland, approved by Polish Episcopal Conference in 2010, and The Program of the Roman Catholic Religion Teaching at Kindergartens and Schools proposed by the Commission for Catholic Education of the Polish Episcopal Conference also in 2010. Both documents refer mainly to the school catechesis. There are no specific directives as to the parochial catechesis so far. The paper presents some remarks on the subject of reading the Bible during religious classes, parochial catechesis, and the pupil’s individual study with regard to the discussed problems.
  • Miniatura
    Na styku Ewangelii z kulturami indiańskimi
    Szyszka, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
    The evangelization of Native Americans of the New World from the beginning was closely connected with the conquest and the royal patronage. Native American cultures and civilizations by the power of Spanish Crown were forced to submit to the new rulers and to Christianization. The peaceful contact with Indians was almost impossible. As a result of such a situation, it was almost impossible to evangelize in a normal way (conversion, religious education and inculturation of Christian faith) as it was proposed by the enlightened theologians, of that time, for example José de Acosta. The Native American cultures unfortunately usually were regarded as idolatry. On such foundations originated the phenomenon “of two-faiths” or “of two faces” from which originated profound processes of the religious syncretism. For the long time the fundamental differences between the faith and the Christian world view on the one hand and autochthonous cultures on the other were not fully recognized. The fundamental change in the assessment of autochthonous cultures came only in the second half of the 20th century. Serious steps to put more confidence in the cultural richness of Native Americans were taken on the basis of the teaching of Vaticanum II. Some attempts were made so that Indians may become the active subjects in the life of local churches. Some of these initiatives gave the Church an “Indian Face”.
  • Miniatura
    Idolatria i pogaństwo w świetle Rz 1, 18-32 i apologetyki wczesnochrześcijańskiej II-III wieku
    Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
    God in his essence is unavailable for human cognition. However, human mind can recognize some of his attributes in the harmony of the world which is the rational reality, wearing imprinted nature of the Logos. Man created in the image and likeness of God can seek the truth and choose the good, participating in Logos. Therefore, the truth about one God, the Creator of the world, is available to every human being. It was already discovered by pagan philosophers, but at the same time, it was distorted by the misconception of idolatry. The mistake of idolatry consists in thinking about God in terms of his corporeality, which results in reducing his mystery to human concepts and ideas. The fundamental fault of paganism is non-recognition of God, that leads to idolatry. Hence pagans, who worship the inferior creatures, insult God by the impious cult, and humiliate human dignity by their unreasonable, beastly life. It is expressed by the fact that man, following the temptations suggested by demons, chooses lust against God and against his own reason, and enters the path of sin. This choice causes the impurity and the obduracy of heart, and the insensitivity of conscience. It hinders the recognition of God who reveals himself and strengthens human’s closure on him. Then pagans, subjected by God to the lustful desires of their heart, get into all kinds of iniquity, and become slaves to their own lusts.
  • Miniatura
    Ks. Jan Kracik, Chrześcijaństwo kontra magia. Historyczne perypetie, Wydawnictwo M, Kraków 2012, ss. 269.
    Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
  • Miniatura
    Sprawozdanie z Konferencji naukowej ku czci śp. bpa Stefana Bareły Częstochowa 28.02.2014 r.
    Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
  • Miniatura
    Vielfältige Aspekte des Glaubens, red. R. Ceglarek – J. Kapuściński – A. Olczyk, Miriam-Verlag: Jestetten 2014, ss. 361.
    Tronina, Antoni (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
  • Pozycja
    Duchowość islamu
    Urbański, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
    This article draws the attention to the theological spirituality of Islam, on which the main principles and directions of the Muslim’s spiritual file development are based. The article discusses primarily the mysticism of Islam, which played a decisive role in the development of the spiritual life of Allah’s followers over the centuries. It is shown in the fundamental concepts of Sufism, without analyzing its development in different countries and over time. The article discusses also the development of fraternities, in which mystical life was nurtured and passed on to the disciples. Leading theologians of Islamic mysticism are also taken into account. It should be emphasized that the mystical movement is developing rapidly in the contemporary Islamic world. From the theological point of view, little attention is paid to this issue in Polish literature. The article presents also measures for the spiritual development of a Muslim, which include prayer, alms, fast and pilgrimage. The whole article attempts to show the dimension of Muslim’s holiness, especially mystical, which is preached in the leading schools of Islam.
  • Miniatura
    Promocje doktorskie duchownych z diecezji częstochowskiej w Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim
    Wisz, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
    The diocese of Częstochowa was bound particularly with the Jagiellonian University since 1926. Getting the degree of the doctor of theology at this university by as much as 12 priests from the diocese (Stefan Bareła, Marceli Dewudzki, Feliks Gryglewicz, Stanisław Grzybek, Władyslaw Kasprzak, Michał Komasa, Bruno Magott, Walenty Patykiewicz, Władyslaw Sobczyk, Wacław Stępien, Zygmunt Szmigiel, Tadeusz Szwagrzyk) is distinctively noteworthy. All the promotions were held after World War II. These doctors came to the high church dignity, serving many important functions in the diocese. Two of them (S. Bareła and T. Szwagrzyk) were the bishops of the Diocese of Czestochowa. Fr. F. Gryglewicz and Fr. S. Grzybek continued scientific passions, obtaining the title of professor and making significant contribution to the teachings of the Bible in the second half of the twentieth century in Poland. The others were engaged to work in Częstochowa Seminary in Cracow, in the Diocesan Archives in Częstochowa, and in parishes.
  • Miniatura
    Niektóre aspekty ekumenizmu w Papui-Nowej Gwinei
    Woldan, Marek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
  • Miniatura
    Antyewangelia w źródłach rabinicznych
    Wróbel, Mirosław S. (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
    The present article tries to find the answers on the following questions: Can one find in the Rabbinic writings (the Tosefta, Jerusalem Talmud and Babylonian Talmud) some texts that refer to Jesus and His followers? What is their nature? Do they include anti-Christian potential and constitute a specific Rabbinic antigospel, that is rabbis’ well-thought and thorough reaction to the content included in the Gospels? The author in his answers used the detailed research presented in his latest monograph entitled Jesus and His Followers in the Talmud. A Textological, Historical and Sociological Analysis, Lublin: Publishing House of the Catholic University of Lublin 2013. His investigation leads him to the conclusion that in Talmudic narratives Rabbis created a specific anti-gospel which was initially transmitted verbally and then written down in various contexts of their works. The aim of this anti-gospel is to challenge the authority of Jesus of Nazareth as the Son of God and the Messiah from the house of David. Rabbinic narratives wish to show in a clear way that Jesus must not usurp any messianic and divine prerogatives. In the earlier times rabbis warned Jewish community against magic power and attractiveness of the doctrine advocated by heretics. Subsequent rabbis showed weakness and stupidity of heretical teaching, whose contradictions and lack of logic were easy to disprove by making use of proper argumentation. Jewish sages wished to prove the superiority of the Rabbinic doctrine and the biblical presentation offered by them over the Christian faith.
  • Miniatura
    Biskup Teodor Kubina – duszpasterz polskiej emigracji i robotników sezonowych
    Związek, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
    Bishop Teodor Kubina, before he took charge of the Diocese of Czestochowa, had already a considerable experience in pastoral ministry among the Polish expatriates and seasonal emigrants (e.g. writing and pastoral activity in Western Pomerania and Berlin). Then, as a member of the Polish Episcopate, he became a fellow of the Commission for the Pastoral Care of Foreigners (1928). For this reason, being a special delegate of the Church in Poland, he participated in the International Eucharistic Congresses in Buenos Aires (1934) and Manila (1937). Before that, he took a trip to Chicago, taking part in a similar religious event. He was also particular about the pastoral care of seasonal emigrants from the Diocese of Czestochowa, who were leaving to work in Germany, France, Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium. He expressed his views on matters of this type in numerous publications.
  • Miniatura
    Robert Schuman, un homme politique chrétien
    Barbarin, Philippe (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)
  • Miniatura
    Eucharystia w Kościele polskokatolickim
    Borówka, Błażej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2014)