Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2015, R. 23, Nr 1
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Pozycja Znaczenie dialogów filozoficznych świętego Augustyna dla duchowości laikatuZyzak, Wojciech (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)The author of the article discusses the most important questions of the lay people’s spirituality according to Saint Augustine. He particularly focuses on the relation to the world and that’s why he analyzes the connection of Augustine with Manichaeism. He proves, on the basis of philosophical dialogues that the ideology of this sect did not have a long-lasting effect on the thinking of the saint. Platonic dualism had a greater importance in this case. Augustine emphasizing the goodness of the creature did not appreciate the just autonomy of creatures enough.Pozycja Nowy ateizm w perspektywie teologicznejZatwardnicki, Sławomir (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)Judeo-Christian Revelation shows not only God, but also a man, and all the reality as well, especially in their relation to God. Therefore, one is allowed to talk about “lay heresies”, that is the wrong understanding of the created reality. The “Christological formula” of Chalcedon stressing the synthesis that takes place “unconfusedly and indivisibly” can help to estimate the degree to which the “new atheism” is a heretical interpretation of reality; it happens when things that are created are “divided” from the Creator, which, in turn, leads to “monophysitic” perception of the world chosen by Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens.Pozycja Krytyczna rekonstrukcja głównych założeń analitycznej teologii naturalnej J. HickaTupikowski, Jerzy (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)A synthetic depiction of John Hick’s philosophical reflections proves that in his research the religion-oriented theodicy issues come to the fore. The natural theology, or rather the philosophy of religion, proposed by him aims at (1) questioning the conclusivity of any attempts at supporting arguments for the existence of God (the cosmological or the ontological arguments). He claims that the measures taken in those arguments by no means stand up any logical criticism. On the other hand (2), John Hick puts forward an original proposal of an argument named as “eschatological verification”. This way of constructing arguments particularly appeals to him as he is immune to allegations against the inconsequence of metaphysical conclusions. He bases it on the intuition of logical consistency, though on the horizon of the very religious faith. Therefore, the “eschatological verification” formulated by the author of The fifth dimension and his highly controversial theory of “religious relativistic pluralism” boils down to an a priori quasi-religious concept of the world, a concept that cannot be subjected to any rational (logical) verification. His proposal only results from the projected coherence of religious experience.Pozycja Metafizyczna reinterpretacja sakramentu Eucharystii w polemice ze św. Tomaszem z Akwinu na gruncie art. 6 zagadnienia 78 traktatu o Eucharystii jego „Sumy teologicznej”Suszko, Krzysztof (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)Criticism against St. Thomas Aquinas — intentionally emulating the scholastic method of proving — regards the effect of the forms of consecrating the bread and wine during the Eucharist. This reveals an absurd problem — encountered by Aquinas in his Summa Theologica — rooted in the confusion between different concepts and connotations attached to the term “Eucharist” while trying to accommodate them and explain in one of those connotations, i.e., “the sacrament of the Eucharist”. Apparently, the solution can be provided by isolating, among other things, a second term: “liturgy of the sacrament of the Eucharist”, and critically revising all that makes matter and form of “the sacrament of the Eucharist” itself. The conclusions of criticism suggest that it is rational to transfer the search for the moment of transubstantiation from the so-called words of consecration to the epiclesis. Finally, it is time to indicate that on 20 July 2001, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity recognized the complete validity of the Anaphora of Addai and Mari, without the words of consecration, thus practically confirming by the Catholic Church that this direction of theological endeavours is right.Pozycja „I nie bądź niewierzącym”: żydowskie rozumienie uzasadnionej wiaryRucki, Mirosław (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)In the paper, the question of faith in Jesus is analyzed from the Jewish perspective. The concept of faith and trust is present in the Old Testament books, in the Qumran documents from the times of Jesus, and in Talmud that contain the essence of Jewish belief from the period after the Jerusalem Temple destruction. The evidence proves that Jews were not expected to believe in anything without a reason, their faith in God was grounded on the previous experience of God’s trustfulness. Similarly, Jesus provided them fair reasons to believe that He was truly the Son of God, so Jews were able to put their trust in Him.Pozycja Quod iustum est et aequum. Scritti in onore del Cardinale Zenone Grocholewski per il cinquantesimo di sacerdozio, Red. abp M. Jędraszewski i ks. J. Słowiński, wydawca Archidiecezja Poznańska, Poznań 2013, ss. 614.Górecki, Edward (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)Pozycja bp Andrzej Siemieniewski, ks. Mirosław Kiwka, Chrześcijańska medytacja monologiczna. Źródła i aktualne pytania, Wydawnictwo TUM, Wrocław 2013, ss. 163.Groń, Ryszard (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)Pozycja Zarys dziejów Kościoła katolickiego na ziemi głubczyckiej od średniowiecza do 1945 rokuMaler, Katarzyna (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)Głubczyce area covers southern part of Opole Voivodship. It is bordered with the Czech Republic in the south and west. From 1038 or 1039 this territory was taken away from Poland and since then it belonged to the Czech Republic. From 1526 it was under Habsburg Monarchy. In 1742 it went under control of Prussia and was not returned to Poland until 1945. In the Church terms, the territory belonged to the Czech diocese and from 1777 it belonged to Olomouc archdiocese. In 1751 Frederic II, the king of Prussia, appointed Olomouc Bishop Commissioner with his registered Office in Głubczyce County. The bishop became the intermediary between the governing bodies of Prussia and Olomouc Bishopric governed by Habsburg monarchy. Prelate Joseph Martin Nathan was the last Archbishop Commissioner. He was serving in Branice, Głubczyce County. In 1924 prelate Nathan was given the title of Vicar General, and in 1943 he received the title of Provisional Bishop. After Word War II the General Vicariate in Branice was cancelled and its area went under control of Polish Apostle Administration of Silesia, Opole.Pozycja Międzypokoleniowy przekaz wartości w rodzinieJóźwik, Michał (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)The modern family experiences various crisis situations. These situations result from micro-sociological conditions such as: unemployment, lack of accomodation, economic poverty, mechanisms of the free market, inpouring of various values from the countries of Western Europe. The modern family is characterized by individuality and autonomy, isolates itself from any wider communities because of which its intimacy grows. The disappearance of traditional forms of marriage and family is also observable for the benefit of a relationship based on values, norms characteristic for the partner model. Family home is an extremely important social environment for children and young people, in which the grounds, norms of dealing, patterns of behaviour and the system of values are instilled into them. The goal of the following article is to attempt to answer the question what the value of intergenerational transfer of values in the family is and its impact on the modern family and also presenting the continuity of changes in the structure and functions of the modern family.Pozycja Świadectwo niezłomnej wiary i świętości błogosławionego księdza Gerharda HirschfelderaJodko, Marek (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)The article presents the profile of Blessed Gerhard Hirschfelder, a Catholic priest, with particular respect to his attitude towards National Socialism in the Third Reich. His life testimony proves his radical rejection of this browshirt ideology, introduced by Adolf Hitler. Born and raised in Klodzko, Poland, and ordained a priest in Wroclaw, he performed his pastoral duties first in Czermna and then in Bystrzyca. The author provides a number of examples of his noble approach to people, filled with dedicated love at the price oh his health and life, of which he was eventually deprived in the concentration camp in Dachau. His testimony of faith has been alive thanks to those who witnessed his life. Nowadays, this faith legacy is fostered particularly by the clergy as well as the lay people of the Świdnica Diocese, headed by Bishop Ignacy Dec, the first bishop of the Diocese.Pozycja Troska biskupa Wawrzyńca o należne Kościołowi wrocławskiemu dziesięcinyJerzak, Norbert (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)In the thirteenth century hierarchs of the church of the diocese of Silesia strove for church liberation from the sovereign power of the state, to obtain complete autonomous individuality, to subject the state and society to canonical rules and obligations arising from them, eg.: tithing. Gregorian reforms were implemented. In Silesia, the first church claim for tithe took place in the time of administration of Bishop Cyprian, but there were many concessions and exemptions in paying. The successor to the bishop Cyprian, Bishop Lawrence came stricter to the issue of tithing – no concessions and no exemptions. This attitude of bishop to the tithes contributed to dissatisfaction by the Prince Henry the Bearded. The conflict between two mens increased. Prince Henry the Bearded didin’t fulfil the terms of the Lateran Council concerning the tithe, which brought, that Bishop Lawrence complained to Pope Innocent III. Pope supported the claims of Bishop Lawrence. After death of Innocent III, the new Pope Honorius III supports the complaint of Prince Henry and to resolve the dispute, deputed the throughout Europe respected monk diplomat Konrad Krossigk, who tried to mitigate the conflict. It was only in 1227 a settlement agrement were signed, which was a compromise on both sides. The settlement allowed the development to colonize the areas of Silesia.Pozycja Sprawozdanie z konferencji naukowej Kapłani zesłańcy – kapłani wśród zesłańców. Wrocław, 12–14 kwietnia 2015 r.Jerzak, Norbert (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)Pozycja Homo deificatusJastrzębski, Andrzej (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)Theosis (deificatio) was one of the major theological topics early in both, Eastern and Western Churches. The concept of theosis wouldn’t be a favorite tool for contemporary theologians to express the basic call of the human being to become like God (moral perfection). The human being was created as an image of God and through the grace is to become His resemblance (similitude). The process of deification is a way of transforming the human being with the power of God’s grace operating in the sacraments of the Church, in God’s similitude – as far as it is possible in this life. It doesn’t mean that the human being would become literary God but rather that he or she would become fully human. This article is an attempt at illustrating this process based on the teaching of the Fathers of the Church and their contemporary commentators.Pozycja Droga wiary i wzrostu duchowego w opowiadaniu o uczniach idących do Emaus (Łk 24, 13-35)Jaromin, Joanna (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)The purpose of this study is to show in one of Luke’s christophany the symbolism of Christian life, the process – the way on which a man gradually comes to a true knowledge of the Risen Lord, especially through the sacraments and the word of God. At various stages of the way of two disciples, accompanied by the Risen Jesus, the maturation of the true faith of every Christian can be noticed. The culmination of this maturation is the Eucharist in which it is possible to know Jesus fully. Both the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist are essential elements of this knowledge. However, one cannot ignore the other sacraments, in particular the other sacraments of Christian initiation. The life with the sacraments and the word of God is the only way to deepen their faith and lead to an encounter with the Risen Lord, similarly to the way of the two disciples walking to Emmaus.Pozycja Abraham Joshua Heschel, Prorocy, tłum. A. Gorzkowski, wydawnictwo Esprit, Kraków 2014, ss. 816.Rosik, Mariusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)Pozycja Ekspiacyjny wymiar duchowości Zgromadzenia Sióstr Świętej Marii Magdaleny od Pokuty w świetle konstytucji zakonnychHałamuszka, Iwona (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)Among the many forms of consecrated life in the Church its unique place has the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Mary Magdalene of Penance. The penitential prayer and expiation for the sins of the world offered in particular for women are the charisma of this religious community. This charisma is deeply rooted in the spirituality of the Congregation and founded on the Paschal Mystery of Christ. Through a variety of prayerful and penitential practices sisters are interceding for God’s mercy and forgiveness for sinners and the grace of their conversion and return to the path of God’s Commandments. The expiatory dimension of the spirituality of the Congregation is very timely in our society affected by the moral relativism and the diminishing sense of sin. The life in vows of poverty, chastity and obedience based on the evangelical counsels and practiced in the religious profession of the Congregation reveals the essence of a Christian living. Such a testimony becomes a prophetic sign in the contemporary society marked by impoverished morality and guided by a lifestyle of hedonism and desires. Religious life according to the evangelical counsels becomes a form of a spiritual therapy guiding humanity to living as God intended.