Roczniki Nauk o Rodzinie i Pracy Socjalnej, 2012, T. 4(59)
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Pozycja Sprawozdanie z debaty „Dam ci wszystko to, co lubię, ale siebie dam po ślubie”, czyli bez sexu przed ślubem? Łomża, 11 lutego 2011 rokuBrzeziński, Mirosław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Słownik terminów z zakresu nauk o rodzinie i pracy socjalnejGorbaniuk, Julia (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Antonio Sciortino, La famiglia cristiana. Una risorsa ignorata, Milano: Edizioni Mondadori 2009, ss. 125.Brzeziński, Mirosław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Kształcenie w zakresie pracy socjalnej w Polsce – rys historycznyKozak, Marta (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Social aid started being institutionalized as early as the 12th century. It was then that in Faculties of Theology of European universities the science of alms was introduced. The American Mary Ellen Richmond (1861-1928) is considered to be the initiator of education in the sphere of professional social work. The first attempts to educate social workers in Poland were made as early as the beginning of the 20th century – it was the first school of social work, the so-called Kursy Społeczne (Social Courses), whose co-organizer was Blessed Rev. Jerzy Matulewicz. In the period between the two world wars Prof. Helena Radlin´ska was an initiator and organizer of a system of educating social workers. The first schools educating social workers were established in 1966. A further development of educating social workers at the university level should be associated with opening Zaoczne Studium Pracowników Słuz˙b Socjalnych (Extramural Department of Social Work) at the University of Warsaw in 1977. Social work as the first degree university studies was introduced only in the 2006/2007 academic year. At the Catholic University of Lublin such a field of study has existed since the 2010/2011 academic year.Pozycja Poszanowanie prawa do własności prywatnej wyzwaniem dla pracy socjalnejKoperek, Jerzy; Koperek, Adam (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Solving of the social issues is one of the goals of social work and at the same time it constitutes an important challenge for this work. This objective is accomplished by respecting the principles of human rights and social justice. In this field the social workers apply the method of operation appropriate to social work. The three classical methods of social work include: work with the individual case, work in groups and work for the organization of society, i.e. environmental method. In Polish conditions, it is noted that the most popular of the classical methods of social work is a method of working with the individual case, and the least is developed a social work for the organization of society. Hence, we take the analysis of social issues that require the use of this method of social work. In this context, we also see the need for activation of society by respect for the right to private property, which is a challenge for social work and certainly fulfills the criteria for the common good.Pozycja Zagrożenia małżeństwa i rodzinyParysiewicz, Beata (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)The article systematizes the knowledge about threats to marriage and family according to philosophical, sociological and psychological criteria. It shows where the threats come from and their consequences for the nature of marriage, for its structure and its function.Pozycja Sprawozdanie z sympozjum „Dar życia w trosce o odpowiedzialność w przekazywaniu życia”. Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego 19 marca 2011 rokuJeziorska, Agnieszka; Dudziak, Urszula (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Paideia w rodzinie chrześcijańskiej w nauczaniu Jana ChryzostomaDuda, Jerzy (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)The chapter aims at discovering and discussing the process of paideia in a Christian family, concentrating on the process of upbringing children and teenagers as suggested by the prominent archbishop of Constantinople John Chrysostom († 407). He himself did not create a consistent model of the upbringing system but devoted a great deal of interest to the area, applying the achievements of antique culture at the same time. Chrysostom understood paideia in a Christian family as one of the stages in the process of discovering the depth and beauty of faith and as a part of the process of making a human resemble the image of God as revealed in Jesus Christ. And it is the father of the family who is first of all responsible for that process, mainly concerning the intellectual, moral and religious spheres of the children. A family unit in this context is understood as a ‘home church’, where, thanks to the bonds of love, common responsibility and the way of life based on Gospel and fear of God, sanctification if its members takes place.Pozycja Sprawozdanie z ogólnopolskiej konferencji z cyklu „Profilaktyka życia prokreacyjnego” pt. „Wokół początków życia ludzkiego”. Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny 15 października 2011 rokuPłońska, Joanna (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Szantaż emocjonalny w relacjach rówieśniczychPawelec, Marta; Łukasiewicz, Jacek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Emotional blackmail is a form of manipulation. It consists in influencing another person’s emotions and feelings, the person usually being a partner in a close relationship. This kind of blackmail is based on a threat of the blackmailer’s suffering if the partner does not behave in the way the blackmailer wishes. The basis of the manipulation is constituted by a good knowledge of the partner, his/her needs, aspirations, weaknesses and desires. The essence of the emotional blackmail syndrome is the following sequence of behaviors: the blackmailer’s demand, the victim’s resistance, the blackmailer’s pressure, the blackmailer’s threats, the victim’s compliance, and a repetition of the whole cycle. The blackmailer, in order to blur the partner’s clarity of judgment, intensifies his/her sense of obligation, guilt and fear. Many victims of emotional blackmail remain unnoticed and they suffer in secret. This may be especially difficult for children at the threshold or the start of adolescence. Here the peers’ acceptance is immensely significant and adolescents often can give a lot to gain it. In this context it is important to study the peer relationships that are burdened with emotional blackmail. The undertaken studies have a pilot character. Their aim was to explore the phenomenon of emotional blackmail in peer relationships, to make a diagnosis of its range, and of its components.Pozycja Marginalizacja i wykluczenie osób niepełnosprawnych z obszarów życia społecznego i religijnegoJanocha, Witold (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Despite many efforts aiming at minimizing the areas of social exclusion of the disabled they still do not have a possibility to actualize their plans and aspiration in such spheres as education, career or culture. As research shows, also parish communities are not prepared to fully include disabled persons. In Gospel according to St Matthew Jesus assures us: “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt 11.28). These are words that assure the disabled that they always have access to Jesus. Then, priests and lay faithful responsible for organizing parish life should meditate to find out if some negligence on their part does not prevent the disabled person from unifying with Jesus.Pozycja Sprawozdanie z działalności koła naukowego studentów Instytutu Nauk o Rodzinie KUL za rok 2010/2011Herbut, Elżbieta; Jęczeń, Jarosław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Second Life. Gry wirtualne – szansa czy zagrożenie?Jęczeń, Jarosław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Recent years have belonged to the generation of people whose basic form of entertainment is the digital play. For some people games may be the source of entertainment, information, education or even religious life in a deeper form and evangelization, whilst for others this is the way leading to isolation from the family and society, addiction, deterioration of the marriage life, depravation of parental rights, illness or even crime. Thus we can speak about chances as well as threats for mankind the virtual reality games bring about. The latter stem from the fact that games occupy a substantial part of the player’s life: the world of games; the virtual world intrudes into the real world so much, that the player is deprived of a part of his real life and on numerous occasions deprived of his „here and now” identity. The virtual world makes it possible to escape from one’s own identity through the construction of some other identity; the identity that is often irresponsible and hypocritical. It appears that the dividing line of understanding what the virtual world and new media should be has been violated. Where are the borders of the real and the virtual world? The answers to the questions are to be found in the subsidiary principle and the moral order in the real and the virtual world.Pozycja Metaforyczność przypowieści o dziesięciu pannach a sakrament małżeństwaTurowski, Wojciech (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Parables as a literary genre were a favorite form used by Jesus. The essence of every parable is a comparison, a parabola, a juxtaposition of a certain fragment of reality with an aspect of the Kingdom of God. The German biblical scholar Robert Funk has made a new approach to the interpretation of parables, which consists in a metaphorical interpretation of Jesus’ narration. Metaphors join together even extreme ideas creating new, figurative descriptions of reality. Such collections of metaphors create the so-called „image fields”. The metaphoric interpretation of parables, according to Funk, gives grater possibilities of interpretation, a wider use of the same parable in relation to different aspects of life. Using the metaphoric method of interpreting parables one must observe the principles of biblical hermeneutics and the principles of theology. Such a new approach to the interpretation of parables is very creative for the homilist, who in preaching the word of God is obliged to interpret it and bring it up to date. It depends on him whether or not his listeners hear God’s word and adhere to it, taking up the call placed before them. This article is an attempt to use metaphorical interpretation as regards the parable of the wise and foolish maidens in the light of matrimonial themes. In its content it touches the issue of the essence of parables as a literary genre. Next it presents the main message and the symbolism of the passage and gives suggestions of themes connected with matrimony.Pozycja Formy działania infrastruktur eklezjalnych na rzecz rodzinyKalinowski, Mirosław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)The article attempts to show the high status of ecclesial infrastructures in their work for the family. It reminds selected forms of the Church’s work in communities of special care serving the family, and points to the potential of support groups in resisting poverty and social exclusion of families; it also mentions contemporary examples of ecclesial networks. In the space of eighteen centuries ecclesial institutions were the main, and in a greater part of the period the only, current of aid to the family not only in the spiritual dimension, but also in many other ones – to mention the social, economic or medical areas only. No institution in our cultural circle has so much experience in supporting a man’s development both on the individual and social level as the Catholic Church. The Christian doctrine on charity determined the communities of the faithful to establish institutions supporting the development of man, and in modern terminology, centers for fighting poverty and social exclusion. Too little is done to point to Christian roots of accompanying a man in various aspects of his life.Pozycja ПCИXOЛOГIЧHI ACПEKTИ MIЖOCOБИCTICHOЇ ПEPЦEПЦIЇ B CИCTEMI ПEДAГOГIЧHИX BЗAЄMИH „CTУДEHT-BИKЛAДAЧ”ГAПOH, HAДI; Hapon, Nadija; ГOPБAHЮK, ЮЛIЯ; Gorbaniuk, Julia (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań empirycznych dotyczących narracji studentów wobec nowoczesnego wykładowcy (nauczyciela akademickiego). Analiza uzyskanych wyników wskazuje, że w pełni odzwierciedlają one wyobrażenie studenckiej młodzieży o osobistych i zawodowych cechach współczesnego nauczyciela. Podkreślana jest konieczność kształtowania postawy samooceny nauczyciela. Refleksja nad własnym wizerunkiem może być wzbogacona o postrzeganie studentów swojego wykładowcy, które stanowi jednocześnie informację zwrotną odnośnie do wielu wymiarów interakcji między studentem a nauczycielem. W artykule zostały zaproponowane i opisane dwa sposoby wzmacniania wizerunku wykładowcy: relacja dialogu ze studentami i budowanie własnego potencjału wartości. Dialog jest pierwszym warunkiem do przekształcenia humanistycznych wartości edukacji w przedmiot duchowych potrzeb studentów. Dialog interakcyjny jest możliwy przy akceptacji nauczyciela akademickiego przez studentów i pełnej tolerancji studentów przez ich wykładowcę – pomijając własne interesy, potrzeby i aspiracje. Funkcja pedagogiczna dialogu jest możliwa tylko wówczas, gdy inicjuje ją wykładowca dysponujący znacznym zasobem „pozytywnych emocji”. Drugim warunkiem przekształcenia humanistycznych wartości edukacji w przedmiot duchowych potrzeb studentów jest zakres hierarchii wartości wykładowcy. Wartości humanistyczne muszą być uznawane przez wykładowcę za podstawowe w tej hierarchii, jak również orientacja „ku człowiekowi” powinna stanowić trwałą cechę jego osobowości. Realizacja tego warunku jest możliwa przede wszystkim poprzez odpowiedzialne podejście do przedmiotu nauczania. Rolę wewnętrznego motywatora pełni tu stałe monitorowanie oraz ocena jakości własnej pracy metodycznej, a także dążenie do utrzymania jej na wysokim, profesjonalnym poziomie. Zewnętrznym zaś motywatorem jest zrównoważona kontrola administracji szkolnictwa wyższego odnośnie do zdobywania kwalifikacji dydaktycznych przez nauczycieli akademickich oraz ich doskonalenia.Pozycja O czci i szacunku wobec ludzi starszych na kanwie „Listu do osób w podeszłym wieku” Jana Pawła IIBrzeziński, Mirosław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)The family is a community that receives the mission of guarding, showing and transmitting love that is a living reflection and real spreading of God’s love. In his “Letter to the elderly” John Paul II points to a particular role and to the need of experiencing love in the family by the old. This love is a requirement both of the commandment to love and of the fourth commandment “honor thy mother and thy father”, and it expresses the triple duty that the younger generation has to the older one, that is: acceptance of elderly people, help they expect and need, and appreciating their advantages. Such an attitude is one of the ways to build “the civilization of love” the world needs so much today.Pozycja Instytucje poradnictwa ewangelickiego w Niemczech – charakter i organizacjaKopiec, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Family counseling institutions are an important part of the mission of the Evangelical Church in Germany. Their importance could be considered in two dimensions: firstly as a task of the church referring to the Greatest Commandment about love of one’s neighbors and secondly, as the way of the Church towards the contemporary society. The article intends to describe the structure of the evangelical counseling, its subjects and its features. The aim could be achieved by a deep scrutiny of particular institutions of Church counseling, their history, their requirements of cooperation with parishes and requirements for social workers. The subjects of evangelical counseling should be considered as a final point of the article as they are a picture of evangelical interpretations of contemporary phenomena of the world. Three of them: abortion, domestic and sexual violence and family crisis are of high importance. Theological and sociological guidelines are introduced into the article as they become the ground for the interpretation of both challenges to the contemporary world and the ways of facing them by the Church.Pozycja Ingerencja sądu opiekuńczego w wykonywanie władzy rodzicielskiejCzajkowska-Ziobrowska, Dominika; Gwoździcka-Piotrowska, Matylda (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)The parents’ authority means a set of rights and obligations towards a child. The merit of this authority does not necessarily mean exercising it and in some cases possessing this right is not connected with implementing it into reality. The right to exercise the parents’ authority should mean the personal right to deal with the child’s matters. The provisions of Family Law give the family courts several control instruments over the bringing up of a child in a family. The courts apply and implement parents’ rights limitations, but they do it just after a deep analysis of each case.Pozycja Migracje rodziców jako zjawisko społeczno-wychowawcze w kontekście nowych uwarunkowań pedagogiki dzieciMłyński, Józef (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Social mobility, as an important aspect of parents’ migration to earn money, is a vital issue of today’s reality. Although, theoretically, this phenomenon has existed from the beginning of human history, it has definitely intensified in recent years, having both positive and negative results. There is more and more research into it in literature, which gives information about the extent of economic migration. As shown by numerous studies, separation is a great challenge for the family, for the psychological and moral life of both parents and their children. A family is basically set up to support, help and to become a unity with another person. A child is brought up near his or her parents, builds close emotional relationships with them. It is not possible to build stable relations through telephone, Skype or some other means of remote communication. A. Jędrzejko wrote: if the most innocent and defenseless child cannot feel safe in a society, then there is nobody who can.