Polonia Sacra, 2011, R. 15 (33), Nr 29 (73)
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Pozycja Akcja Katolicka świadkiem Chrystusa w epoce sekularyzacjiLeszczyński, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)The Author of the article shows the role of the Catholic Action in the society threatened by secularisation. At first he discusses the concept of secularisation itself and presents its major manifestations. Next he characterises the primary features of the polish Catholicism and its position to the phenomenon of secularisation. In the last part the author draws attention to the role of the Catholic Action, which opposing the tendencies to abandon the spirit of the Gospel, has become „the moral conscious of society” in Poland.Pozycja Andrzej A. Napiórkowski OSPPE, Teologia jedności chrześcijan. Podręcznik ekumenizmu, Wydawnictwo Salwator, Kraków 2011, 221 s.Kałużny, Tadeusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)Pozycja Bernhard Nausner, Human Experience and the Triune God. A Theological Exploration of the Relevance of Human Experience for Trinitarian Theology, Peter Lang, Oxford–Bern–Berlin–Bruxelles–Frankfurtam Main–New York–Wien 2008, 324 s. (Religions and Discourse, 41)Woźniak, Robert (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)Pozycja Colores verbi et spes. Uwagi o retorycznym aspekcie kazań abpa Józefa MichalikaOstafiński, Witold (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)According to the general opinion in Poland, hearing a good sermon seems practically a miracle. Arguing with the above view, this article presents a volume of sermons entitled: With Christ in the liturgical year, which appeared in October 2011. Archbishop Jozef Michalik is the author of thought-provoking and clever texts that can be found there. The article discusses the preaching characteristics of this Metropolitan Bishop of Przemyśl. What have been highlighted here are: the wealth of homiletic materials, openness of the sermons to the ills of a contemporary social life in Poland and Europe, the inclusion of listeners in the course of argument, reasoning and argumentation, an exemplary of sermons and a variety of rhetorical figures used in them.Pozycja Człowiek wobec śmierci. Aspekty psychologiczno-pastoralne, red. J. Makselon, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej, Kraków 2005, 364 s.Stala, Józef (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)Pozycja Duszpasterstwo w Kościele Zachodnim w VI wieku. Zarys problematykiKasprzak, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)In the western catholic church of the sixth century we can observe some crucial changes in attitude to the pastoral care of the previous centuries. The Catechumenal way of Christian formation practically disappeared. A ritual catechumenate as a direct preparation for baptism emerged instead. Mainly children were baptized in the 6th century. The preaching became a general catechesis directed towards the formal teaching of frequently half-converted Christians as exemplified by Cesarius of Arles or the admonitions Gregory the Great. The local church was dependent upon the social support of the German sovereigns. Gregory the Great developed St. Augustines thesis of social classes and created specific class division, ie. preacher (suzerain), friar and spouses (laity). On this basis the established early feudal structure consisted of preachers (ruling), friars and spouses (laity). In the 6th century parishes depended on local secular authorities. The Concordat of Worms in 1222 brought to an end this political intrusion upon local parishes. Peasant farmers (colons) and "servi glebae" made up the larger part of parish worshippers in the 6th century. The pastoral care was concentrated on a liturgical celebration and the preaching of a moralizing catechesis. During this time the veneration of local saints became widely established. The plague of alcoholism and those still existing local pagan cults also constituted important tasks. From this time up to the Vaticanum Secundum, there disappeared the holding sacred of all the baptized by the power of the confessed faith and the baptism. It seems that in the 6th century the sacramental, dogmatic and pastoral essence of the Church slowly faded. Only the second half of the 20th century finally brought the solution to this long-lasting crisis.Pozycja Edykt Teoderyka, przepisy synodalne a prawo azyluOżóg, Monika; Pietras, Henryk (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)The article surveys the results of research of Theodoric legislation with regard to asylum in church buildings in the light of the Code of Theodosius and the canons of the Synod. The study leads to the conclusion referring to the author of the edict: it seems that the researched provisions better reflect the political, social and ecclesiastical situation (particularly the “Laurentian schism”) in the Ostrogothic Italy of Theodoric than in Gaul, Theodoric II Visigothic kingdom.Pozycja G. Perego, Nowy Testament a życie konsekrowane, Edycja św. Pawła, Częstochowa 2010, 249 s.Kiciński, Jacek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)Pozycja Historyczne konsekwencje liturgicznej i architektonicznej odnowy strefy ołtarza a posoborowa obecność tabernakulumBogdan, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)The article discusses the construction of the altar area for the liturgy of the Eucharist in churches after Vatican II. It takes up the issue of the tabernacle’s place in the space of the church building and the legitimacy of constructing two altars, one general for the whole of the nave and the other belonging to the chapel for the celebrations on weekdays. The author shows the need to consider both the theological expression and artistic sensibility in creating sacred space. It is a symbiosis of architecture and liturgy, which together are responsible for the spiritual harmony of the church interiors of bygone eras and the modern period.Pozycja Idealne miasto Christianopolis. Struktura urbanistyczna i społecznaBywalec, Agnieszka (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)Christianopolis – the ideal city – was created by a Protestant pastor and philosopher Johann Valentin Andreae, who lived in the seventeenth century, near Stuttgart. His work was inspired by Thomas Moore’s Utopia and the City of the Sun by Tommaso Campanella. The German minister has enriched his book on original ideas and a number of symbolic content associated with the Protestant pietism. His ideas are compared with ideas of his predecessors and their views on the urban layout and principles of social organization.The article presents the characteristics of Christianopolis with a particular reference to the description of the urban and social structures.Pozycja Kanoniczne zakazy związane z małżeństwem jako możliwość wsparcia ściągalności alimentów na dzieciKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)The percentage of successful collections of alimony for children in Poland is very low. This serious problem can raise the question: What can the Church do, using its own legal means, to help increase the fulfillment of court-ordered provisions for children? Answering the question, the article discusses the bans on marriage. The fist is a ban of assisting, without the permission of the local Ordinary, at marriage of a person for whom a previous union has created natural obligations towards children (can. 1071 § 1). The second is a prohibition of entering marriage imposed by the local Ordinary in a specific case for a time, for a grave reason and while that reason persists (can. 1077 § 1). There is also in the paper a presentation of alimony in Polish state law and a supplement that treats about a prohibition of marriage appended to the judgement by the tribunal in annulment case (can. 1684 § 1).Pozycja Konstruktywna otwartość systemu filozoficznego jako warunek jego przydatności teologicznej à propos pewnej idei Jeana-Luca MarionaWoźniak, Robert (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)The article attempts to describe some important features of Jean-Luc Marion’s conceptualization of relation between philosophy and theology. The main question of present inquire is the examination of theology’s own exigencies in respect to philosophy. The analyze shows that one of the fundamental characteristic of the philosophy which makes it appropriate for theology is its openness. Philosophical system has to be able to continual evolution in order to donate theology useful tools of speculation and argumentation. This openness is the synonym of the constructive abilities inherent to concrete philosophical system.Pozycja Matka wszystkich chrześcijanŻyciński, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)The gradual reemergence of Mary as a preeminent member of the church began to take formidable shape and scope in the last few years. Because the resurfacing was happening in the context of a balanced theology and piety which attended to scriptural, patristic and biblical roots as well as to pastoral and ecumenical implications, it was particular cause for celebration. It was also the primary impetus for gathering a community of scholars to share their significant research with the wider community.If our veneration of Mary is authentic, then we can hope for a new springtime of evangelization, and progress in the cause of Christian unity. „My soul glorifies the Lord”, said Mary in the Magnificat. What Mary did on this occasion, she does everyday: when we praise her, love her, honor her, or give to her, God is praised, God is loved, God is honored; we give to God with Mary trough Mary, as Mary and in Mary.Pozycja Miejsce smutku w duchowości chrześcijańskiej. Świadectwa wielkich pisarzy monastycznych od Ewagriusza do Jana KlimakaPancerz, Roland Marcin (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)This present study provides a brief analysis of the texts of the great monastic writers (Evagrius Ponticus, John Cassian, Gregory the Great and John Climacus) about the role, which sorrow plays in Christian spirituality. These writers – following St. Paul (2 Cor, 7,10) – distinguish negative sorrow, “sorrow of the world” (λὐπη κοσμκή) and positive sorrow, „sorrow according to God” (λὐπη κατά Θεόν).Evagrius was the first monastic writer who classified sorrow as one of the main evil thoughts. It is mainly caused by unsatisfied desires and lusts, anger, inflicted harms or lost goods. Sorrow results in a lot of harmful effects: confusion of mind, difficulties in prayer, sloth, dryness of feelings, anger, irritability and – in the worst case – suicide. Desperation about one’s salvation due to committed sins is particularly harmful. In that case man does not experience true repentance, cuts himself off from returning to God, and often commits even greater sins.Sorrow in positive sense expresses itself first of all in contrition for committed sins. Some writers include here also longing for God, spiritual perfection and life eternal; fear of punishment; or finally compassion for our neighbours. The so called „gift of tears” is strictly linked with the inner contrition, which makes prayer especially effective, brings purification from sins and defects, and may be an antidote for bad thoughts and hardening of heart. Paradoxically, John Climacus emphasizes that religious repentance includes joy. This monk of Sinai coins even a new technical term: χαρμολὐπη (joyful sorrow). The monastic writers stress that tears cannot be sufficient in themselves. There is also a danger that motivation of tears will be vainglory, or tears will carry pride. Then they will lose their value.Pozycja Misterium jedności Kościoła w nauczaniu Jana Pawła IILukoszek, Michał (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)Christ’s Church has the divine-human nature. John Paul II in his teaching showed the truth about the mystery of the Church which is a reflection of the mystery of the Trinity. Church and its unity has its source and model in the unity of the Persons of the Trinity. Thus, in the Church the community with people and God is carried out through participation in the life of the Trinity. This can be applied to individual persons, stating that the Father is the author of the plan of union with God and with each other. This plan is implemented by the Son of God in the work of redemption of humanity wounded by sin. Mystery of unity is realized by the action of the Holy Spirit, who is the basis for unifying and vivifying community itself. Teaching of John Paul II shows that the unity of the Church is primarily the work and gift of God. This truth, however, motivates the human efforts directed towards achieving the full unity of Christians.Pozycja Módl się i pracuj – cystersi kształtują siebie i świat. Materiały z sympozjum, Opactwo Ojców Cystersów, Kraków–Mogiła, 5 grudnia 2009 r., red. ks. Wojciech Misztal i o. Bartłomiej Rodziewicz OCist, Kraków 2010Lubowicki, Kazimierz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)Pozycja Obraz Jezusa Syna Dawida w dwudziele św. Łukasza (Łk-Dz)Mikołajczak, Mieczysław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)The promise of God given to David heralds eternal existence of his house and monarchy (2 Samuel 7,12-16). Judaism cherished hope associated with the promise that God would raise a monarch anointed like David, who would free people from slavery and set up the law for them. This is a model of a son of David, awaited in the entire history of Israel. Luke 1: 27 says that Joseph comes from the house of David, and Luke 1,32 says that the Son of Mary will sit on the throne of his father, David. Genealogy, too, connects Jesus with David, who fulfills the Messianic hopes connected with the king of Israel. Without denying this relationship with David, Jesus showed distance with regard to the messianic expectations of the people of that era. He is the king above all because he is the son of God and not because he is the family of David. He takes David’s throne to fulfill the prophecies of the Old Testament. From this throne he will reign forever and judge the peoples.Pozycja Ochrona funkcji wychowawczej rodziny, red. J. Krukowski, A. Maćkowski, Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, Szczecin 2007, 268 s.Stala, Józef (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)Pozycja Prześladowania Kościoła katolickiego w Kazachstanie w urzędowych dokumentach i pismach ks. Władysława Bukowińskiego w latach 1954-1974Nowak, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)The paper analyzes the methods and aims of persecution of the Church in the official documents and in the writings of Fr. Bukowiński. Based on official Soviet documents, the author emphasizes especially prohibition of prayer gatherings, even in private homes. At the same time, some religious groups were registered to create the impression of religious tolerance. Believers, on the other hand, were persecuted under the pretext of action against Soviet authorities. The writings of Fr. Władysław Bukowiński provide clear analysis of these persecutions. According to the Servant of God, they were not meant merely to combat the faith, but to struggle against man himself and his dignity. The article is an analysis of the testimony and the defense of the faith.Pozycja Recepcja beatyfikacji i kanonizacji a tytuły parafii erygowanych w Archidiecezji Krakowskiej w latach 1978-2010Cholewa, Marcin; Gilski, Marek; Mieczkowski, Janusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2011)The involvement of John Paul II in canonization issues was expressed in two dimensions. The first referred to his legislative activity, i.e. setting norms for canonization proceedings, and the latter concerned the declaration of the blessed and saints. The aim of this article is to answer how many parishes of the Archdiocese of Krakow have been entrusted to the care of those declared saints and blessed by John Paul II.The following conclusions have been drawn on the basis of the conducted analysis: – 26 beatifications and 9 canonizations took place during the pontificate ofjohn Paul II. – Out of 186 parishes of the Archdiocese of Krakow founded in the years 1979-2010, 62 of them (33 per cent) were dedicated to the blessed and saints, including 21 (11 per cent) dedicated to those beatified and canonized by John Paul II. – Through beatification and canonizationjohn Paul II emphasized an exceptional role of the saints involved in the works of mercy. The former tradition addressed mainly the importance of martyrdom. This new approach is reflected in current patronage practices (patrocinium).