Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne, 2012, T. 4 (59)

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  • Miniatura
    Katechizacja osób w podeszym wieku
    Zając, Marian (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    The Church’s catechetical document indicate a necessity of religious education of people who are at any period of their lives. In consequence, also people facing the end of their lives should be included in it. It seems that such people need a lot of spiritual support and of waking their hope in the situation when one’s strength and living perspectives are getting weaker. The pilgrimage movement offering coach trips to sanctuaries and places where religious cult is practiced is a chance of religious education of such people. The reason for it is the fact that a pilgrimage has the same stages as human life. In order to make such education possible an educated and competent catechist is necessary, who knows the arcana of work with people of advanced age.
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    W trosce o Dzień Pański w rodzinie i wspólnocie parafialnej
    Wolański, Bogusław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    Sunday is the very center of Christian life. Discovering the meaning of the Lord’s Day again is a grace, for which one should pray, in order to respond to every man's true and deep desire. Rejecting the holiness of Sunday, and in this way treating God's third commandment superficially, is one of the elements threatening man's harmonious development. Desacralization of Sunday is proven by organizing and taking up additional gainful employment, doing the hard household chores, doing the shopping in supermarkets or at second-hand car sales. Hence undertaking various actions in dioceses and in parishes seems necessary, in order to restore God’s order of living the week.
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    Klimat dialogu i jego wpyw na przebieg procesu dialogowego
    Wal, Jan (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    The article discusses the issue of the atmosphere of dialog and its influence on the course of the dialog process. The atmosphere is first of all created by people, and this is why in the first part of the article it is shown, taking the personalistic approach, what emotional mood, intellectual aura and spiritual atmosphere are favorable for having a dialog. On the emotional side it is enthusiasm, surges of emotions, and sublimity; in the intellectual aspect it is objectivism, pragmatism and acting logically; and in the volitionary-spiritual dimension – it is acceptance of people, tolerance and kindness. In the further part of the article attention is paid to the subjective and objective factors creating a dialog. The following ones belong here: prosocial education and self-education, a positive influence of public opinion, and on the objective side: some global civilization trends, and the communication revolution in the world, owing to which not only did tools for indirect inter-personal relations (the press, radio, television, Internet) gain importance, but also direct inter-personal communication did. In the third part of the article the means used for building the atmosphere of dialogue are discussed. The status of natural behaviors should be appreciated here: politeness, simplicity and understanding; and defective behaviors, like obsequiousness, pompousness, crudeness and leniency should be eliminated. It is also indispensable to look for the way of the golden mean between extreme behaviors. Such a way between oversensitiveness and callousness is – sensitivity; between euphoric behavior and fatalism – realism, and between doctrinairism and utilitarianism – humanism. The article is closed by the conclusion that the atmosphere of dialog influences the dynamics of the dialog processes, determining priority goals in the dialog and stimulating further dialogs.
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    Edukacyjne i społecznościowe portale jako nowe przestrzenie w warsztacie pracy i doskonalenia kreatywnego nauczyciela religii
    Zellma, Anna (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    Development of information-communication technologies determines new educational tasks a religion teacher faces. They are connected, among others, with using the computer and the Internet in the process of teaching religion. Along with these tasks the range is widened of social demands from religion teachers who, apart from the knowledge of the subject they teach, from the knowledge of methodology of teaching, and the testimony of faith, should be competent as far as using the information-communication technologies available to their students, is concerned. These technologies include the information in social networking services. With reference to this issue, in the article first the terms are defined: „educational web portal” and „social networking service”. Next, the most important web portals, which can be used by a religion teacher, are characterized. In this context the role is shown of educational portals and social networking services that should be used by religion teachers both when preparing and when conducting classes, as well as in their work on improving their workshop (mainly in the process of self-education). Also, the reader's attention is drawn to a creative use of modern information-communication technologies, and to the resulting educational challenges.
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    Modlitwa czynnikiem wspólnototwórczym katechezy
    Wrońska, Halina (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    Prayer is an encounter expressing man’s bond with God. At the basis of this encounter there is faith in the existence and love of personal God. During praying entrance occurs into a personal relation not only with God, but with another man as well. An encounter with another man in prayer, connected with a trusting call for blessing, changes the relation between the persons, creates an internal bond, in which prejudice gives way to mutual openness. Liturgy is a special dimension of the God-man interaction, in which dialog takes place by means of liturgical signs. In the catechetical formation intellectual education is recommended, but raising religious sensitivity, being open to God's gifts, building a community and acceptance of everything that Christ offers through the Church, is more important. The catechist plays the priority role in developing the communication between God and man in the pupils that are catechized. In order to meet this demand he himself has to feel the need of prayer and of bearing witness. In using prayer the catechist’s creative attitude is necessary. He should find out about the religiousness of the given class, their intellectual possibilities, spiritual sensitivity, the ability to reflect, and their general state of faith that was acquired in their homes. He has to synchronize prayer with the Church, parish or school feasts, as well as with the important situations in the pupils’ lives, spontaneous requests made by the catechized, with the environment they live in, and with the esthetic qualities of the room where the lesson takes place.
  • Miniatura
    Życie i działalność naukowo-dydaktyczna oraz organizacyjna ks. prof. dra hab. Stanisława Bieleckiego
    Śmigiel, Wiesław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    Rev. Prof. Dr. Stanisław Bielecki (born 1947) does research and teaches at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. In 1987 he became an assistant lecturer at the Chair of Pastoral Dogmatics of the Institute of Pastoral Theology of the CUL; in 1989 was advanced to the position of senior assistant, and in 1991 – to assistant professor. In 1987 he qualified as a university lecturer in pastoral theology, and since that time he has been performing the function of the head of the Pastoral Dogmatics Chair, in 2000 renamed as the Chair of General Pastoral Theology. In 2000 he was made associate professor of the CUL, and in 2008 – professor of theological sciences in the area of pastoral theology. In the years 1987-1990 he was one of the organizers of the Department of the Pastorate of the Working People at the Institute of Pastoral Theology of the CUL that was established on the initiative of the Commission of the Episcopate for the Pastorate of the Working People, and then he was the head of the Department. From 1997 to 2000 he fulfilled the function of the head of the Institute of Pastoral Theology of the CUL, and in the academic year 2000/2001, after the Institute of Pastoral Theology was divided into the Pastoral-Catechetic Institute and the Liturgical-Pastoral Institute he was made the head of the Pastoral-Catechetic Institute of the CUL. He conducted classes on Biblical studies and on pastoral theology at the CUL, the Kielce Seminary, as well as in Byelorussia, Ukraine and Slovakia. He has been the supervisor of about 360 master's theses and 19 doctoral ones. As a researcher he is interested in two theological areas: Biblical theology and pastoral theology. First of all he has been conducting research in the issues concerning Biblical foundations of pastorate, in St Paul's writings, Biblical kairology with elements of theology of the signs of the time, and he has been connecting preaching and catechetic practice with Biblical issues.
  • Miniatura
    Troska duszpasterstwa rodzin o narzeczonych
    Pyźlak, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    Apart from the care for the families, the family ministry also deals with all the issues concerning the betrothed. The period of engagement is a special time that should be devoted to discussing the plans for the future such as: the choice of the place to live in, the duties of each spouse, the financial issues, the sexual issues, social life, leisure, bringing up children and preparing them for the responsible life in the light of their real vocation. The proper, valuable and responsible experience of the engagement period helps to overcome the modern threats. These include: pairing among teenagers to be „only” with each other, the premarital „trial” cohabitation and the improper promotion of experiencing the engagement period in the media. The pastoral care of the family ministry for the future spouses is the action which will show them the appropriate way in order to help them to positively establish a successful marriage and family. The future spouses are supposed to decide to get married by an act of personal choice which should be well thought out, free and prayed for.
  • Miniatura
    Rodzina środowiskiem formacji prospołecznej i wolontarystycznej dzieci
    Przygoda, Wiesław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    One of the problems of the modern family are weak personal bonds between the spouses as well as between the parents and children. In Europe, and also in Poland, there are fewer and fewer multigenerational families; two-generational or even one-generational ones dominate. Moreover, taking into consideration the fact of low fertility in families the process of prosocial and volontaristic formation in the family appears as a challenge to the contemporary family. Success of the process of pro-social and volontaristic formation in the family depends on several factors, like: the full composition of the family, the family atmosphere, the number of children in the family, the mother's career, the financial situation of the family and the family’s religiousness. However, the most important condition for attaining success of the process is discovering, especially by the parents, God’s plan, according to which the family is the least social unit and an irreplaceable community of love. Only a family trying to realize such a model of family life is able to bring up the kind of beautiful man who not only can „be with others”, but also „be for others”.
  • Miniatura
    Troska duszpasterstwa rodzin o małżeństwo
    Parysiewicz, Beata (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    The article systemizes the knowledge about actions taken by the family pastorate for the Catholic married couple. The actions are referred to the marital bond in the legal, material, psychological, spiritual, moral and religious spheres. They are considered in three aspects: assumptions about help towards the couple, their realization and the main problems that appear in the work for the married couple.
  • Miniatura
    Podstawy dla katechezy o Bożym Miłosierdziu w Piśmie Świętym Starego Testamentu
    Słotwińska, Helena (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    The article „The basis of catechesis about God's mercy in the Old Testament” consists of four parts. The problem of mercy shown by God to God's People of the Old Covenant has been introduced in the following issues that are discussed here: God gives life and saves from death; God is bound with people with bonds of love, many times forming covenants; God forgives the infidelities, treasons and sins committed by man; God is worried about the fate of His People. In the light of the discussion of these issues God appears as a Father „rich in mercy”, which He gives to Israel – the Nation He chose from all the nations.
  • Miniatura
    Etyczne i medyczne aspekty leczenia niepłodności. Łomianki, 15 stycznia 2011 r.
    Pyźlak, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
  • Miniatura
    Katechetyczne funkcje pielgrzymki maturzystów
    Goliszek, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    The pilgrimage is a symbol of the wandering of man – homo viator – following in the Savior’s footprints. It means leaving oneself in order to encounter God. Pupils who are about to take their school-leaving examinations set out to the pilgrim’s trail. They go to Jasna Góra to join their numerous personal problems together, in front of the Mother of God's picture. This pilgrimage has a great catechetic significance. In its particular stages all the functions of catechesis are realized: teaching, educating, initiating ones, that organically are joined in the evangelization process. Hence harmonious joining religion teaching at school and the parish catechesis with the pupils’ pilgrimage has a great significance for the catechetic ministry. It is a communal celebration of faith held together by young people, teachers, tutors, and catechists. It is a way of learning about Christ – a way leading to one's own inner personal world.
  • Miniatura
    Profil Ducha Świętego w sakramentalnej rzeczywistości Kościoła
    Gąsecki, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    The profile of the Holy Spirit in the sacramental reality of the Church – undertaking this subject is an attempt of placing sacramentology more strongly in the context of pneumatology than it has been done up till now. Pneumatologically directed sacramentology is a reflection issuing from the intra-Trinitarian distinguishing between the one and the only God, which first of all tries to develop the personal understanding of the sacraments. This is because the dynamics of God’s life, pulsating in the communion of the Persons loving each other, leads to a dynamic, personal approach to the sacramental mysteries as real symbols of God’s agape, as salutary events, opening this community of life and love that is contained in the three-Person God, and introducing man and the liturgical congregation of the praying Church to it. Hence, administering sacraments and receiving them opens the dynamic process of participation in God’s personal love; liturgical celebration may be interpreted as acceptance into the movement of life and the relation of Jesus to Father in the Holy Spirit. Contemporary theology of sacraments, in order not to lose strength and dynamics shaping the life of man’s faith, should approach him and talk to him on the plane of the deepest layers of his personality – that is, it should address its postulates to man in his sphere of freedom. In such a context sacraments may be defined as „spaces of encountering the triune God creating a person in a man”.
  • Miniatura
    Terminologiczne podstawy katechezy mistagogicznej
    Mąkosa, Paweł (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    One of the greatest problems modern religious education struggles with is the decreasing participation in the sacramental life of ever greater number of Catholics. It seems that the only antidote to this situation may be an in-depth mystagogic catechesis that will help overcome the magic and superficial perception of liturgy. In the present article an attempt is undertaken to synthetically define the very reality of mystagogy, and the two basic notions, on which it is based, that is „symbol” and „mystery”, are subjected to analysis. A proper understanding of these terms are necessary to work out a modern conception of mystagogic catechesis.