Homo i animal w komunikacji międzyludzkiej – metafory fauniczne w ujęciu konfrontatywnym




Tytuł czasopisma

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Instytut Teologiczny Diecezji Ełckiej


The paper discusses the conventional faunal one-word metaphors describing people in Polish and Italian. Numerous animal names have identical or similar metaphorical meanings due to the common Christian background and sharing certain observations of particular species reflected in the language. The differences in faunal metaphors result from the specific character of either culture, with its beliefs, customs and traditions unique to a given ethnic community and particularity of perceiving the reality by either of the nations. In both languages analyzed there are more metaphors of negative meanings than those of positive ones, which reflects the belief that the animal is inferior to men.


Słowa kluczowe

człowiek, human, zwierzęta, animals, metafora, metaphor, metafora fauniczna, faunal metaphor, komunikacja, communication, język, language, metafora animalistyczna, animalistic metaphor, język polski, język włoski, Polish language, Italian language, komunikacja językowa, linguistic communication


Ełckie Studia Teologiczne, 2004, T. 5, s. 63-71.


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